Weekend tidbits:
Spoiled brat here bought herself a pink razor phone...I have had same old phone for like 3 years.(horror) It was only $60 bucks, I thought they were like $300 or something. Must amazing feature, ringtone purchase-My phone now rings "I'll be you" - The Replacements. ZOMG! Dan says I can have a different ring for each person who calls me. I need to figure out how I can put my own music on it.
Had a nice long lovely talk with TNT Friday night. She is a great reminder of how fortunate one can be...and how not to sweat the little things. I need some red bull for the next convo though..sleepy all weekend!
Hunter and I just totally checked out the X-Men 3 website. We watched the trailer and read all the profiles of the characters powers! He corrected me on the word Adamination (or whatever Wolverine has) My 7 year old nephew is correcting my reading. He is almost up to Dan's shoulder, he seems like he will be taller than all three Collins men eventually! We were practicing multiplication, so smart!
Chris and Jay announced they will be on hiatus for a while so they can finish the Sloan record. I sure love listening to the show but..yeah a new record, tour..seems more important-hahaha. Have tour dates will travel, but where??? Rather embarassed but they called me their favorite letter writer last night. I feel like dork but I love writing letters...always have. They broke it into three parts -LOL.. I just told them about seeing Jon Brion and Jason Collett. What, oh what will I do on Saturday nights now?
Diane G's boyfriend Seth raced his boat this weekend at Firebird...He actually won again. He left a message on Friday and I ended up having drag boat dreams that night. I have them pretty often..I guess after 18 years of being around it, it never leaves the system.
I got some cleaning done. I lost Saturday to a killer headache that crippled my actions completly. I still haven't finished editing. It is funny, I stalled on editing in the same spot I stalled on writing..the tough climax scenes...I just need to be alert and in the right frame of mind. I will sit down this week and finish them. And I will miss the characters greatly, I know that for sure!
This week is the last week of school...pretty unbelievable. I am so sad to see this Blaze group go..I am suffering Tony withdrawl. I feel great about new group but always sad to see the kids leave. Also the end of my first Cronkite Village kids..crazy! They have their banquet next Sat night. Should be a nice night, such a pleasant surprise, the 30 kids I ended up with... 40 will be crazy next year!
OK that is the short of it, the juicier details are all in LJ - ;)