Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Maple Made in Indiana

I am still in Indiana for the Living Learning conference. My maple content today comes two fold. I am listening to my fave radio station, CFOX The Fox that Rocks Vancouver. (I suppose they will hire a"Leah Miller" next to crush my Canadian Dreams completely) So my maple music comes in the form of online radio. Have already heard a new band I liked a lot called BOY. Lame name but had a great pop sound, almost similar to the mighty Sloan. We will address the Sloan thing later in this blog's future. Also just heard Matt Good on their Furious Five countdown. In my current Canadian music world, Matt rules and has since Dan introduced his music to me in 1999. Matt is number one with Sloan a close second. So as maple plays I tell of what happened under a maple tree in IN.
After a long day of conferences, I was terribly annoyed that the shuttle bus was occupied, leaving me to wait an hour to return to the hotel. I wandered the Union for a bit but decided to suck in some more of the brisk midwest air. I spied a lone Maple that had yet to shed it's leaves as the surronding growth. I positioned myself under it and basked in alone time with my thoughts. I was drifting to my Eastern Michigan days with the similar campus feel. I spotted a gal named April that I had briefly met at a cookie break between sessions. She came up and introduced herself again. We mused about simple things as we were both from the West (Utah for her) We then continued to talk for the hour and discovered we both dealt with parental cancer and death. It was honestly a better therapy session than anything you could pay for in grievience counselling. A bunny ran in front of us as we spoke. I missed my bus twice enjoying our difficult but refreshing conversation. We both agreed our meeting was not a coincidence. I made a friend, maybe if only for an hour under a Maple tree. LMC

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