Friday, May 30, 2008

"Lost Together" - Blue Rodeo

I can not get the above song title out of my head. It was the encore for the Blue Rodeo show I attended this week. They called Luke Doucet and his wife Melissa McClelland on stage to sing the song. The entire night was a fantastic night of Canadian music talent new and established. This was the third time I have seen Blue Rodeo but the time lapse between is so lengthy, it felt anew. Best I can recall off hand, it was 1993 they played an opening set in Hayden Square. I also saw them at SXSW but festival shows are never the satisfactory way to see a band. This was 2 hours of all the hits and the latest CD. I felt like I did the first time I saw Sloan. Here is this huge bus at this tiny club, a high caliber, Canadian headliner playing to 60 people. Sad representation of our country but huge advantage for the diehards who "know" how fortunate they are. People shouted out "Thank you" to Blue Rodeo for coming to Phoenix. That gives you an idea...Sigh for the talent little known to the mass public. It probably goes without saying but Blue Rodeo was fanastic!

I am listening to Main Street on CBC Halifax so I can pretend like I live there. They are talking about gas prices and if it will affect your summer travel. Gas prices are not even in my head for my travel plans to Nova Scotia-haha! It cost $95 to fill my truck today. It is hard not to mention this. I was stuck in traffic the other day, no clue why as it was in the middle of the day but it turned out "W" was in town at some small Mesa business. There were tons of protesters, I raised my fist in solidarity. I am not political whatsoever but I know the government could change this oil issue.

The Blaze received the new Sloan CD yesterday. It makes a difference being able to listen to it on my stereo in my truck. I would still say my Sloan mood is Jay lately. I do believe I go through Sloan member moods in regards to their songs. I remember in Nova Scotia, all I wanted to listen to was Andrew. Chris ruled the NHTEOI era. Patrick was the reason I was sucked in hardcore around Action Pact era. Jay's songs were the early Sloan songs I liked so I guess I am back around. I hope Andrew and I get to go to the show but we are going to try stand-by. It is tough getting on flights these day that way. If not, I will find a show later this summer I suspect.

The Blaze is also playing Two Hours Traffic and Tokoyo Police Club. Also Jason Colett and Black Mountain. I have my CanCon at work all day now too! :) Having an office at a radio station means music the entire day. Good thing we have excellent music! When I listen to Jian, I have to turn it up to overpower the Blaze monitor because it doesn't have an off switch.

Still no luck with artists playing in Halifax while I am there.

We have an interview with Hayden on the Maple Minutes in two weeks.

Iceberg is still playing the wrong song by New Pornographers. Hilarious! I heard new Sloan on both Iceberg and The Verge.

Finally, I saw Speed Racer with my nephew. I have thought a lot about it since. I understand why it is not a hit movie. The story is pretty convoluted, even I lost what was going on at certain points. BUT I think they cast it very well, the actors made the movie. I liked it, I wasn't expecting to. It has it's problems, it is much too long but as a fan of the story of Speed Racer I am pleased with the tale.
KBM found a Barbie doll set of Speed and Trixie. I am trying to avoid buying the new merch. I have collected Speed stuff all my life, it has never been the easiest stuff to find. Now it is everywhere but I have resisted. Except the Barbie set...;)

27 days until I leave for Nova Scotia!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Magic Power - Triumph

You know you think about Canadian music too much when you have a dream you are making out with Rik Emmett of Triumph. I swear to god, I never had any crushes on any Triumph members or was really ever that much of a fan. My Canadian music subconscious got mixed up!

In something that was a dream to do, yesterday I interviewed someone I have adored since I was in high school, Rob Pruess of The Spoons. (And Honeymoon Suite) Long story short, I googled him after writing “God Bless Rob Pruess” in my last blog. I found he had a myspace, asked if he would do an interview and here is the result:

Rob's story is absolutely fascinating- He started in the Spoons at 15. You always hear about Tommy Stinson but Pruess got his start just as young! The Spoons toured with Culture Club on CC's first US tour when "Do you really want to hurt me?" was starting to happen. Rob quit the Spoons at 20 because he needed to 20!!
Then he joins Honeymoon Suite at their highest point. When HMS started having manager problems; Rob moves on to the call of Phantom of the Opera in Toronto. Ever since he has been working as a musician in huge Broadway plays! He lives in NYC now and is an assistant music director for Mamma Mia! His story is book worthy and made for a hell of an interesting interview. I mean, I know I am a fan but Danee and Andrew were impressed with his story also. He is so super nice! He invited us to come to New York to see the musical. Here's the kicker- I think we are going to!!!!!!!

Does this also involve Sloan? But of course. As I said on the air, I am a one-track mind. I'll explain more when I know more, it may fall through, or it may be amazing!!

In the meantime, I am already packed for NS/NFLD...5 weeks in advance...

I have been delving into something else I have been a fan of for years-WKRP in Cincinnati. IT is SO AWESOME to finally have it on DVD! It was my favorite long before I ever imagined I would have a radio was meant to be! And I think The Blaze has elements of it-hahahaha!

So once again I say, God Bless Rob Pruess!

Friday, May 16, 2008

"Walking in my shoes" - Depeche Mode

I adore shoes just like most women. People ask me all the time how many Converse I have. I honestly don't know because they are scattered around the house. We used to have Converse outlet stores in AZ. I would buy a few at as time, they were cheap back then. When the company moved to Asia, the shoes got more narrow and I had to go up a size. I actually sold a few pairs on ebay that just didn't fit. Ask KBC, I almost fell to the ground crying when I saw Target was selling One Stars. (In joy...I love One Stars also) Surprisingly I have yet to design my own like you can now. My most recent purchased Converse were ones with a Diner Menu on them and a no lace pink pair on sale at Target. An old friend bought me my first pair, plain old black, as a joke because Robin wore them. Now it is an obsession collection.

What I never realized is that they are not really the best walking shoes. I have very wide feet but Converse always fit so I don't bother with much of any other kind. I have a soft spot for Doc Martins so my nice shoes are DM Mary Janes. Ever since Dan and I started walking, I realized Converse offer zero for support or cushion.

I can't be the most fashionable but in my life, I HAVE to wear cool shoes. I found out this week that I am a complete shoe snob and picky as hell! Wal Mart had plenty of fine, wide size Dr. Scholls walking shoes that would be perfectly fine for our neighborhood strolls. BUT I COULDN'T DO IT! I hate white tennis shoes, in fact I realized I hate tennis shoes in general. I saw some flat looking Puma that kinda look like my race shoes but knew they would not be the cushion I need. I went into almost every shoe store in Fiesta Mall (Malls are shoes and jewelry, ya know!) My last store I went in, one I never go in, was Macy's. Not only did I find the shoes I saw in the newspaper as a possiblity, they were on sale! Anguish over, somewhat acceptable shoes found! That is them in the photo above. I don't adore them but they will do. I know I need something for the trip too as many items in the travel books say you need to walk a bit to see them..(Vistas, Lighthouses, Seals)

I do still have a problem heel. I have had it for over a year. I thought it was one of those bone spurs. ( I Sound so frickin old discussing aches and pains!) But now the handy internet tells me this: Atrophy from Diabetes!

Ahh Yes, this Diabetes this.... You know, it took them a while longer than it should have to diagnose me. I guessed it a good 3 years ago. I realize now I had a crappy nurse practitioner. Ever since Dr. Jones took over the practice, he found it on a hunch. I have been really good about giving up sugar. I haven't had real ice cream in 5 months! Ice Cream is my absolute favorite food group! I gave up Dr. Pepper which was also an addiction. Diet Doc is ok but just not the same so I don't drink as much. Bread and pasta are still the problem... But I think I am managing. I got a blood monitor but have yet to use it (The doc just said we could check every 3 months if I just take my pills) Bottomline, I am dealing ok with the diabetes I think. Dan won't let me cheat anyway. I may have some ice cream on vacation though... wink!

Maple notes

** Sam Roberts was on Jian's show today. He is so smart and cleaver (Sam, really I mean Sam!) The new songs sounded great. One was called Detroit 67. I was born in Detroit in '67 so it is a fave already. It has great mentions of the city and eventually ends with the riots. I am looking forward to the new record which comes out this week.

** Know how I ended last blog entry with a nod to Rob Pruess. Well holy crap!!!!! I get another chance to talk to one of my fave 80's Candadian idols. Yes! Rob of The Spoons and Honeymoon Suite fame is going to do an interview on the Maple
Minutes! OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 09, 2008

"Raise a little hell" - Trooper

Oh am I nervous about seeing this film. Speed Racer was one of my first favorite cartoons growing up. It was on after Kimba the Lion on Ch 50 in Detroit, I believe. I read a review in the paper today that said Racer X died. I sure hope they didn't deviate from the original plot that Racer X is Rex Racer. I will be annoyed. I am still annoyed that Princess Leia says she remembers her mother in Jedi then Lucas kills her off in Revenge. I do NOT like plot inconsistencies!

OK this blog is supposed to be Maple musings, right?

*I am giggling about SMB having the lyrics for the entire new Sloan LP. Man, who has that kind of time to try to figure them all out?! I am giggling because of CMM's thinly veiled lyrics about giving up his Peter Pan life for fatherhood. None of us ever want to grow up but why let it completely drag you down?

*I went on about this on the Maple Minutes but I am still annoyed that Chart magazine has this headline of it's cover - Tokyo Police Club: The next Arcade Fire. I haven't read why but that might be the most idiotic headline in Canadian music history. They are supposed to be the sorce for Canadian college radio yet they make an ridiculous statement like that? TPC is 4 guys who make fun, quirky pop. Arcade Fire is a million members with stylish, plodding, intricate songs. I guess one must remember how affected this magazine is by US success for CanCon.... One year Len was their artist of the year. Every year their artist of the year is seemingly the one who sells the most. And has YET to have Plaskett on their cover!

*In pulling out some old files, I found articles about Harlequin and Headpins from teen beat style mags. Proof once again, I have saved everything... Harlequin put out a record last year. My pal Roger made me a copy but I have yet to listen. (bad LMC)

*Iceberg seems to not be playing New Pornographer's "new" track anymore...heheheheh (I wrote them to tell them the song they were playing was not "Myriad Harbour") Know it all brat I am...

* Andrew played the new Awkward Stage single and it was really good! I need to get a hold of a band called Elias also. I dig The Orchid Highway from Vancouver. CBC 3 is playing Kevin Kane of Grapes of Wrath. I need that record also when I go shopping in Canada.

* One of my Toronto pals texted to say she was seeing Peter Elkas tonight. Darn I need to reschedule that interview!!

* Andrew also told me that CBC3 did a listing of the best record stores in Canada. I want to see or hear that list! I wonder how many I have been to? I wonder how many are still in business thanks to me-LOL! He said one was in Halifax. I bet it is the one I spent $300 at! (Can't think of name) Recordland in Calgary probably floored me the most in recent years. I know there used to be a killer huge vinyl store in Toronto but I believe it is gone. (Jferg told me once all the old ones I remember are gone)

*I used a Trooper song as my title because on SMB I was joking about Trooper playing in Halifax for Canada Day and DAMN if it isn't true. I was totally just thinking of some old washed up band I didn't like (Because most are still my fave bands-LOL) I looked up Casino Nova Scotia and there they were! I hope some other show develops because it does not look good for July 1 so far! The PEI Festival of Lights show is posted. I was relieved that no one I die for is playing so far because it would be a major pain to get up there. It is a fine bill, don't get me wrong but no one I haven't seen a ton (except Matt Mays) OLP and The Hip who I have seen countless times. Hip maybe at about 16 times... Anyway, it doesn't appear that I will be trying to get to PEI. Keep your figers crossed for just one cool show for me while in NS!

Maple raging done for the night-Over and out! Long live Rob Pruess <3!

Monday, May 05, 2008

"Two hearts beat as one" - U2

OMG!!!! Strombeshi! I am dying! Two of my faves parodied!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

"Dancing in the sheets"- Shalimar

HEE HEE One of my fab directors of the Blaze sent me the link for making your name in anything, including Vinyl...I couldn't resist. Not only could I not resist, I am crafting with them for the new office.

I never did report back about said new office which I saw. It seemed a tad small to me. I have a hard time visualizing things before they are done so I look forward to seeing it with the U shaped desk in it. Then I will truly know how much crap I can fit in it. I may need to stop buying stuff for it. I did realize I need shelves to move up instead of things for limited floor space. I have the record stand, a floor shelf from my living room, a small cabinet I painted from Michaels this weekend and there should be a bookshelf provided. I was pleased that the 3/4 window has a ledge. Ledge = more knick-knacks=LOL!

The last few weeks have been one year end event after another. Only graduation is left this week. The CV party was lovely in the secret garden. The Blaze prom was beyond cool. They transformed the station with black rolls of paper and sparkles. I said it reminded me of the end of Footloose but most of the kids hadn't seen it. (!) Dan and I did the DJing. We played fun 80-00 dance music. When kids wanted requests, they would just hand me their ipod... Crazy!

Some other fun things from this past week:

Took Hunter to see Iron Man. Much fun and good flick!

Two of my frosh helped me do the Maple Minutes while Andrew is in Germany. We had a blast doing it. They let me play 80's stuff and made fun of me.

Found out Blue Rodeo is playing in PHOENIX! I was looking for bands playing in Hali and found them here, this month!

Taught Cheryl and Karen how to make cute magnets for gifts. I want to be a craft teacher!

Met some great new CV kids at orientation.

Won best promo at the Blaze prom. Also gave the Hornstein-Kelly award to dear Ashley H who I will miss so much. She cried, I was touched.

Took three walks with Dan. 8 years of marriage, we have never gone on a walk. Now we are regulars, holding hands and everything.

That's a darn good week!