I certainly knew yesterday was the end of my easier days. Today I was in meetings all morning, which may be common for some folks but odd around the Cronkite School. The meetings got kinda saucy near the end, I love when heads start butting, as long as I am not involved. I deal with that enough with the Blaze kids (who have a meeting this afternoon) Anyway, I obviously have time to blog so work must not be too demanding yet. I am doing this during lunch though (Like I have to defend or something?) So during the staff meeting the new Dean of the school singled me out as someone he specifically wanted on a committee to study what basics of radio we are teaching our students. Raise arms for a touchdown- I am beaming! All my Blaze kids complain about the lack of radio instruction in their courses and it was my largest complaint back in my days as an undergrad here. I have barily even spoken to the Dean in regards to this which makes me think someone else recommended me to assist. So yes, I am grinning today between that and the meeting kudos Matt and I got for calling all the students on academic probation.
Did I work on Bay Window last night, you ask? Well no, but remember I said barring any unforseen circumstances. I swear I should never use that phrase. Dan and I went to help Tony jump his batteries on his chair that had drained while he was gone for winter break. Funny thing in Dan and I's crazy life, we couldn't get at the battery charger without pulling out the trailer so we just went and bought another one. No wonder I stress on bills-hahaha! Actually it is so much smaller than my old charger, it will be way cool at the track (that place I would like to return to soon, hopefully in two weeks, maybe, please!) So anyway, I could have wrote when we got back but it just felt too late to start.
Now I know it is a great day, I just got an email from Nina saying that she went to Mom and Dad's grave today! She said she put some Hydrangas and bird of paradise on for Mom and found a heart shaped rock for my dad. She said it's 55 in Mich and a beautiful day. She said exactly what I felt when I was there, it has an incredible calming affect. Here's what she said:
I always feel good there. Like I know that everything will be ok--I feel a bit more strenght to endure the rough times. I know that Pam is always around but sometimes it feels good to go see her and do something cheery for her and your Dad and grandparents. I found a heart-ish shaped rock and put it on Dad's grave for you. They are with you! They will help you!
You know, my mom just knows, she always knew when I needed it. I wasn't expecting this to become an emotional entry, but Nina's email made me realize things happen with incredible timing in my life.
Nina also agreed to the last week of June for our Nova Scotia trip!
Woo hoo-2006 is going to be a great year, I can feel it ;)
sure does look like a wendy in the picture there.. am i right?
It certainly is, did I tell you I saw Wendy over Thanksgiving break-what a wonderful surprise! That photo is from the article about Firestorm in the College Times.
what a dated photo... complete with the old console. at least it's got that sepia-aged look to make it all work.
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