Random thoughts for a mid-week:
Today is the one and only Corey Hart's b-day. He is 44 today! A Gemini. Kind of funny that it was in the Arizona Republic today.
Also while reading the paper at lunch, I see they are doing Rockstar again only this time, it is a made up new band. The band consists of Tommy Lee(reality whore) Jason Newstead(Metallica fans are prolly up in arms) and Gilby Clarke(!) So they are going to look for their new singer. I will not be wasting my summer on that even though I do have a fondness for Gilby. Wonder what Kyle's take is on this one, especially with his former band mate.
I am listening to FM96 in London. I dropped a line to Andrea since I haven't been listening to them since last summer. I heard a hilarious commercial for Labatts about Canadian miracles. I will have to write down the funny lines from it, there are so few good radio spots anymore. As I was on the way to the airport to head to LA, PPF left me a message that Sloan was playing in London the day prior to the show at the Kee. I love London so much from years of going there for the boat races. I have so many memories from that track...Jim surprising me at White Oaks mall, Little Lemon guys following Bonnie and I around the hotel, shopping with my cancon lists, I even remember having memories with Adam Jones there.(My very first crush) Of course, Dan and I also went there a few years back and he got his SS tattoo. I can not WAIT to go to London again! I love hot air balloons too...(geek) So I was so caught up in the idea of going to London again, I went to gate B8 instead of D8. I swear it may have been one of my dizziest moves ever. I ended up walking most of terminal 4 to get to D8. I think I am more excited for London than Bala. Andi can come to Ontario now too! Two trips to Canada this summer..I am so LUCKY!
22 days until NS. I have not really done much in the way of preparing lately. I bought a new suitcase. Our large suitcase does not have wheels so Dan always carries it. I needed one to pull. I think I am taking 4 bags, maybe 5. Am I the only person on earth who dwells on what bags to take on vacations. I should be nicknamed bag lady. I dragged Dan into Marshalls to look at another one and realized I have a million bags. I actually walked away!
Dan made me dinner last night. I was warming some chicken and noodles and he took the chicken, breaded it and put all these yummy spices on the noodles to livin them up. I have no idea how to just randomly grab spices and breading and make food taste so good. He amazes me.
London keeps advertising this smoke free city new laws...I guess I won't get Dan back there. They also have a drag race coming there so I am amused by those advertisements. (although FM96 plays way too many commercials) Now they just advertised a record store called Grooves.
PPF and I went into a record store in Burbank and the band Lost Prophets were there. I should have snapped a pix. I keep telling her that I have liked California better the two times I have visited her. I always detested California in my many visits there. For some reason, the areas she has taken me are nicer or something. All the little neighborhoods near her place have all these lovely flowers in their yards. I even love Burbank airport, it is so easy and has a certain old charm to it. Maybe it is the departing via steps off a plane. Oddly, Hollywood seemed less icky to me while there too. We went to a store called Magic Eight Ball, totally my kind of kitschy products. I could have bought the whole store, such fun stuff.
Oh how funny, 13 Engines is on the radio...I was just telling PPF about them. They were on the bill with The Posies and Pere Ubu when I went to Chicago for the Material Issue baseball game radio trip. One of those other times I surprised a certain Mr. Auer by showing up at a show.
Dan and I went to see X-Men on Monday. I knew nothing about X-men before Dan. I certainly grew to enjoy the stories but I was highly disappointed in the flick. I liked their stories and more dialogue. This movie seemed like it was more about action then story. I haven't talked to Missy but I hope Hunter handled it ok. He loves Cyclops, even named his build a bear Scott. In the movie Cyclops dies. I think Hunter saw it, would guess that would bother him. I know he didn't really handle the demise of Anakin in Episode 3.
OK 'nuff rambling from me. I am trying to decide if I am going to blog NS on blogger or LJ. I am having problems figuring out LJ stuff but you can add more pictures I think. Such decisions, such a dork.
1 comment:
what store were the lost prophets in burbank?.. i dont know of any major like stores there
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