First off today, you may note above magazine inclusions I have published here, wanna hear the wildest part to both of these. Until this week, I swear I have never seen either of these before. I have a pretty good memory (debatable this week also) but both these name in prints did not look the least bit familiar. Let's explain how these came up. After last week's C & J show, I started thinking I was at 1992 SXSW so I looked up my concert list and it said I went to a "Canadian band showcase" while there. Oh no...It did not say what bands and I start thinking, I could NOT have been at a Sloan show and not remember it , could I? I decide to find the program for that SXSW. I have my SXSW, CMJ, NMS etc programs together, but guess which one isn't there... So I am driven and obsessed as usual. I go to the race room and dig under the bed. (bin full of my Drive through playlists!) Under the bed bins full of old school reports, playlists from various radio gigs, etc.. Then the second bin was full of old magazines, even that old mag "Song hits" that just had lyrics to popular songs. I found a treasure trove of Canadian magazine as one can imagine. Hence where I found this letter above. That was from 1995. My bugged eyed obsession that night colminated with me scanning Sloan pictures until 1 in the morning. Do I worry myself- YES. But why can't I remember who I saw at this showcase at all? I know I went with an ex-jerk that year which may be why..I am wishing for rewind so bad in my memory files.
Friday we went to a lunch at work, came out of it to leave and the golf cart was gone...mini panic for about an hour as to whether it got stolen. I would die if that had been true. Fortunately, security dorks moved it instead of leaving a note or ticket that I was parked in the wrong place. Yikes! A Cronk school secretary (who I think would kind of look like Elise would) found it for me because I had to give ten bizillion tours that afternoon.
Yesterday we went to Firebird for CSKs. I was fine until the Super Stockers started coming to the lanes, just the sight of the lanes and the sound of an open header Chevy motor got me very upset. It may have helped. Dan seems more determined to do it soon but we'll see...will my motor get placed in the car before Chinese Democracy is released? Dan bought me my b-day gift early, a new, much too $$ new race jacket. I needed it as my old one is stiff (I think it wasn't supposed to go to the dry cleaner as many times as I sent it with mom) I better still be racing for the money spent on new jacket (and I didn't get red!!) It was great to see my pals, I haven't seen Ryan or Lonnie since Oct! I also got to see Mark Oswald, my old favorite NHRA driver, he is crewing for a new driver. That made me happy!
Missy is going with me to NS! We spent Friday night finding hotel and researching airfares. We booked hotel, we already have rental car. We now just need hotel in New Glasgow and enough money to purchase plane tix. We found a decent flight on Continental that has lay over in Newark. The only other good option is Air Canada through Toronto but lay over is longer and it says terminal change, not sure if that means another wait in customs, etc.. Much as I would love to got to TO airport, guessing the Continental one will make more sense for us. I know it seems vain sounding but she is excited to see the places I wrote about and help me do the rest of my research. I need all the help I can get! Plus, bless her heart; she said she has never been on a trip where it has no family visiting involved. I am pleased to be the one to take her, even though technically I am family.
And speaking of the old novel, I also started editing this week-finally! By the end of the week, I realized I prefer skipping around on this task as opposed to going chapter by chapter...I need to go where the mood strikes me, not force things in areas I have not thought out yet. So I am more excited to do it now, plus I enjoy reviewing the research. All a fantastic experience, just as usual, things get in the way like trying to plan a garage sale, house cleaning..damn domestics ;)
I had two Cronkite Village dreams, a good indicator that my worries appear in my dreams.. I am worried, no decisions yet...more gray hair appears on my head.
C & J are playing a band called the mountain goats, that wins for worst band name of the week. And so goes the life of this red headed nutty gal in AZ....