Indeed the school year is almost over. Tonight was the end of the year party for Cronkite Village. CV3 as I call them. Watching the video they produced of all the year's events made me teary. It was a lovely evening weather wise so it set a nice tone in ASU's secret garden. I made cards for my peer mentors and paraprofessional. They worked a ton for me this year, I gave them gift cards in gratitude.
Last week was not the best week for me. I had some real rough times at work. Rather than re-hashing it, I am hopeful for a good week to come. In the photo is the band that headlined the Blaze Kick Ass Spring Concert. They are called Mostly Bears. I was stunned how good they are! To me, they were a mix of Sabbeth and Soundgarden. We rented a PA so the sound was huge and clear! I recommend them whole-heartedly. Sam had played them to me on Myspace prior to the show and I was not affected. I think their reorded material may not represent them fully.
The week hit me so hard emotionally and physically I decided to not go to see Stars. Timing just sucked. I had been so drained from responsibilities all week, I had no desire to drive downtown and find parking among people going to a Suns play-off game. I just knew I didn't have the patience. I haven't heard from Andrew how it was but I am sure it was fabulous. I had a nice dinner and time with Dan, we hadn't had dinner with each other all week.
On what would have been Mom's birthday, I had a very nice honor. One of the CV students took me to an ASU tradition called Apple Polishers. He had to get up in front of the room and tell why I was an influence on him at ASU. It was among Deans, faculty and staff members. It was a very lovely night and very flattering to be selected.
I am still trying to fill up the new ipod. It still kills me that I lost my old one. I can't seem to get the same great mix of music on this one which is ridiculous because I have the same CDS. It just took a long time to get that one the way I wanted it. I need it to be my company on my trip with all my driving I plan to do. I doubt there are killer can-con stations in Nothern Newfoundland. I just added a band called Big Bang. Shame on me, I can't recall what they sound like whatsoever.
I got my Sirius Subscription back. I wrote Iceberg today being the snotty know-it-all. They are playing a New Pornographers track and keep saying it is "Myriad Harbor" but it isn't. Sorry but a major CHUM station f-ing up is a big giggle for me. Funny thing is, I don't know what song they are playing, it is not on Challengers. I like it though....Nico and AC singing..
I have still only listened to the new Sloan once. I will listen some more this week. Tour dates are starting to trickle out. If west follows their east coast dates, I am completely screwed for US dates again. Not that I am complaining about going to Nova Scotia. Just looks like timing may be about when I am gone... Which is funny because my love for NS came from them.... Something will work out though, I will find my way to the right show!
This week I get to DJ the first ever Blaze Prom. I think it will be a blast. I am looking forward to it. Dan is going to come help me. It will be broadcast on the air so if you feel like reliving your prom from the 80-90's, tune in Wednesday night around 7pm www.theblaze1260.com