Some people eat when they are depressed, some are self destructive...I am wallet destructive...Witness above photo...actually I really wanted it and almost bought it for myself for my b-day...I didn't have as much self restraint when a second one came up for auction. It will look very nice in my office, especially when the school moves downtown and I get the fancy atrium office with the advisors (no more posters and bulletin boards full of junk LOL) I haven't gotten it yet, just won it. Unfortunately it doesn't come with a frame so I probably need to get it framed too.
Work has been out of control again this week. I am scared I am forgetting things because I have so much to keep track of right now. This is a true test of my organization and memory. I missed a meeting yesterday because it wasn't on my outlook. I fear sometimes I am in over my head. Hope not! Today my shitty job is to tell some students they didn't get the Blaze director job they applied for. I think I avoided it all week, now I know I have to do it.
The new version INXS is finally coming to PHX..when I am in NS! Oh well, not that jazzed about their album. Still love my Timmy of course but...I would rather be in NS of course! It is funny I will be in JD's hometown that night. Blossoms never ended up getting that tour.
Speaking on NS, Missy and I were watching Whale watching website virtual tours last night! WOW, we are going whale watching now...one tour said money back guarantee if you don't see whales! We redid our itinerary, looks like we will be going more places now. We are going to drive more of NS and will pretty much circle the entire province. I hope we aren't trying to fit too much in or that I don't get sick of driving. Nothing seems more than 3 hours a day of driving. Dan, being the sweetie he is, pledged our tax return to me for the trip! Eases financial worries! Of course he got a dirt bike out of it but hey...compromise right?
I have been getting home so late from work, I haven't been focused enough or awake enough to edit...that always depresses me too...Proof that my writing is my way of relaxing and taking me away from it all....Of course I have said I have lived in a fantasy world all my life! LOL! Well I am still 6 chapters away from finishing the content editing. I think next I need to do what I call product placement, make sure names of places, stores, food items, etc...are all what I want. Then I need to do some research on songs used to make sure they are the right years for the time the chapter takes place. (Like for example, I make reference to Replacements "Pleased to meet me" but need to make sure it was out in the month/year I connected it to) I need a research assistant; I don't relish doing that portion actually. Oh I need to replace some songs I used also. Then I go to NS, decide the whole things sucks and throw it out! JK! I told JH this week I am past my insecurities about the novel, honestly, I love it and could care less if no one else does. One can hope others like it but that is not what I did it for in the least!
I got my plane tix to go to LA for Memorial Day weekend. Yet another angel move on my hubby..he is giving up opening weekend at the Cinders riding so I can go see Jon Auer and Glen Phillips (and get in lots more trouble with PPF) I need these getaways to sooth my restless weeks at work. Most weekends I barily leave the house anymore, so treats...I guess I live off treats. Things will change when I go back to racing too, which I am sure I will. I won't have the opportunity to run off to concerts. I figured out, all these years of racing had my life so planned out for me. Being without a team race schedule has allowed for freedom I obviously missed some. I need to equal out things some, not be such a slave to the race schedule and race when I want.
When you google search photos of Eight Seconds, you do not get the Ottawa band, you get Luke Perry.
Sigh, I am too depressed to blog today, don't worry..I am just suffering overwhelmed at work, guilt sets in!
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