Most of my mod maid life I did not drink carbonated soda because it made me hiccup too painfully. Then circa 1993 I dated this guy who got Taco Bell everyday (and he was Hispanic, because TB is real Mexican food right?) Anyway, I didn't like anything at TB but always ended up sipping his Dr. Pepper. He was an asshole and I ended up addicted to DP because of him. (That sentence is supposed to make you laugh) In Michigan, they make a POP called Faygo. I grew up on Faygo, mainly redpop. Although like anything it was a treat if my mom bought me redpop. After I moved to AZ, Nova would smuggle redpops on the plane for me when she would visit. This all leads to the fact that I think Dr. Pepper stole Faygo's recipe for something Faygo calls Rock N Rye. This new Berries n Cream tastes exactly like rock n rye. I am going to buy a rock n rye (they sell um at AJ's fine foods here) and do a taste test! As for DP, I am now a true Cherry Vanilla lover. Makes plain old DP pale in comparison. And don't even get me started about Mr. Pibb!
All this gibberish is to help calm me from one of the worst weeks of work, definitely worst since I went full time. (And worst non-Blaze related crap)
First off, it was way too jam packed. I am bad about piling too many things in a row. (Like 8 interviews for Blaze Directors in a row today) I had some tense moments, I stayed late most nights to catch up on work and I even broke into tears at the potluck today (embarrassing, I am a crier but I have held myself pretty well in the Cronk school) By the end of the day, I almost felt like the week was breaking. Apologies were made, awesome people stood up for me and the interviews went really well. Reward was YC's for dinner tonight! YUM!
Dan is at the Dunes for holiday weekend. My bargain is another trip to California Memorial Weekend. This time I am going to see...Jon Auer and Glen Phillips!!!! PPF told me about Glen playing there today! Very exciting, I need some perks (how funny Jason Collett is on radio as I type) The whole saving for Nova Scotia hasn't gone well yet but I need to do some ebaying now that I have this new computer! I am not too worried because I get paid for the extra summer cash from the HS camp stuff but now Nova is not going so it will be pricier to split two ways instead. I still have some hotel bookings to change now plus Missy and I are now thinking we may explore more of NS. I am sure we can nail down some adjusted plans when we get together for Easter.
My friend TNT talked me into signing up for a Live Journal now. I doubt I will use it as I prefer this blogger format. One needs to be signed up for LJ to view others I guess. I may just do all the dorky surveys on there for fun. My students crack up every time they heard I have a MySpace. Yesterday Ash and Justin went into fits when they heard I have an LJ too...is this a indicator they are laughing at me for "living like a kid?" I draw the line at facebook LOL!
(Iceberg just went from All used up to The Gate (the new Sam Roberts))
This week I receive something in the mail I never thought I would own. As mentioned in a prior blog I found the first Haywire tracks on a Q104 comp. Now a few weeks later I received a search find on ebay for Eight Second's EP Ottava Rima. I didn't believe it was truly it..Opened the add and almost fell over...Literally looking for that for abotu 20 years. Of course I put some outrageously high bid on it..of course no one else even bid or even looked at it! LOL. I am going to treat myself to it tomorrow! UNBELIEVABLE! I still have a few 80's cancon treasures to find but in the past month I managed to cross of two HUGE always looked fors. (Both from ebay searches I just kept renewing)
Wouldn't be a blog without a Bay Window update. I was trekking along on editing this week until the shitty days started happening (Pure is on now, killer night on Iceberg!) I found if I am pissy mood, I don't want to edit. Fair enough...So I have gone three days without but undoubtly will get some done this weekend. Again, nothing but pleased with how it is going. The last chapters are going to be tough, just as tough to edit as they were to write I suspect but I don't think I will go into some month long sabbatical from the last edits. Funny, the last time Dan went to dunes I was starting to edit now I am almost finished. (well..now Rush is on, it should have been the song after Sloan LOL!)
And this time I will anticipate it and it won't happen but I wrote a letter to the old C & J radio show again detailing the Jason Collett and Jon Brion shows I went to in LA. Tune into Sirius 94, usually they read letters in the first hour...embarassing but I am too addicted, I can't stop writing now...GOD I need a life! (Or my race car FUCKING fixed!)
1 comment:
poor man's Rock 'n' Rye unh? i'll have to do a taste test. I'm another Redpop addict. I had my parents smuggle it in from MI too along with another flavors of Faygo. Big Red is closest thing to Redpop here. Have you tried it? if so, any comments? KBM was always more of a Rock 'n' Rye fan .
Have fun in Maple Land : )
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