I can not get the above song title out of my head. It was the encore for the Blue Rodeo show I attended this week. They called Luke Doucet and his wife Melissa McClelland on stage to sing the song. The entire night was a fantastic night of Canadian music talent new and established. This was the third time I have seen Blue Rodeo but the time lapse between is so lengthy, it felt anew. Best I can recall off hand, it was 1993 they played an opening set in Hayden Square. I also saw them at SXSW but festival shows are never the satisfactory way to see a band. This was 2 hours of all the hits and the latest CD. I felt like I did the first time I saw Sloan. Here is this huge bus at this tiny club, a high caliber, Canadian headliner playing to 60 people. Sad representation of our country but huge advantage for the diehards who "know" how fortunate they are. People shouted out "Thank you" to Blue Rodeo for coming to Phoenix. That gives you an idea...Sigh for the talent little known to the mass public. It probably goes without saying but Blue Rodeo was fanastic!
I am listening to Main Street on CBC Halifax so I can pretend like I live there. They are talking about gas prices and if it will affect your summer travel. Gas prices are not even in my head for my travel plans to Nova Scotia-haha! It cost $95 to fill my truck today. It is hard not to mention this. I was stuck in traffic the other day, no clue why as it was in the middle of the day but it turned out "W" was in town at some small Mesa business. There were tons of protesters, I raised my fist in solidarity. I am not political whatsoever but I know the government could change this oil issue.
The Blaze received the new Sloan CD yesterday. It makes a difference being able to listen to it on my stereo in my truck. I would still say my Sloan mood is Jay lately. I do believe I go through Sloan member moods in regards to their songs. I remember in Nova Scotia, all I wanted to listen to was Andrew. Chris ruled the NHTEOI era. Patrick was the reason I was sucked in hardcore around Action Pact era. Jay's songs were the early Sloan songs I liked so I guess I am back around. I hope Andrew and I get to go to the show but we are going to try stand-by. It is tough getting on flights these day that way. If not, I will find a show later this summer I suspect.
The Blaze is also playing Two Hours Traffic and Tokoyo Police Club. Also Jason Colett and Black Mountain. I have my CanCon at work all day now too! :) Having an office at a radio station means music the entire day. Good thing we have excellent music! When I listen to Jian, I have to turn it up to overpower the Blaze monitor because it doesn't have an off switch.
Still no luck with artists playing in Halifax while I am there.
We have an interview with Hayden on the Maple Minutes in two weeks.
Iceberg is still playing the wrong song by New Pornographers. Hilarious! I heard new Sloan on both Iceberg and The Verge.
Finally, I saw Speed Racer with my nephew. I have thought a lot about it since. I understand why it is not a hit movie. The story is pretty convoluted, even I lost what was going on at certain points. BUT I think they cast it very well, the actors made the movie. I liked it, I wasn't expecting to. It has it's problems, it is much too long but as a fan of the story of Speed Racer I am pleased with the tale.
KBM found a Barbie doll set of Speed and Trixie. I am trying to avoid buying the new merch. I have collected Speed stuff all my life, it has never been the easiest stuff to find. Now it is everywhere but I have resisted. Except the Barbie set...;)
27 days until I leave for Nova Scotia!