It's Tim Farriss' 52 B-day today!!!
I think I am listening to my favorite record of the year as I type! Before I moved, I heard a single from this band Elephant Stone on The Verge. Oh the single was killer! Then they ended up on the Polaris long list. I searched all three Canadian record stores I got to stop at on the way to Alaska. Only one had a slot for it but no CD. Today, I wised up and looked on itunes…I just never expect obscure little Canadian bands to be on itunes but it was! This is sweet poppy heaven! The vocals are very slightly Jay Ferg sounding..
Also discovered today that I can listen to CBC3 and CBC1 on my iphone! I finally looked into applications for it. I have not cared for the phone because it does not last for a long phone call. Maybe 2 ½ hours at best. I am a long way from my friends; I need long phone calls to keep me socially adept. Hahaha!
Saw Mt. Rainier today, I haven’t seen her in a few weeks. She just towers over everything and is impossible not to stare at! It is so odd how she is just sort of away from any other mountains. John Muir Quote: “Of all the fire mountains which like beacons, once blazed along the Pacific Coast, Mount Rainier is the noblest.” Yelm is in the most ideal location to view her perfectly. Blessed I am to be in such a beautiful location!
I have now been turned down for 4 jobs. Maybe I am vain, but I thought I would get to the interview stage sooner than this. My resume is outstanding for education jobs, I know it is. I am not going to slide into self-doubt. I am learning to focus on what I want and making it happen. The tricky part is that my truest desire is to live and work in Canada. So do I focus on that or do I plan on staying in Washington for a while so I can work on manifesting my desire to become Canadian? I will change my citizenship. I don’t think I have ever fully expressed that to anyone but when I voted in the last US election, I prayed it was my last as a US citizen. After Canadian Residency, you can work towards citizenship. And I will.
Last week while poking around careerbuilder.com, I fell into a website I wasn’t even looking for. A website for Canadian radio jobs. Radio gigs open in Halifax. What could I do but try. I was out of my mind trying to be practical. I thought I wasn’t being focused enough, that I shouldn’t even go there. I have been avoiding the radio option. But as my dear friend Andi reminded me, I have a talent that could someday get me to Canada. Not every job skill could get one there. No matter what comes of this, I have to remember that doing radio is my God given talent. I may not love the business of radio but I can do it. I am staying with a dear friend who has a studio, all I can do is put together a real good demo and keep trying. I felt really good about the top 40 demo I did. I always was accused of being too bubbly on alt radio..so maybe top 40 is my gig-LOL! I still feel like I could have done even better had I not been hurried. There were more too, Northern BC, and small town NS stations.
So the question is, what do I focus on? I need to make a few calls this week to find out where the process is at. I also need to go back and check all the Washington schools again for new postings to apply for. I plan to check in with University of Washington’s Comm school as their opening has not posted yet. But what of those other radio jobs? Oh Halifax….I want to be there so bad, for the rest of my life. Is that desire keeping me from getting a job in Washington? I need spiritual guidance. I know the Universe will work for me if I work it.
What else happened this past week?
I like doing yardwork in a nice climate. I think I may even have a garden and flowers myself. Another reason I don’t miss Phoenix.
Della has a yeast infection which has caused her to need special bathes and pills twice daily. She is all dandruff looking and losing hair. I worry, of course. It is probably from the change of area, maybe even the nettles scratching her low-lying belly. She can chase a rabbit though, man she is fast! Jasper seems to love being in the country the most. He was always guarding his yard in Mesa. Now he seems to love to investigate all the acres here. Wicket actually has worried me the most. He seems to have aged from this trip. He is getting slower and looks like his legs ache when he wakes up.
I am listening to Airborne Toxic Event now. Andrew says they are the most Canadian non-Canadian band there is. I like it so far, but I knew I liked the radio tracks.
The new OLP is just that, new OLP. It seems like the last three records have presented this more polished adult rock band instead of the harder alt rock they used to be. But they always have a hooky tune or two per record. I adore their new single so I still buy.
I went to a rubber stamp store last week. Shame, shame…. I only bought one…GUILT!
I got to view the Perseids meteor shower last week. I had just spent time reading about how to live in a joyful state. The timing could be more perfect. They were almost like a dream, in fact when I awoke the next day I wasn’t sure if I really saw all those meteors or not. So weird but so fantastic. Some of them were so brilliant they would take my breath away. I am always in awe of God’s universe.
At that I say goodnight! Here’s to a great week!
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