This photo was taken by a dear friend named Beth in Toronto. She is so talented with her camera!
OH YES! Jay Ferguson is going to talk to us on the Maple Minutes. I have always wanted to talk music with him but get kinda tongue tied in person. I mean, how do you start a conversation about about a million bands while other people are waiting to talk to him after a show. He is just a sweet, sweet man so I am honored. Hopefully I get out a few things I have always wanted to ask. When I would listen to his and Chris' show each week, I would pretty much be their third anyway-LOL! It should be fantastic.
Elkas forgot to call in this past week but sent the most charming apology. We will have him on also in a few weeks. In-Flight Safety's Daniel Ledwell is this week. I adore them too as you all know.
Today a member of local band The Love Blisters was on for guest DJ week. I heard the starting chords of "Fashionable People" by Plaskett. I hear that song so often on the radio it took me a minute or two to realize it was on The Blaze. After Plaskett he played "Last time in Love' by Sloan. I was floored. I went in and introduced myself. He proclaimed NHTEOI and Ashtray Rock the best records of last year. I said we need to talk more! Nice guy. He also played The Zombies! I had to leave to teach but wish I heard the rest of his set.
More maple madness today. Billy Talent is playing the Tempe Music Fest. I am not a huge fan but see no reason they do not come by the station since they are a block away. I called around and ended up on the phone with their publicity guy. Super nice guy, talked music for a bit. Turns out he does publicity for Arts n Crafts. Holy nice phone call... He was super interested in The Blaze and I mentioned we would like Jason Collett....What a huge connection! Hi, could we talk to Amy and Torq please? <3
My birthday last week tunred out to be a super nice day. No drama, all good feelings, fun gifties and wonderful friends and family around me. And I laughed so much at Sloan on with Jian that morning. Jian handles everyone so smooth but Chris Murphy always throws him off a bit. I told Chris that, he is about the only one who can snag Ghomeshi's cool demeanor on air. Hooray for fun birthdays!
We interviewed that gal Lights that Jian manages. She was just an absolute ray of sunshine. Super positive and very sure of herself and what she wants to accomplish. Sadly we lost the interview to a technical glitch. I can wish and dream Jian heard it, right? It went really well. I think she is going to be huge. The Old Navy commercial is already helping that.
I have been just pouring over Newfoundland books trying to plot my course of action. I am going to work at it again tonight to plan making both my Nova Scotia travel aspirations and Newfoundland ones work.
A little wrench in my plans to travel for now on came on Saturday. Dan decided to fire up Big Red and put her in the trailer. I know it may seem ridiculous to some but the minute it started up I balled my eyes out. I loved racing and hearing my car start for the first time in two and a half years was a jolt. Of course, uncapped, it jolts the entire neighborhood and all the pictures on the wall also. I can not imagine being able to travel and race. It was so hard to see Dan drive it the few feet he did to get it in the trailer. I just don't know.
Work is crazy but good. Orientation season has started and somehow I still ended up involved in it. Not all students are reacting well to our school's move to downtown Phoenix. There are only a few weeks left of school and I will have to say good bye to more of my fave kids. Plus 2 of the first Cronkite Village group are graduating (in three years!) It gets so hard to see them come and go. Then I have lunch with some of my past directors and hear all the new marriages, babies and even divorces. 8 years worth of students now, I am so fortunate to have a job I LOVE!
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