Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Spits and sputterings

Things have been terribly dull lately, not that I am looking for drama or stress, things are just duldrums of summer I guess. Listening to BOB, they are playing things like Great Big Sea and Spirit of the West today, very traditional sounding Can-con. Dan is working 7 days a week, so we haven't really gone out or done anything. Nor have I raced since the May team race, I just knew I would finally get my car back and something else would hold me up from racing. I figured it would be him going out of town. I am glad that is not true!
Some random spouts:
Today is the last day of student orientations, I like them but I am glad they will be done. I want to get back to my projects for Blaze and Cronkite Village. Pretty soon someone will move into the office next to me, I have enjoyed having the hall to myself, I will have to turn down my Canadian radio-boo!
I discovered a new station I have been listening to - The Bear in Edmonton. They play alternative tracks by Matt and the first day I listened, they played Matt then an ID from Patrick into "All used up" Speaking of, there is a second video for that track and it is funny, Patrick plays a stuck up rock star, big fur coat and all. Watch it at http://www.vikrecordings.com/sloan/asides/
Sloan is everywhere lately for me. It has been nearly a year since I saw them but I can't seem to get over them. It is nice to discover a new band to love, although I certainly knew about them just didn't get it til now.... In fact, oddly I distinctly remember the Geffen rep working me on it when I was music director at KUKQ.. They were hyped as the Canadan Nirvana. The rep was pushing them hard on us and I honestly remember listening to "Underwhelmed' and Curtiss Johnson saying it left us underwhelmed. I wish I would have caught on then so I could have chased them around to a few cities to see them back then. I am still not a huge fan of that song but then I remember being in Vancouver listening to this amazingly cool AM station cira summer 1992. They played "I am the Cancer" as if it was a single. I changed my mind some about Sloan and picked up their CDs throughout the years. Dan likes to tease me that I had all their CDs but never listened to them til now. Oh I have a few of those bands in my collection. Even Moist was a later learn to love band for me. Tea Party is still growing, so it is not uncommon for me. Anyway, I was reading the new US mag with Denise Richards on the cover and I am looking at this pix of Alannis Morrisette because her bangs look dorky and I suddenly realize the woman next to her in the pix is wearing a Sloan shirt- in US mag! They are everywhere for me....lately! As I mentioned before, One of my students went to Coachella and got me an autographed shirt. I finally got a chance to thank him for it and he said they were old and one of them was an ass. I pressed for which but he could remember, I showed him a pix and he says, "They don't look like that anymore" It's the grey hair I like the best..... hahaha! Back the day, Karen and I would make fun of Nina for liking the older guy types like David Foster(!) , now I find greying attractive, my, how things change!
I am building a website for alumni of KASR/KASC. It has been a fun project and should be ready to view in a few weeks. I have gotten a lot of responses but it will get more difficult to locate people after a while. I am trying to think of creative ways to find people. I may do a mailing if my boss agrees. I am kinda unsure of some of the mid 90's staff as I was not as connected with the station at the time until I came back for the advisorory board.
BOB is playing this 1985 song, while I am a grad of that fine year, I think this song is just trying to capitalize on the new preoccupation with the 80's. It is pretty lame. I ran into my invite to the big 20 year reunion while cleaning my desk Saturday. Part of me wishes I could just go and see what people look like now without having to communicate with anyone. I hope I can get the book at least to hear what people do now. I doubt I will go although if I did, I could sneak a trip to Canada with it. Wish I could talk Dan into a drive to TO. Hmm, maybe I will work on it.
We have been talking about going on a cruise that features Tempe bands! GBs are headlining of course. It is three days to Mexico. It would be fun and a chance to check out a cruise to see if we would like it enough to go on the Alaska one. We'll see, a few other vacation ideas are starting to lure me away. Dan kinda nodded to BC, maybe we could work it out with a Matt date. That would be nice too, I want Dan to see the Pacific Northwest.
I will try to blog more often, I love doing it, never have enough time, damn work getting in the way.... I have a list of tales to tell of my days of yore. It is ok if life gets dull in your 30's, it is better than too much drama!!!

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