Cars is one of the first New Wave songs I ever loved along with "Generals and Majors" - XTC and "Pop Musik" - M.
I am helping Dan sell auto parts at a huge auto swap meet this weekend. Having done many a garage sale, I find it facinationg how men at sales like this are so different. I suppose because they are more competitive, they behave worse? We got out to this event at 5:30am. It is supposed to start at 7am. Just as Dan opens the trailer door there are guys trying to come in his trailer to get first look at what he's got... He kicked them out but as he tried to unload, more and more guys kept perusing his stuff. He had to answer questions and could not get a minute to finish unloading the trailer. I don't think we ever got it all out. They are insulting in their offers but that is true of garage sales also. I understand wanting to get a deal but we price cheap anyway! It was amusing for me to hear my very shy husband be a sales man. He is pretty good at it, likes to be really nice and tell the part's entire history. The men at these sales have carts or wagons they bring. Differnce is, they have hundreds in their wallet. I have probably once had $100 if that to go garage saling. Dan made a few grand, so I guess all the work was worth it. The economy has made no dent in men's pockets who are rebuilding cars! The funniest part to me was these guys who tape pictures of their cars with a price on their T-shirts. This is their own walking advertisement as they are shopping. I saw so many, it was hilarious. Some would have no pictures, just lists of parts and prices. Too funny.
An old racer friend was at the swap meet. He stopped racing prior to me. We were catching up and he asked me how mom was. I froze. That was the first time I ran into someone who didn't know. My face must have told him as he reacted and said , oh I am sorry. (Mom had cancer for 4 years, so I am sure he knew she was battling) It was just so odd because I thought everyone in our circle of friends knew. I had that happen once after my dad passed away. A racer came up to me at the track, looking for my dad. I felt so bad for him because he broke down over it right there. Just hard to deal with. Mom is on my mind so much, it hit me so odd to think someone thought she was still with us. I wonder if Dan has had it happen yet with his dad? The person feels so bad too but you know it is an accident, you can still tell they feel stupid for not knowing. If you ever make that mistake to someone, just respond by how much you liked that person. That always makes it easier for me. I want people to remember how amazing my parents were.
I love swap meets, even auto parts ones bring out a few antiques. I am on this old radio kick to decorate the new office. I was determined someone would have one out there. I was so surprised to find a fella out there who was simply working out of his truck advertising old radio repairs! It makes sense as these old cars for sale need radios. He said that was the majority of his business. I asked if he had any radios with him. He pulled out a 1947 Philco, plugged it into his truck with a little mini amp and it played beautiful. I ran back to Dan who graciously gave me some of his earnings. It is gorgeous! Now I was very careful in my negotiations so as to ask for best deal but not insult what was obviously a beautiful radio that worked. I had been shopping on ebay for some last week but to actually buy it from a fellow who fixed it back up and was kind to sell it was much better. Spoiled me, I also found a tiny old transitor radio for $20. Like I need another collection.. Now officially I will get 4 old radios for my birthday. Two of them were only $100 which I believe were smoking deals. The other two were only $20 each. I will photograph them Monday when I "open" them. I will try to contain this collection...Is that possible with me?
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