I love this picture of Matthew Good! His new song was the first thing I heard when I turned the radio on today. Fantastic tune..New CD in October!
There is live mariachi music out my window, I am out in the middle of the country…ok I really can’t get away from AZ (I am sure John thinks that is a racist statement)
I have a lot of random thoughts to blog today. I have had an absolutely wonderful week after one day of pure depression. I am fighting so hard to have less and less of those days where I dwell on what I don’t have or what happened in the past. Live in the moment. Believe in your decisions. The past is gone, no changing it and no need to relive it in my head. No more wishing for things I don’t have, let things happen as they may. All those positive chats need to be present constantly. No more getting those neurons all worked up into frenzy! Yep, if I focus on good, things all flow.
Some things about Washington:
*I saw a store called “Stupid Prices” I should go in and see if it is true. It was next to a dollar store, does that mean it is less than a dollar?
*To attract folks away from Starbucks, many espresso places have bikini-clad girls working the drive thru. A few thoughts come to mind…
a. what about the women customers, where is Jim Zorn to serve me my Chai tea? (Ok maybe most women want that Twilight guy or Brad Pitt)
b. Is this wise? What if she accidentally spills, scalding her body…
c. Is this any different than Hooters, I am sure it offends women. I am indifferent to that but many women find this super degrading.
d. I never saw this in Phoenix where it is warm, I bet these women in Washington are freezing. Oh now I get it…
*They have a lot of these “roundabouts” on their roads. The first time I encountered one was in Halifax. I was pretty sure I was going to die. The ones here in Washington are not as traffic-filled but still scare me. I just don’t think everyone gets the concept, therefore “danger-danger!” Why can’t we just stick to 4-way stops? A traffic light?
* Ivars is a famous seafood place downtown Seattle. Maybe they have always had these but I just noticed they have Ivars fast food joints around the rest of town. It is a small consolation for lack of In ‘n Outs… “Giant Prawns to go pleas!”
*I keep seeing the same people! Even the same cars! The day I got the job at the Puyallup Fair, I was parked next to a cool PT cruiser with flames. Two days later I saw it in the town I am staying in which is a good 30 miles away.
*Grr to a Sheriff who came flying up on my rear while driving. It made me figure I was nailed for speeding. I was waiting for him to pull me over as he tailed me for miles. When we finally came to a second lane, he flew around me like a jack-ass in an import racer. I watched him with other cars after, he was a tailgating Sheriff. JERK!
* I hear the most bizarre noises at night out in the country, Ones that wake me out of a dead sleep. The funniest one wasn’t outside though. Mary’s refrigerator must have demons to shake when it defrosts. Scared me straight out of bed one night! Speaking of beds, when I finally get my own place I am going to get a King size bed. My two hounds take up more room than I do.
*Oh I found a tiny little scam…I heard a women say to a sales clerk that she was from Oregon so they didn’t charge her sales tax. She just had to show her drivers license. Guess who has a driver’s license from a state with no sales tax…. (and no I don’t mean AZ. AZ has plenty of sales tax…)
*Finally if I may make a small suggestion for my bearded male friends, never go apply for a job with a comb stored in your beard….;)
Hey are you the Mod Maid that used to be on the Sloan Message Board? If so I was wondering about the tracklist for the old Halifax Indie compilation CD Hear & Now '92. It had Sloan and Thrush Hermit on it. If you could get back to me with it, that would be amazing. I'm trying to compile a complete Thrush Hermit discography.
chris dot renshaw at live dot com.
Nevermind. Some more creative google searches found me the tracklist. Thanks anyways. Cheers!
(Feel free to delete both of those comments)
nice blog but not bady to know !
Fairly certain he will have a very good read
I definitely love this site.
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