I am listening to the new Matt Good track as I type this. The chorus caught my attention on his website but it doesn't sound the same as I listen, I wonder if that was a different song on the website. Andrew and I went to lunch yesterday as he was in Vancouver Tuesday to get it. Matt mentions him in the video commentary as Andrew is in the video for Anti-pop. Andrew is way too humble about it! I think if you are a huge fan, it is a big deal to get a mention. I equate it to having one of my photos used in the Posies boxset, it's a huge honor to be acknowledged by your favorite artist in someway.. Anyway, I am slowly going through the Matt Good video commentary,I am just glad to finally own all the videos. Lyrics above are from a MG favorite I forgot in my Top MG songs- "21st Century Living" I am getting ready to compile my fave Sloan songs for a blog soon. Promises, promises, eh?
OK here's some random thoughts and news:
I made the team for the E.T. Finals!!! Kinda guessed after Lonnie called but my phone call came like 10 minutes before the INXS final. I had to rush off the phone. They had already sent the list in at 5pm but waited to call me at 8:45pm, hello....nothing like leaving me hanging.. I asked if I was like the last person they called... So 4 days of racing in 2 weeks against all the bad boys from CALI, can't wait!!! Now I gotta get organized before hand, have all our race stuff together, get Dan to fix that bad boy, get the RV ready...lot of work but worth it! Yeah!!!
So JD won, no shock near the end as it was getting really obvious when he debutted "Pretty Vegas" I hope Mig records a record, I'd buy it. I will go see INXS when they come, plus Dan likes JD so at least he will go with me now too. As I said, glad the commitment to a TV show is over, ugh I am so not into watching TV anymore. I am finding it amusing that a Canadian, particularly from Nova Scotia won...
Didn't get to wrote for the last two nights, good and bad, I am eager to write the next scene but I need to cool it because I think the Pisces in me makes me a little obsessive about things (Ya think???) I need to spend time doing things like hanging out wiht my husband ar maybe cleaning my house....
Nina has email now, it is nice we have been emailing everyday now....planning that trip to N.S. She is helping me with Canadian 80's history for the novel. Still not sure how I will ever find out DUI laws in Nova Scotia in 1987 but hey, writing is about research too right?
Oddly not thinking of all the things I wanted to blog about. All is fine with The Blaze and the Village kids, I have some work I am behind on but I will get caught up soon. No big weekend plans... hmmm.. well until we meet again..."I'm ready to go off!"
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