Random ramblings from the Mod Maid herself on a Monday:
Listening to 91X online because Marty Willson Piper is supposed to be on. Sigh, I still love Marty so much! PPF got to see him over weekend. She said he was fantastic plus he is funny and smart! I need to make a list of artists I still wish I could see. Marty solo would definitely be one of them. I have never seen Stringfellow solo either. Of course the two big 80's I never saw: Cutting Crew and Haywire. Then there are The Katies :( Wow, I am quite fortunate I have seen most every artist I love but those are the ones who stick out in my mind.
New stupid girl’s habit - I keep seeing girls in their fuzzy slippers at the store. Today I saw a girl crossing the street, dressed in decent clothes, not shorts and her big green fuzzy slippers. The funniest part was you could tell she could feel the hot pavement. Here's the deal, in AZ you can not even wear thin flip flops or thin soled shoes in summer. I have seen this trend a few times lately-just looks stupid and will burn many girls’ tootsies.
So relaxed today, classes are over, no students for 3 months. I am sure I will get bored and lonely but for now...ahhhhhhhh...
This new Snow Patrol song isn't bad but I hate trendy bands...
Melissa is so easy going! I told her there was a concert with three bands she has never heard of in PEI. She's like cool, we can flip our plans around, let's look at hotel prices in Charlottetown! Oh and she said, make me a CD to check out all three bands! (Hip, Sam and Matt Mays) We are waiting on the plans until we hear who else is playing that weekend. I spotted that Pilate and Immaculate machine are both playing while I am there now too. Looks like there should be some good shows. Pilate is at the Marquee too! (I maybe able to see the inside!)
The writing conference I went to this past weekend was pretty interesting. A very nice gal asked me if I wanted to sit with her. Turns out she kinda started writing the same way I did in that she had a sil who read a lot and she kept chapters going to give her sil something to read! She told me she had an agent but didn’t trust the agent. She ended up self publishing. It doesn't really cost that much too just get the book printed yourself. You promote yourself, you build your own website and they print the books as they are ordered. It serves more as a memory or legacy. It is the idea that you are not trying to get "Signed" to some big money book deal, you just put it out there for your friends, etc... My guess all along is that no big publishing house is going to see me as some fresh faced writer they want to give a big signing bonus. Not too many people would see value in a novel about a girl in radio in the 80's in Canada. Sure, I could try to shop it to some Canadian agents but I am not kidding myself. I just liked doing it. It would be nice to have it in a book form. So I am thinking about just self publishing for the fun of it. I could design a webpage and sell it for like $10 bucks. I wouldn't have to change anything for some editor. I could have Dan draw the cover too! (Although I told him he could not make Patrick and Elise into cartoon super heroes)
I actually did a lot of work today! Even with no commitments whatsoever! :proud of self:
I found a cookbook I have been looking for today while cleaning up Stauffer office-Yeah!
I don't have a good reason to have both a blog and an LJ but seem to have no problem blabbing selfishly on both...
It looks like Ontario is a strong possibility if I can get flight passes. Even the idea of flying into Toronto makes me giddy! Toronto and NS in one summer-Holy spoiled brat! But I worked so frickin hard this past semester, isn't that why we deserve vacations? Fingers crossed~!
1 comment:
Yeah, trendy band suck. Not Platinum Blonde, though...;)
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