Monday, November 15, 2004

Indiana wants me

So here I am in Indiana seemingly acting like some kind of business woman or something. Strange journey from going to music industry conventions for years to an educational convention. I am reading the conference descriptions and I am clueless on some of the education business terminology. How did a alterna-girl on the airwaves end up here? When did I have to grow up? Admittedly, I would rather be at a convention that deals with college radio advisement. Some say I could hold that convention based on the ridiculious things I have dealt in my 5 years worth of directors at The Blaze.
It certainly does remind me of days of going to New York for CMJ or NMS. You would need to plan your day based on what time the bands started. Posies played at conferences and Chili Peppers mooned you at key note addresses. Yes, life has changed. Don't get me wrong, I want to learn this LLC stuff so I can do a great job for the people who put their trust in me. If they think I can do it, so do I. It's just a whole different world.
So to just reflect on one convention, CMJ in NYC. I am thinking of the amazing bands I met and saw there like 54-40, The Hip, Grapes of Wrath, Second Self, Young Fresh Fellows, and of course the Blossoms and Posies. I will never forget the two trips for CMJ, both unique, both so memorable for music and friendship!
Ok, off to IU for Living Learning training. Here we go!

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