Tuesday, January 04, 2005

New job looks kind like old one

Yesterday was a momentous day in my life as I began my life as a full time employee of Arizona State University. I have worked here since August of 2000 and patiently waited for a full time opportunity to present itself. Dr.. Fritz Leigh, a long time supporter of my career, found a way to tie my advising of The Blaze with additional chores. I will now lead the Cronkite Village, a living learning commuinty for students here in the Cronkite school. While I often reflect on my days at Eastern Michigan, I see how much my parents move to Arizona made my career very different than it would have been in Michigan. Although who knows, maybe I would have been advisor for WQBR by now. I see how my ties to KASR affected so much of my life since. Now, I have a cushy closet office with so many shelves for trinkets, they are going to be sorry they let me move in for fire hazard reasons. I am enjoying the time to work on ideas for the LLC. I know the time will go by fast as school starts in two weeks and I have such a difficult time getting things done when they are back.
Not only did that happen yesterday but the other event I have anticipated almost as long is the completion of my race car. Nov of 2003, I decided to back-half the car to make it safer and more consistant. I have not been the most patient car owner, sometimes feeling like it wasn't a priority to get done quickly. I admit I was a bear to live with sometimes but I know sometimes Dan procrastinates. Anyway, it's done and left Travis' garage yesterday in route to the alignment shop and then home tomorrow. I may be in the car by Sunday depending on weather, and how it handles for Dan and Travis. I can't believe I haven't been in the car for over a year. I am nervous but know it will be old hat once I get back at it for a bit. Me racing again, I was beginning to doubt it.
Listened to CFOX all day today, what a joy. Heard Matt twice, OLP, Age of Electric, Tea Party, Hip and Limblifter. Love it! Need to find all 80's Canadian station to listen to.
I will try to blog more often now-got behind between being very sick several times and holidays.
Read this today "Frown less, you never know who is falling in love with your smile."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite entry yet. Especially the last bit :)