Sunday, February 26, 2006

Careless Memories

First off today, you may note above magazine inclusions I have published here, wanna hear the wildest part to both of these. Until this week, I swear I have never seen either of these before. I have a pretty good memory (debatable this week also) but both these name in prints did not look the least bit familiar. Let's explain how these came up. After last week's C & J show, I started thinking I was at 1992 SXSW so I looked up my concert list and it said I went to a "Canadian band showcase" while there. Oh no...It did not say what bands and I start thinking, I could NOT have been at a Sloan show and not remember it , could I? I decide to find the program for that SXSW. I have my SXSW, CMJ, NMS etc programs together, but guess which one isn't there... So I am driven and obsessed as usual. I go to the race room and dig under the bed. (bin full of my Drive through playlists!) Under the bed bins full of old school reports, playlists from various radio gigs, etc.. Then the second bin was full of old magazines, even that old mag "Song hits" that just had lyrics to popular songs. I found a treasure trove of Canadian magazine as one can imagine. Hence where I found this letter above. That was from 1995. My bugged eyed obsession that night colminated with me scanning Sloan pictures until 1 in the morning. Do I worry myself- YES. But why can't I remember who I saw at this showcase at all? I know I went with an ex-jerk that year which may be why..I am wishing for rewind so bad in my memory files.

Friday we went to a lunch at work, came out of it to leave and the golf cart was panic for about an hour as to whether it got stolen. I would die if that had been true. Fortunately, security dorks moved it instead of leaving a note or ticket that I was parked in the wrong place. Yikes! A Cronk school secretary (who I think would kind of look like Elise would) found it for me because I had to give ten bizillion tours that afternoon.

Yesterday we went to Firebird for CSKs. I was fine until the Super Stockers started coming to the lanes, just the sight of the lanes and the sound of an open header Chevy motor got me very upset. It may have helped. Dan seems more determined to do it soon but we'll see...will my motor get placed in the car before Chinese Democracy is released? Dan bought me my b-day gift early, a new, much too $$ new race jacket. I needed it as my old one is stiff (I think it wasn't supposed to go to the dry cleaner as many times as I sent it with mom) I better still be racing for the money spent on new jacket (and I didn't get red!!) It was great to see my pals, I haven't seen Ryan or Lonnie since Oct! I also got to see Mark Oswald, my old favorite NHRA driver, he is crewing for a new driver. That made me happy!

Missy is going with me to NS! We spent Friday night finding hotel and researching airfares. We booked hotel, we already have rental car. We now just need hotel in New Glasgow and enough money to purchase plane tix. We found a decent flight on Continental that has lay over in Newark. The only other good option is Air Canada through Toronto but lay over is longer and it says terminal change, not sure if that means another wait in customs, etc.. Much as I would love to got to TO airport, guessing the Continental one will make more sense for us. I know it seems vain sounding but she is excited to see the places I wrote about and help me do the rest of my research. I need all the help I can get! Plus, bless her heart; she said she has never been on a trip where it has no family visiting involved. I am pleased to be the one to take her, even though technically I am family.

And speaking of the old novel, I also started editing this week-finally! By the end of the week, I realized I prefer skipping around on this task as opposed to going chapter by chapter...I need to go where the mood strikes me, not force things in areas I have not thought out yet. So I am more excited to do it now, plus I enjoy reviewing the research. All a fantastic experience, just as usual, things get in the way like trying to plan a garage sale, house cleaning..damn domestics ;)

I had two Cronkite Village dreams, a good indicator that my worries appear in my dreams.. I am worried, no decisions yet...more gray hair appears on my head.

C & J are playing a band called the mountain goats, that wins for worst band name of the week. And so goes the life of this red headed nutty gal in AZ....

Sunday, February 19, 2006

MOEV rhymes with Stove

Sunday morning, TF race #2 day and here I sit in the office listening to Chris and Jay. Rough weekend to say the least. Oddly at peace with not racing this morning. Maybe due to the Cinderpop on the radio, the cool breeze coming in the window or just my lack of sleep. Not to over dramatize but I do wonder when and if I will race again. Next weekend is the Nationals here in Phx, I am sure I will go Friday afternoon at least. Going to a national event has never been the same without mom. We'll see what kind of mood I am in next weekend. Will probably go Fri and Sat.

I have been pulling out all sorts of goodies to garage sale. Next weekend I will probably price the stuff while watching the race on TV Sunday night. Someday I will actually run Super Street and actually be racing it-right? Maybe I am suffering more than I let on.

Jay Sloan just mentioned Phil Seymour and Dwight Twilley on the show while talking about Cinderpop- Oh my!! Sigh, Jay knows his power pop! I think I followed that Cinderpop has a former member of Moev. Now that is cool, "Head Down" is still one of my favorite Canadian songs!

Ran into Scotty and Robin last week. They agreed to do The Blaze guest DJ week which is cool because I thought Robin had basically moved to NY but turns out he says he won't really be moving for a couple years yet. He was telling Missy and I about the recording of the new record and that Al Cafaro didn't like the mixes so they are going to have a different mixing team take it on. He said it may just end up being Jesse. He seemed bewildered why they didn't like the mixes at the label because John Hampton did they and John has done all their stuff. He said they had a great vibe recording the record. What a music year this potentially is, a new Blossoms record after 10 years, Jon Auer will finally put out a real solo record and then a new Sloan record?!?! I also talked to Scotty about finishing up some of my questions for my research. He says he will come by The Blaze so we can.

Dan watched the Sloan DVD with me yesterday (He put it on to get me to hang out with him LOL) He has never seen what they look like before I can not even repeat what he said to me after watching 500 Up.

I am very excited I am going to LA in April- I so need little mini vacations to get me through life. Work has had it's share of moments as of late so I welcome diversions and welcome a chance to get me out of the house lately. My hermit status has been returning lately. I want to be out this year, travel, see bands, experience more! I am going to see Jason Collett and Jon Brion which should be amazing. Andrew tells me David Usher is playing in LA but it is a Tuesday night, I can't with CV class on Wednesday. I need all my wits about me for class day with the villagers. I had to yell "Shut Up" in class this past week- that is ridiculous. I have to yell shut up to college students to get them to listen. Hence I need travel this year! Moving along with my NS plans also, I have the vacation days officailly off now, planning to purchase plane ticket soon. It looks like Missy is going too, she is excited to travel somewhere without having any obligations. She said she has never travelled anywhere just to see it. I am glad to be the one to take her, there is always that part of me who wanted to be a travel guide.

I have continued to get all my research for Bay Window in one place. It seems like it will be the best way for me to find what I need as I edit. I have yet to edit, I fear this maybe because I don't like change. I am worried I will lose the orginal which I will always value. So I am divising ways to edit without losing the original version. That maybe my hold up, I think about the changes I want to make everyday but feel like I need a huge shove to get to it. I am close, I think.. Hopefully once I start I will emerse myself in it the same way the original writing took me over. It is so silly because I have a ton of discs with the original on it and Missy has the entire thing in hard copy. My mind confuses me sometimes. One builds up crazy odd defenses.

Oh, Robin said they still don't know if they got the INXS tour or not. INXS is like a teeneybop band now because of JD which is just too weird. I guess it would be good for the Blossoms to be in front of big crowds. I am sure the my age women still go see INXS too, they should like the Blossoms theoretically also. Although in my life I went from hardcore INXS to the Blossoms, I am not so sure it is a good match. He did say they may do some stuff with Blues Traveller too which kinda makes more sense but less visible for them. This photo on this blog is one I found on ebay and I have NEVER seen it before.

OK now I am Pissed, my satellite just went out, it did last night also...I am so calling Sirius this week. I have a stupid antenna on my roof and it is still doing this. My XM antenna it sitting on top of the boombox with never a problem. Grr!

One more thing- In Get Out magazine this week, my pals over there have lists of power pop bands of the decades listed next to an article about Nada Surf and Supergrass coming to town this week. Under the 90's, the last two nicely typeset together were The Posies and Sloan- I felt a nod from the Get Out gang!
I must disagree with Jellyfish being in the 80's however, and the 80's were lacking some big boys!

Monday, February 13, 2006

In your letter - REO Speedwagon

I think I will just send out invitations to my dork mitzvah now. Chris and Jay Sloan read my letter again on their radio show. For those of you who are not keeping count, that is now number 3. I am nearly a regular on the show now. This time I told them to not read it on the air as my Sloan friends were starting to get jealous...sure fire they read it...and it was my dorkiest one yet. See the photo above, I sent it to them to show off my Archies collection because I heard Jay mention something about The Archies. I am now officially embarassed and being inducted into the dork hall of fame. I just like writing people letters, is that so wrong? It has been fun to have something to look forward to listen to on the weekends. I think I now need to take Chris a GI Joe from Dan's bro who builds them. And BLESS that guy who lives with me and my obsessions- Dan got on the roof at 10pm Saturday night because the wind had knocked my Sirius antenna off. I still don't understand how Albert and Tony's Sirius has no problems yet Dan had to now attatch the antenna to the roof to get mine to work.

I think I am going to get my passport tomorrow at the post office as they told me you need one know if you fly into Canada. Fun, I will finally have a passport! The Nova Scotia trip will come up rather quickly, I want everything ready. I spent time searching for more items to garage sale this weekend. I am being good and getting rid of things, I know if I haven't seen or touched the stuff in the 6 years we have lived in the is time to go. I found a box of fireworks I never knew even existed in our house! Dan's from way before we got married. My mom was a master in making use of every space available! Missy always laughs when I say I found things in my house I didn't know existed. That show Clean Sweep is my worst nightmare.

I have three songs from this band Mobile now and I am in love! Need to remember when I do year end list in 2006.

That cruise Dan and I were considering going on is happening soon. I have only one comment, I was right about who may be on that cruise and BOY am I glad we did not book that vacation. I will hold out for Alaska someday! I think I will get Dan to Seattle soon, he brings it up often enough..maybe I can actually get him on a vacation out of this state! (that doesn't have anything to do with: Drag racing, quad riding, family obligations or a band playing) Wait, we could have a band playing couldn't we???

I did a few hours worth of research and prep work for Bay Window this weekend. I have not edited yet but getting ready to. If I want to use a word, and or reference, I need them all in one spot. It is too hard to go, oh what was that flower shop, let me go read that book or find that email. I need all of my research in one place. I think this method will work for me. I bought so many books I would see somethign to use or I have notes from Andrea about places, notes from Lisa, etc.. I need that stuff all together! It is fun researching something you are really interested in! Plus I am learning for where to go and visit while I am there!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Squirrel Chasers and Morning Mayors

So it is true, Plat's singer Mark Holmes has a radio show on the Edge in Toronto. What a hoot! It is like a dance club style radio show. He sounded distracted (read drunk) and back announced like 10 songs back. He did play something that sounded like him(them?) It was a great tune. Which reminds me, on New Years eve I learned that Gord Deppe has a new band/music out also. Can't remember their name but they played on Canadian TV on NYE. Quite amusing all the way around. Now if Bill Wood were still singing...

I was thinking of Plat and was reminded of WQBR one day. This tall good looking Duran Duran style guy came in the station and he is wearing a Platinum Blonde t-shirt. I think I nabbed Nova and KBM and we squealed all the way to the Huron Hideaway. Not long after Jerry arrived at 'QBR, we went on hayride somewhere in Ann Arbor. I certainly have no recollection of how I lured him but somehow ended up making out with him in the back of C-squared's car on the way back to EMU. KBM was sitting in the front seat, sort of unaware of what was taking place and started asking me my views on the Genesis song on the radio "Turn it on again” It has been a long running joke since then. But alas, Jerry was a Frosh and we were upperclassman.. One day, in our probably two-week relationship, Nova, KBM, Jerry and I were walking to the Hideaway. Jerry started chasing a squirrel or two that were minding their own business. I would guess it was KBM who dubbed him squirrel chaser. I was too embarrassed of my youthful, 12 year old acting frosh beau to continue. Years later, Nova told me she heard him on 89X as a jock. Even a few more years later, we were in Michigan for my dad's funeral and there was Squirrel chaser, hosting some fast paced sports show on TV after the news, like on UPN or something. I was most amused that not only was Squirrel Chaser now on TV but that he aged worse that I had (DOH!)

Tony called me last night, apologized for calling me at home on a Friday night but had to tell me some monumental news. I thought it was about The Blaze, just 'cause he's all business since he has been station manager but it was not! He was telling me that the Filibertos right by the station had gone out. He said he rode by on the bus earlier and saw something on the window and had to go back to see it for sure. It said Long Wong's. I hope it's true and I hope Robin goes back to doing acoustic nights because I am aching to go out but nothing is too interesting around here right now to me. That is great news for our lunching too, I told Tony we had to go there everyday until he graduates! It seems like Tony is the last of my old Blaze crew, not that I don't love the new ones, just the last of that group. Oh that reminds me, Albert got a gig on The Edge, I am glad for him since the horrible crumble of demise that is The Zone now "Free FM.” Stupid “Free FM” even accidentally plays IDs from LA station-such bad talk shows.

Which brings me to Dave Pratt guest speaking to the Village kids this week. What a past blast that was. He got the CV kids asking me what happened those 6 months I spent on the air with him. wink! We had a fine conversation reminiscing about the KUPD days. Plus I was teasing him about that awful building he works in now (where the Zone was) All the crime! So afterwards, via my thank you email, he asked me to write a little something for his book he has coming out. The last chapter is everyone he ever worked with saying a few words, memories of his show. How cool! I am trying to think of the right memory to share. I remember he had mom on the air for something, can't recall what. He was saying as he was writing his book, he wished he had kept a journal. I said I did, he was surprised when I said I used to write down all the bizarre calls I got when I did nights on the Q. Then I told him I wrote a novel about being a "girl on the airwaves” He was kind of stunned, I was just saying it matter of factly. So we told each other we both wanted autographed copies of our first pressings ;) It was kind of fun listening to him speak to the CV kids because most of them had no clue who he was, having just moved to AZ. He charmed their pants off; they are talking up a storm about it on their discussion board.
Looks like TF race number 2 isn't happening for me either, bad place for me right now. I also haven't begun to edit yet, not sure why. I think I needed a break but that doesn't mean I am not eager to dig in. I have all sorts of tiny things to add and some items I am sure I want to cut. That seems to be it around here. Hunter's b-day is tomorrow, 7 already! I love that kid so much! Aunt Leah signing out~!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Birthday - Concrete Blonde

Today is my Danny's b-day. Poor darling woke up with such a bad sinus headache his dad told him not to come to work. I used a cake pan I got for Christmas that allows for you to put a filling inside it. Dan suggested pudding for my first try, but it allows for ice cream filling also! Last year on his b-day, we had our Blaze meeting with the President of ASU, I was so worried then! As Tony said yesterday, "see Leah, nothing ever happened!" I sure hope Dan's headache is gone. I have to work late but his mom is making him Tostadas so he is happy.

Oh that tiny domestic side of me appeared for the last two days. Gone again I believe, except I am gathering goodies to sell in the garage sale Missy and I are having. I need to part with some of my JUNK to get myself to Nova Scotia. The hotels are not yielding any cheaper results yet. I am also trying to figure out things to sell to get Missy to Nova Scotia also. I was thinking of selling all my old t-shirts on ebay but I am not sure I want to take on the task of selling on ebay right now.

I have been pondering a lot of things as of lately, nothing I can really go into but disturbing nonetheless. I just need to get at editing "Bay Window" to escape reality. If I had a running RACE CAR maybe I wouldn't be so distracted as of late. I feel like I am over the top obsessed as of late and very annoyed with somethings happening around me.

The village continues to create drama around here, all sorts of behind the scences crap this week. Still no decision on how many for next year. One got kicked out of the dorm last week, it is always something. We hired a new Production director at The Blaze last week. He is the kid who got me the Sloan autographed shirt at Coachella. He and I enjoy talking music quite often. I am just glad we figured out that issue quickly at the station. Paid for our Promo director to go to SXSW yesterday. Jon Auer is playing it along with a load of hot Canadian indie bands and The Plimsouls-weird! I should do a memories from SXSW blog sometime. I hope she has as amazing a time as we did when we went years ago!

Some random music thoughts:
The self titled Loverboy record is a full on NEW WAVE record except maybe two tracks (Turn me loose being one of them) I have not heard that record in years and the tracks come on and I have to remind myself it is Loverboy because those tracks are FAR different than the band that went on to "Working for the weekend"

I can not wrap myself around The Arcade Fire or Stars. I hear them so much on my XM Canadian channel. More ones I love include Cinderpop, Quinzy and Sleeper Set Sail. Oh and I like In Flight Safety. I have a list so long for buying records! City and Colour has been my favorite of all the new artists I have discovered from Satellite radio. Dan says it is my Dashboard style band, I agree!

I have been listening to The Edge in Toronto, they have good and bad points but overall I hae enjoyed it. They have had excellent guests most every afternoon. Still an issue with the amount of commercials compared to all the other Canadian stations I listen to. I still listen to BOB in the morning but the stuff I wade through to get to the occasional GT or HMS is grating on my nerves lately. (I DO NOT need to hear "Paradise by the dashboard light" everyday OR ever again if I have a choice!) I keep forgetting to try a new station in Edmonton that Chester told me about.

There is some rumor about Sloan playing in Vancouver in April, seems tempting unless there are a bunch of bands on it as it is some type of festival. Andrew said he had heard of the fest and that Matt has played it before but didn't know much more about it. Dan said I could go if I wanted but I hate festivals if the band is not the headliner, I want a full set if I am going to travel.

Pratt is speaking to my class today, should be interesting. Now that will be a trip down memory lane too. Hopefully I can get home at a decent time for Danny's b-day. That's about the excitement right now...pretty slim I know!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

They may have lost but look at treasure of articles for me!

Like this one too:
UNDERCOVER MAN: Terry Pfeufer, wandering through the Marriott hotel wearing a Steve Largent jersey, looked like any other Seahawks fan -- but he wasn't.

He lives in Pittsburgh, born and raised, exposed to pro football during the Steelers' glory years of the 1970s.

As Pfeufer, 38, explains it, he was more interested in adopting the expansion Seahawks than climbing on the Pittsburgh bandwagon. He liked Jim Zorn and Largent, preferred the Seahawks' colors.

"My father is a big Steelers fan, a big fan of Franco Harris," Pfeufer said. "I'm happy to inform him that Franco retired from the Seahawks."

Each year, he makes a pilgrimage once or twice to Seattle to watch a game. He buys souvenirs off eBay. He owns a signed Zorn jersey, photos of Hasselbeck and Shaun Alexander and former players Shawn Springs and Chad Brown, and lithographs of several Seahawks players. He has Direct TV to watch all of Seattle's games.

At his suburban Coraopolis home, he usually raises a Seahawks flag on Sunday during the season. He didn't do it this week. He's planning on putting the place up for sale, and doesn't want it damaged.

Pfeufer is in Detroit enjoying the Super Bowl festivities with a friend, but hasn't landed a ticket, and doesn't expect to.

He naturally gets ribbed in Pittsburgh about his Seahawks affiliation. He's heard a lot of insults lately.

"It's almost like being back in college, when you hear somebody say something about your girlfriend or a buddy you don't particularly care about," he said.

"It gets sensitive when you're a Seahawks fan."

Oh and I LOVE this one:

And their
kids go to college together!

Spirit of '76!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hosted by Mark Holmes?!

I need to go home after a LONG two days! I am listening to The Edge in Toronto and they were talking about some club night at the Mod Club. The DJ said- Hosted by Mr. Mark Holmes. Could it be? Yesterday they had a member of Chalk Circle on to talk about the 20th Century Masters released. I am jaw drop that my old faves get mention on a station that plays too much Coldplay. It gets better for me! I look up Plat on google to find a nice photo for this blog. I look at this Plat site and the guy has a photo of his ticket to a show. Plat and Eye Eye Sept 18, 1986 in...HALIFAX! Yes! My research for the novel falls in my lap sometimes! (Elise mentions the only concert she has ever been to is Platinum Blonde) YES! Must go home..will try to blog again soon! Now, who wants to go to Toronto with me to see Mark Holmes host a club night? Maybe Bill Wood owns the club? and Andy Ryan will drop in for drinks?