Friday, July 22, 2005

Breathe - How can I fall?

Ok Karen likes my product reviews so here's another new one I got recently on a trip to Bath and Body Works (the best lotions- bar none) I love the little spray bottle you can spritz just a little and smell all refreshed up after a walk around ASU campus on 114 degree day! Who am I kidding, I drive the golf cart at any given chance. Speaking of, it is hilarious that people in cars tail you when you drive those, like I can speed up?!
Tony fixed BOB for me today! I was missing my dose of Canadian 80's tunes and Milky's request lunch hour. I think I am done with Winnipeg, they love Matt but I haven't heard Sloan all week.
I wrote another 3000 word scene last night, I am obsessed with writing right now, it has made my website suffer but I needed a break from that anyway. I bought some software but I just need to get everything in my head out first before I try to use software to organize it. I read this book about a online writing contest where you spend all of October writing a 50,000 words novel. It sounds like a blast, for the amount of words I have written so far, I don't think that sounds too difficult to obtain. The rules state you must start a new so I wouldn't be able to use "Out my bay window" (working title) for this contest. I have other stories in my head so I think I could do it. We'll see where I am at in late Sept as I know I will be overwhelmed this school year with both the Village and The Blaze at once to look after.
I need to go back to my old reflection stories on this blog. Soon... For now my creativity is in use elsewhere and I'm loving it!