OK I am starting to hate that Much has her as a VJ, I have never even seen her but I don't want her sharing my name! I Love Leah.com-why didn't I register that domain name? Dan says I'm way hotter but he clearly needs glasses to the Hotness that is Leah Miller Canadian style. I am sad! My KUKQ fans never built me a site. It just occured to me I am glad Sloan boys did not read my name as Leah Miller on their radio show or I would be connected to her cheese factor! I stole the website from Ross, thanks for making me laugh so hard out loud! Here's fun quote from said website-
Welcome fellow Leah Lovers, to the first ever Leah Miller fan site! Here you will find many people, boys and girls, from all over the country (Canada obviously) who...just can't seem to hide their love for Leah.
Now on to life as we know it for AZ's Leah Miller. Usual work junk but huge news at like 4:45pm! They banned the vans! No more driving the 15 passenger vans as they are no longer legal for ASU to use- there was a motion to get rid of them due to some roll over deaths. So two days after I had to drive one! YEAH!
I spent most of afternoon reading a thread on a messsage board called locals that seems to be about things people do in their local area. I think that is called The Peacemakers board in these parts, anyway...It was about growing up in the 80's in Halifax indie scene and did I hit pay dirt on research! Correct record store names, streets where kids hung out, club names, shows my characters could have gone to-it was something I was missing. I wrote all my clubs as Tempe style because that is what I know but I can add some names that fit now. I realize I will not have the complete real feel to them but I am not writing a documentary on the Haifax music scene, The story is just set there. I wrote two pages of names and notes-it was something I was missing in my research! Andrea went to Dalhousie but she didn't frequent the alternative scene. I had lunch with her today, she had some more tidbits for me too. I guess beyond editing, I am still completing research. I have my critique session tomorrow,I need to jot some questions for her tonight when I finish this.
I want to say that Something Happens is my most underrated band in my favorites. Everytime they come on the ipod, I melt at Tom's voice. I have to find my interview of them because I had them play "Daisyhead" acoustic. That is probably in the airchecks tub under the bed- that is a full day task in itself to sort through. I wonder whatever became of them. I wonder if they have a message board- just funning!
KBM and I just had dinner, we had another topic to have me blog but I forget what it was. I will address the one she suggested: Do you have photos in your wallet?
I do not, I used to until I went out so much I feared losing them. I often think I should keep a photo of Big Red in my purse as I always seem to answer what I do as in drag racing. Especially because I wear the SS necklace, I have to always explain what an SS is. Dan does not have any photos in his wallet either, when we were dating he had a picture of me in front of my car in the visor of his truck. Now he has a photo of Wicket in the visor. The dog replaced me... When I was in High School, the photos in my wallet were of Loverboy and Jim Zorn's football cards. Somethings never change for me. Fangirl for life?
On the wall as you enter our house are photos, a whole wall of them. I will have to take a pix later. Anyway, our discussion about photos in wallets led to whether you have family photos on the walls of your home. I even have a photo of mom holding me as a baby that my dad(Sam) carried in his wallet. Karen told me she doesn't have photos of her family up in her house, nor does her parents have many if any. My grandma had a wall as did my mom. So is it something of a habit handed down? Missy has one. My other sis in law only had pix of her family until Dan's bro complained. I made sure I had lots of Dan's family too although not as many photos exist on his side. One further thought on my part was that many brides only seem to have wedding photos on their walls, maybe because they are professionally taken but I believe there are many other special photos outside of that day! I think I came from a huge line of phototakers!
So add a comment- Do you have wallet photos or family photos on your wall?
1 comment:
I do have family photos up at my house. A pic of mom, dad, Tom, Cheryl and me at Cheryl's wedding and one of Cheryl and Wayne at their wedding and also another family photo taken at my cousins wedding, which I am not in. Currently that frame/photo is not on view. Gotta make room for those photos of K and M!
I also enjoyed your underrated band moment. Perhaps some other underrated catergories to speak of in future blogs????
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