I adore shoes just like most women. People ask me all the time how many Converse I have. I honestly don't know because they are scattered around the house. We used to have Converse outlet stores in AZ. I would buy a few at as time, they were cheap back then. When the company moved to Asia, the shoes got more narrow and I had to go up a size. I actually sold a few pairs on ebay that just didn't fit. Ask KBC, I almost fell to the ground crying when I saw Target was selling One Stars. (In joy...I love One Stars also) Surprisingly I have yet to design my own like you can now. My most recent purchased Converse were ones with a Diner Menu on them and a no lace pink pair on sale at Target. An old friend bought me my first pair, plain old black, as a joke because Robin wore them. Now it is an obsession collection.
What I never realized is that they are not really the best walking shoes. I have very wide feet but Converse always fit so I don't bother with much of any other kind. I have a soft spot for Doc Martins so my nice shoes are DM Mary Janes. Ever since Dan and I started walking, I realized Converse offer zero for support or cushion.
I can't be the most fashionable but in my life, I HAVE to wear cool shoes. I found out this week that I am a complete shoe snob and picky as hell! Wal Mart had plenty of fine, wide size Dr. Scholls walking shoes that would be perfectly fine for our neighborhood strolls. BUT I COULDN'T DO IT! I hate white tennis shoes, in fact I realized I hate tennis shoes in general. I saw some flat looking Puma that kinda look like my race shoes but knew they would not be the cushion I need. I went into almost every shoe store in Fiesta Mall (Malls are shoes and jewelry, ya know!) My last store I went in, one I never go in, was Macy's. Not only did I find the shoes I saw in the newspaper as a possiblity, they were on sale! Anguish over, somewhat acceptable shoes found! That is them in the photo above. I don't adore them but they will do. I know I need something for the trip too as many items in the travel books say you need to walk a bit to see them..(Vistas, Lighthouses, Seals)
I do still have a problem heel. I have had it for over a year. I thought it was one of those bone spurs. ( I Sound so frickin old discussing aches and pains!) But now the handy internet tells me this: Atrophy from Diabetes!
Ahh Yes, this Diabetes this.... You know, it took them a while longer than it should have to diagnose me. I guessed it a good 3 years ago. I realize now I had a crappy nurse practitioner. Ever since Dr. Jones took over the practice, he found it on a hunch. I have been really good about giving up sugar. I haven't had real ice cream in 5 months! Ice Cream is my absolute favorite food group! I gave up Dr. Pepper which was also an addiction. Diet Doc is ok but just not the same so I don't drink as much. Bread and pasta are still the problem... But I think I am managing. I got a blood monitor but have yet to use it (The doc just said we could check every 3 months if I just take my pills) Bottomline, I am dealing ok with the diabetes I think. Dan won't let me cheat anyway. I may have some ice cream on vacation though... wink!
Maple notes
** Sam Roberts was on Jian's show today. He is so smart and cleaver (Sam, really I mean Sam!) The new songs sounded great. One was called Detroit 67. I was born in Detroit in '67 so it is a fave already. It has great mentions of the city and eventually ends with the riots. I am looking forward to the new record which comes out this week.
** Know how I ended last blog entry with a nod to Rob Pruess. Well holy crap!!!!! I get another chance to talk to one of my fave 80's Candadian idols. Yes! Rob of The Spoons and Honeymoon Suite fame is going to do an interview on the Maple
Minutes! OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try getting insoles (orthotics); even generic ones with cushion and arch support will make Converse a lot better. They won't make them real running shoes, but at least it will alleviate the flatness. I use them. If you can, get ones molded to your feet, though. Well worth the money, since you can put them in any shoes and make them a little more sole-friendly.
You are so darn smart Ruh doll!
Duh, help the cons-DUH!
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