It’s gonna take a lot of blogs to tell the amount of incredible things that have happened this week. I knew the week of Sloan and The Posies was going to be incredible but I wasn’t expecting the delicious irony I am experiencing with both. I am not sure if it a life full of coincidences or it’s the just plain bizarre world I live in. The entire Sloan experience last Sunday will fill some pages soon but I have to address what happened today. BTW, in case you were worried if my other favorite band the Blossoms were lost in this process, fear not, they ended up playing a part in my weekend too, Of Course they did!
My title is literal. As I sat in my basement closet office in Stauffer I got an email form my MD at The Blaze. Here’s what it said:
I just got a call from the Posies, and they're going to have a shitload of time to kill before their show on Saturday. They're doing an in-store at Stinkweeds at 4, and then would like to come over here after that!
I told them I needed to run it by you first, but....I think I know the answer. Talk to you tomorrow!
OK, Who does this happen to?? I’m pretty sure they have no idea I am the advisor there. Oh, and btw I gave him my permission-haha! In 1988 in the very office that Matt talked to them is the first time I put Failure on the turntable and fell in love, although I wondered why they played poppy music but looked like The Cure. I remember pointing it out in my music meeting as I presented it to my staff. Is this delicious irony? I don’t know what it is but my favorite teen book growing up was called The Luckiest Girl (Beverly Cleary?) I literally feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world. I could moan and groan over my truck being smashed up but come on, for three days of unfortunate incidents last week, now I am being rewarded beyond belief. I am also being vindicated for writing, but I digress. The Posies want to play on the air too, oh sure come on by my kid’s station and play away, I love private concerts anyway! So, I will have a couple days to wonder if they somehow know I advise the Blaze or not. Not sure how they could know unless they have one of those Billboard style guides to college radio stations, obviously my name is listed in a few of them. I love the idea even better that they just want to play the local college radio station and here’s their biggest fan in AZ “Putt putt girl” running the place. I am really looking forward to seeing Ken as I haven’t seen him since I saw them in Seattle for the “Success” CD release, that was maybe 97? Around the time they broke up (yeah break up, for a few days maybe) MD Matt is about to leave for CMJ next week, of course CMJ is the where I first saw The Posies in 1990. I saw them three times that weekend, once at the seminar acoustic (first time I saw them do my favorite Posies song of all time “This one’s taken”) then a club called Woody’s (owned by Ron Wood of Stones) then at CDGBS (which is about to close it’s doors) My photos from CDGBS were used in the Posies boxset as requested by Ken! I was just telling Matt what an incredible experience he is about to embark on as a college music MD at the CMJ conference. I was the one who got KASR to start sending its music directors. Again is this all irony or do I have the definition wrong like Alanis did?
The Posies asked if they could come by The Blaze, I’d be willing to bet when I put them in rotation in my “breakout” category in 1988, KASR was probably one of the first stations beyond Seattle to add them. I think the door is wide open if The Posies would like to come by, what do you think? I think a Gin Blossom will be at the show…
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