Sunday morning, TF race #2 day and here I sit in the office listening to Chris and Jay. Rough weekend to say the least. Oddly at peace with not racing this morning. Maybe due to the Cinderpop on the radio, the cool breeze coming in the window or just my lack of sleep. Not to over dramatize but I do wonder when and if I will race again. Next weekend is the Nationals here in Phx, I am sure I will go Friday afternoon at least. Going to a national event has never been the same without mom. We'll see what kind of mood I am in next weekend. Will probably go Fri and Sat.
I have been pulling out all sorts of goodies to garage sale. Next weekend I will probably price the stuff while watching the race on TV Sunday night. Someday I will actually run Super Street and actually be racing it-right? Maybe I am suffering more than I let on.
Jay Sloan just mentioned Phil Seymour and Dwight Twilley on the show while talking about Cinderpop- Oh my!! Sigh, Jay knows his power pop! I think I followed that Cinderpop has a former member of Moev. Now that is cool, "Head Down" is still one of my favorite Canadian songs!
Ran into Scotty and Robin last week. They agreed to do The Blaze guest DJ week which is cool because I thought Robin had basically moved to NY but turns out he says he won't really be moving for a couple years yet. He was telling Missy and I about the recording of the new record and that Al Cafaro didn't like the mixes so they are going to have a different mixing team take it on. He said it may just end up being Jesse. He seemed bewildered why they didn't like the mixes at the label because John Hampton did they and John has done all their stuff. He said they had a great vibe recording the record. What a music year this potentially is, a new Blossoms record after 10 years, Jon Auer will finally put out a real solo record and then a new Sloan record?!?! I also talked to Scotty about finishing up some of my questions for my research. He says he will come by The Blaze so we can.
Dan watched the Sloan DVD with me yesterday (He put it on to get me to hang out with him LOL) He has never seen what they look like before I can not even repeat what he said to me after watching 500 Up.
I am very excited I am going to LA in April- I so need little mini vacations to get me through life. Work has had it's share of moments as of late so I welcome diversions and welcome a chance to get me out of the house lately. My hermit status has been returning lately. I want to be out this year, travel, see bands, experience more! I am going to see Jason Collett and Jon Brion which should be amazing. Andrew tells me David Usher is playing in LA but it is a Tuesday night, I can't with CV class on Wednesday. I need all my wits about me for class day with the villagers. I had to yell "Shut Up" in class this past week- that is ridiculous. I have to yell shut up to college students to get them to listen. Hence I need travel this year! Moving along with my NS plans also, I have the vacation days officailly off now, planning to purchase plane ticket soon. It looks like Missy is going too, she is excited to travel somewhere without having any obligations. She said she has never travelled anywhere just to see it. I am glad to be the one to take her, there is always that part of me who wanted to be a travel guide.
I have continued to get all my research for Bay Window in one place. It seems like it will be the best way for me to find what I need as I edit. I have yet to edit, I fear this maybe because I don't like change. I am worried I will lose the orginal which I will always value. So I am divising ways to edit without losing the original version. That maybe my hold up, I think about the changes I want to make everyday but feel like I need a huge shove to get to it. I am close, I think.. Hopefully once I start I will emerse myself in it the same way the original writing took me over. It is so silly because I have a ton of discs with the original on it and Missy has the entire thing in hard copy. My mind confuses me sometimes. One builds up crazy odd defenses.
Oh, Robin said they still don't know if they got the INXS tour or not. INXS is like a teeneybop band now because of JD which is just too weird. I guess it would be good for the Blossoms to be in front of big crowds. I am sure the my age women still go see INXS too, they should like the Blossoms theoretically also. Although in my life I went from hardcore INXS to the Blossoms, I am not so sure it is a good match. He did say they may do some stuff with Blues Traveller too which kinda makes more sense but less visible for them. This photo on this blog is one I found on ebay and I have NEVER seen it before.
OK now I am Pissed, my satellite just went out, it did last night also...I am so calling Sirius this week. I have a stupid antenna on my roof and it is still doing this. My XM antenna it sitting on top of the boombox with never a problem. Grr!
One more thing- In Get Out magazine this week, my pals over there have lists of power pop bands of the decades listed next to an article about Nada Surf and Supergrass coming to town this week. Under the 90's, the last two nicely typeset together were The Posies and Sloan- I felt a nod from the Get Out gang!
I must disagree with Jellyfish being in the 80's however, and the 80's were lacking some big boys!
1 comment:
Don't be concerned that INXS is now a teeny bop band...that is such a misconception. Yes, they have picked up some young fans...but it's mostly women in their 30s/40s attending the concerts. I think Gin Blossoms would be an awesome opening act for INXS. Hope it happens.
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