If you believe in karma, I must have really bad karma this week. I am not sure what I am being punished for but the last two days feel like I am experiencing the worst before I get the joy of seeing two of my fave bands.
This lovely photo of my "new" truck is now a sad reminder. Today I unfortunately was in my first car accident. The good news was no one was hurt and it would have been much worse if I didn't have said truck... I am just sad, annoyed and bruised ego. It was a chain reaction with three cars slammming into one another because the first guy got cut off. I, unfortunately, was the last car in the chain, hence a guarentee failure to control speed to avoid collision. Man, what a major pain in the behind. I am listening to The Spoons "Romantic Traffic" on the ipod but the metaphor of changing lanes in the lyrics are not easing my troubled mind right now. I want to relax on vacation but now I have to worry about insurance adjusters and how to come up with the deductable. UGH!
So let's not dwell on my two bad days (the day prior I lost my keys, not as bad as the virgin car accident...) My new neighbor in my Stauffer ofice, the new freshman advisor is a super cool guy, loves alt music so we have bonded. He got me talking about Bay Window and made me get past my woos this morning. I got so passionate talking about it. I told him he is now my academic advisor too. we just talked about things in our lives that serve as releases as we both try really hard to serve students and do well for the Cronkite school. He is teaching himself trumpet and painting. We both surmised that it's our ways to please ourselves after days full of pleasing those around us.
Had more to talk about but my Blaze station manager needs to talk so gotta go! Sloan in 3 days! Leave for Mich tomorrow!
How was the show?! Sorry you've had a bad time of it. :(
- Albert
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