Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Maple Made in Indiana

I am still in Indiana for the Living Learning conference. My maple content today comes two fold. I am listening to my fave radio station, CFOX The Fox that Rocks Vancouver. (I suppose they will hire a"Leah Miller" next to crush my Canadian Dreams completely) So my maple music comes in the form of online radio. Have already heard a new band I liked a lot called BOY. Lame name but had a great pop sound, almost similar to the mighty Sloan. We will address the Sloan thing later in this blog's future. Also just heard Matt Good on their Furious Five countdown. In my current Canadian music world, Matt rules and has since Dan introduced his music to me in 1999. Matt is number one with Sloan a close second. So as maple plays I tell of what happened under a maple tree in IN.
After a long day of conferences, I was terribly annoyed that the shuttle bus was occupied, leaving me to wait an hour to return to the hotel. I wandered the Union for a bit but decided to suck in some more of the brisk midwest air. I spied a lone Maple that had yet to shed it's leaves as the surronding growth. I positioned myself under it and basked in alone time with my thoughts. I was drifting to my Eastern Michigan days with the similar campus feel. I spotted a gal named April that I had briefly met at a cookie break between sessions. She came up and introduced herself again. We mused about simple things as we were both from the West (Utah for her) We then continued to talk for the hour and discovered we both dealt with parental cancer and death. It was honestly a better therapy session than anything you could pay for in grievience counselling. A bunny ran in front of us as we spoke. I missed my bus twice enjoying our difficult but refreshing conversation. We both agreed our meeting was not a coincidence. I made a friend, maybe if only for an hour under a Maple tree. LMC

Monday, November 15, 2004

Indiana wants me

So here I am in Indiana seemingly acting like some kind of business woman or something. Strange journey from going to music industry conventions for years to an educational convention. I am reading the conference descriptions and I am clueless on some of the education business terminology. How did a alterna-girl on the airwaves end up here? When did I have to grow up? Admittedly, I would rather be at a convention that deals with college radio advisement. Some say I could hold that convention based on the ridiculious things I have dealt in my 5 years worth of directors at The Blaze.
It certainly does remind me of days of going to New York for CMJ or NMS. You would need to plan your day based on what time the bands started. Posies played at conferences and Chili Peppers mooned you at key note addresses. Yes, life has changed. Don't get me wrong, I want to learn this LLC stuff so I can do a great job for the people who put their trust in me. If they think I can do it, so do I. It's just a whole different world.
So to just reflect on one convention, CMJ in NYC. I am thinking of the amazing bands I met and saw there like 54-40, The Hip, Grapes of Wrath, Second Self, Young Fresh Fellows, and of course the Blossoms and Posies. I will never forget the two trips for CMJ, both unique, both so memorable for music and friendship!
Ok, off to IU for Living Learning training. Here we go!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Stars of the Much Music Retro channel at least to this Maple programmer! Posted by Hello

The Princess-my heroine since 1977 Posted by Hello

Why Mod Maid

My old DJ name at WQBR-Eastern Michigan's campus radio station that basically changed my whole direction in life...Upon entering college I was planning on writing, picking a college that had creative writing as a major so I could write teen heartbreak novels and make millions...right? Funny thing happened on my way to my writing career, my love for music lead me to the college radio station the first day of school. You can already tell where this is heading, major changed, radio my career. I will speak more of 'QBR in my musings to come. Purpose of the post today-why Mod Maid?
I had a winter jacket in 1985 that was Mod Maid brand(prolly from K-Mart?) My former Station manager at WQBR saw it (Dean Glossenger aka Nick Naime) and dubbed me the Mod Maid. Simple name got more convuluted as I began my specialty show on 'QBR. The kids round there loved alliteration and between Dean/Nick (who was N2) and Chuck Cordell (who was C2) they decide I would host the Mod Maid's Mighty Maple Minutes. Yep M2 hosting the longest named specialty show in the history of 'QBR. Mod Maid stuck and I continued to use it at my second college radio home-KASR at Arizona State. There are some who still refer to me by it, it's always been my only nickname beside the one I adopted later in my radio career-"Girl on the airwaves"
Looks like I am getting sick, must pass out since I took Nyquil... Catch ya on the flip-M2

One more thing

Since we now know that Leah Miller can work at Much Music, I think this Leah Miller needs to be the head of programming for this Much Music channel-Much More Retro. At least they began programming with GT... Less Material girl more real Platinum Blondes! Check it out-

Thought it would be fun

I hear this word blog so often, I looked into it further. I found this link through Matthew Good's website, followed it to start my own musings published-Why not! My old boss Jonathan L has a blog for goodness sakes and he had to have me fax stuff for him! I think it's time.

Yesterday I found out that Much Music has a new VJ named Leah Miller. I find it surreal, ironic and down right spooky. How could someone with my name end up with a job I could only dream of my entire life-playing Canadian music for a living. I find it completely bizarre. If only it was me and it was 1987-Leah Miller new Much VJ playing the new Haywire video for you-"Dance Desire" Well, here she is, I certainly didn't look like that in 1987, I wish! Here's Leah-http://www.muchmusic.com/insidemuch/stuff/teamdigitalqanda_leahmiller.asp

To start this blog, another Lee-ah I love- She was Lee-ah not Lay-a in the first flick~!
Catch ya on the flip side! LMC