Some of the best drama is not on TV, not with the internet around, not with people so open with their lives on their blogs. I had gotten away from Matt Good's blog reading because he had taken it down for a while...now I know why, he has divorced that cooky chick he was married to. She had a blog I used to read also. I said a zillion times to Andrew, "is she for real?" no one could be that full of themselves and stereotypical. Whether you agree with his politics or not, Matt is a smart guy. It was so curious that he would be married to a, for lack of a better term, ditzy blonde. I know, I know..she is hot, whatever, that gets old when it comes time for conversation. So when Andrew and I went to Sam Roberts, some guy told us that Jen Good cheated on Matt and that Matt was being very open about it at his acoutic shows. It really surprises me that someone in the public eye like that, with know freakish fans, would be so revealing. Does he really need the sympathy of strangers? Well he is getting a
ton of it.. I have to say, I am pulled in because he is so obviously in pain and he is an eloquent writer, hence the pain is more pronounced. He had to give his dogs to his parents, he is seemingly moving away or travelling to get away from it all. It is a soap I am suckered into. The look on his face in the picture above says it all. Read the Open Window entry on his blog-damn...
I did experience Canadian music euphora on my recent trip to Toronto to see Sloan. Oh sure, their shows were fantastic but no...I speak of the very first night..I had been thinking of my previous trips to TO anyway..first being in 1986, my very favorite year of music releases. I went to TO on a train with Karen, Nina and a guy from the radio station. I bought loads of records, found elusive The Kids record, a poster of Mark Holmes...it was a magical trip! Anyway, on Much More Music, it might as well have been 1986..I mean I think I have seen more CanCon 80's videos in my last two trips to Canada then I did back then! I was in the ladies room and I came out and T says, "Hey, I was gonna ask you who is this?" I focus to see The Spoons on the TV, first EEEAAPPP! I had to kinda be cool, I think I would have scared her with one of my true pre-teen screams. I really had to hold back the spaz factor as two videos later, PLatinum Blonde comes on..ok, happy...lalalala...next comes Glass Tiger...I am amused, giggling see the old video after just seeing them in NS, explaining that we were seeing two from the holy Five Golden Rings of CanCon bands back in the day (The Five: Plat, Haywire, GT, Eye Eye and maybe Corey? I have to consult with Nina on this) So as the GT is nearing end and I am rolling on the sleep comfort Sheraton bed, biting something to keep from exploding I say "Why don't they just give me Haywire next?" OMG, I nearly fainted (LOL) The beginning of "Dance Desire" came on! I was 18 again...It was unbelievable...and then INXS came on after for good measure
Speaking of INXS, Timmy turned 49 yesterday! I know I am getting old, but I don't think any of my rock heart throbs have turned 50 yet..yikes-;) A student that works at the Blaze told me today he went to INXS when they came here. He said they were stiff and that J.D. did some rapping. Oh dear god...When we saw them with that other singer from Noiseworks, they were hardly stiff. Dan has me sucked into watching Rockstar again. I guess it is nice to have something to watch together again. And Gilby was in Candy....
I did the majority of my blogging about the SLOOOOAN Toronto, London, Bala trip on my LJ. I think I have decided to make this blog my music blog and the LJ is more personal thoughts, etc.. I do have to mention that C & J were seemed very earnest in their gratefulness for my letters to the radio show. I gave Murph the chance to make total fun of me for all the letters but he said so kindly "No, your letters make the show." Aww, he must have asked me 5 times to keep writing and was telling me how dry the show is and how they struggle to fill all the time. I think they don't give themselves enough credit for the amount of knowledge they share in their breaks. I have learned a ton on their show about Canadian bands. I think that says something. Jay was kind to tell me thanks and asked me to keep writing also. They held to their word on the radio and played a song of my choice in Bala. That ranks as my
Favorite part of the trip! Here's the set list from the show- My choice, "So beyond me" was first!!!!!