There are a set of people I have adored since I was a teen. This guy above is one of them. He is Mark Oswald, former driver of the In and Out Funny Car. He jumped back into a race car last weekend in Chicago and qualified 2nd. I just wanted to shout it out as he is one of my all time favorite people I admire!
I got the wisdom tooth out on Friday.... the one that was supposed to come out in 1986 (Best year ever for Canadian music!) In March I found out it was coming out but kept putting off the extraction. It was abcessed...no wonder I have had such a hard time sleeping! Now I am bruised and swollen but it is gone before the big trips!
New York is a go as long as we get on a flight. (flying stand-by) Dan is going to help me make some coasters today for Rob and Jay. I want to give Rob something for getting us into Mamma Mia! Want to make Spoons and HMS coasters for him.
I have a ton of work to do before NS but I will be dilligent to get it done so I have no worries while I am gone!
In my search for a show to see while I am in the mariti,es, I finally found it!!! The New Bruswick countdown to Canada Day announced it's headliner!! In-Flight Safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More soon :)
1 comment:
Hey Leah, this is Misha Turner fellow alumni from WQBR. If you remember me, write at turner_misha@hotmail.com. Sure would be nice to catch up with you.
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