www.matthewgood.org Thanks to Andrew and my hubby, I found out about Matt Good... I submit this photo I took of Andrew and Matt in honor of my addition to mblog readers blogs today!!!! To Matt, thanks for the amazing music that stirs and inspires your fans so much!
It finally happened yesterday.... I was back behind the wheel of my big red '69 Camaro after a year and a half. The wait was agony in some ways, testing every bit of my patience as I felt something had been taken away from me permanantly. In the past few months my impatience honestly changed to a calming simmer. I suspect that I started getting nervous instead and feared the changes. I was insanely calm for this build up. There were a lots of racer friends waiting to see me, cheering me on but I remained very sedate almost. I already knew it would be fine after Dan ran it so maybe I just hopped in figuring it would be the same "old heap" (John Force's affectionate term for his race car) But it was not the same by any means. It may sound really odd to the uninitiated but a great race car driver is very in tune with her car. I knew Big Red backwards, knew when something was wrong, anything... I felt bolts break in some instanances. When I drove the car to tech and everything sounded different.. louder, clunkier. The motor, while not changed a bit, sounded different in my new surroundings. One pal at the track kept referring to my new car, it was funny, he kept correcting himself but it might as well be... So many people said such nice things, how bad ass it looks, how intimidating it looks, what a great job Travis and Dan did(which they certainly should hear a million more times) One racer said I should race(I was just testing) because I would win rounds just by the competitor looking at the car and panicking... The nicest thing said to me was from Team Underdog racer Jim who said "Welcome home" with a hug. I would never even live in Arizona if it was not for Firebird International Raceway! I would have never met my husband if it was not for Firebird. It truly is home for me! I certainly made plenty of mistakes in the 3 passes I made, The most humorous being my forgetting to step on the gas when I set the transbrake. I was so worried about trying to leave off the button I forgot the minor step when you are supposed to mash the gas after you press the button and take your foot off the brakes. Dan filmed me, abeit with shaky hands, Travis walked me into the water box in effort to get me to do a few better burnouts (even that process has changed) The team photographer who has worked with me on my website was taking a zillion photos(he knows a sucker, oops, I mean good customer a mile away) Travis kept giving a thumbs up while I was spinning the tires in the burnout. After the second pass, he says politely to his silly sis in law, "when I give you a thumbs up it means give it more gas" (Not good job ya dork) Dan is already shopping to build a faster motor, I can't even handle the one I got yet... The track went away and we decided to call it a day as the guys need to tweak on the motor and fix a little problem-no shift light!!!! I am trying to figure out all these new sounds and motion and the shift light isn't working! Nothing like throwing me off even more! I used the tach by pass three but honestly I had too much else to think about let alone that being missing. Oh and then there's the pass where my belts opened up by accident....(shh) Still I swear I never even shook or got that feeling I get when it's time to race a first round. I can't explain... but I guess I was back home in Big Red even with all the changes. P.S. BOB FM played Eight Seconds for me as I was on Canadian radio again last week! I heard Plat-"It doesn't really matter" and "Situation Critical" last week and more Spoons too. And someone else requested Haywire last week (swear it wasn't me!) Sloan has a new single that Pat sings- swoon ;) P.P.S. My last post was obviously written in a very dim time. Certainly some of these things still loom and are very troublesome. I am working through some stuff including how to not get so involved with some students who end up not being the individuals I trusted. I am also very troubled over my naive optimism causing a lot of stress to people I care about, more than just myself. I have to be less trusting that people have the desire to learn. The race car did not nessaraily exercise out all my demons out yet.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Or is this a hint to what was going on?? I have read her say before she was on drugs while filming all three. What do you think happens to kids with Vader for a dad.
Carrie Fisher recently announced she is going to write a behind the scene, tell all book about the filming of the Star Wars trilogy. I think this pix might hint at what incestious things were happening.
Mod Maid is a:
42 year old Peter Pan;
Arizona Resident again;
Owner of 3 dogs who are her children;
Canadian Music fanatic since she was 14;
Wife to no one anymore;
Cool yet dork of a chick;
Owner of uncountable number of Converse shoes;
traveling fool, only Canadian Provinces please;
Wannabe author;
Former radio personality;
Crafter with paper and scissors;
former bracket racer;
Nice person;
Full of myself?;
Former Tempe music scenster;
Rubber stamper;
Music collector;
Nova Scotia resident sometime in my life.