Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Spring Fling

Somehow this week there was a reference to the Spring Fling that happens yearly at the U of A in Tucson. I wish Icould meet the person who set up the show for the 1991 Spring Fling so I could thank them. It was at this show that I witnessed the best concert I have ever been to. Someone was brilliant enough to book The Posies, Jellyfish and Redd Kross together. It was the first time they met and there was some rivalry between Jellyfish and Posies but they ended up loving each other. They decided prior to the show that they would do an encore with all three bands. I was backstage witnessing them trying to decide what song they would do. I will never forget seeing members of all three bands standing in a circle harmonizing "Pulling Mussels from a shell" They actually ended up doing "Go your own way" with all members on stage. It kills me that I had a sucky camera because I have pix from it but they are pretty crappy. I went to the Show with Julia Trainor, a gal I was friends with from KASR. she and I went to the space musuem on campus with Chris from Jellyfish and Rick from The Posies. That was very fun. I didn't really talk to Jonathan Auer 'til later. Oddly I kinda recall talking about jewlry with Jon. I had gotten my posie necklace and Jon loved it. I later went back and got him one(which he was wearing the next time I saw them which was the Chicago trip -a story for another post) I also remember Jon telling me at that show that he was engaged which made my little infauated heart break. I recall thinking back then was when Jon and Ken were in that best buddies phase when they were inseperable. I witnessed that to change in the many years following that I would see them. I also remember sitting out on the grass watching The Posies with Andy Sturmer of Jellyfish right next to me. All three bands were outstanding of course! I guess I didn't tape which was so odd for me at that time. I know they arranged some more shows later after the fun they had at this Spring Fling! I witnessed power pop history and it stands as the best concert I ever saw... I'll try to remember to post the pix I have of The Posies from that show.
Glad to hear Spring Fling continues!