Thursday, July 07, 2005

Get Out's Top 50 valley songs

Much more to comment soon on the Chris Hanson Orf list of top songs from the valley. I am up too late to make proper commentary. I will say at first read I agree with many and surprised to see some of the nds that made it. Just like my record shopping in the cut out bins, many of my choices are in honorable mentions! For now, pick up a Get Out or Hoping to have some lively discussion on this list. I included an old Dead Hot flyer in honor of the list.
I spent most of the last hour watching some Live8 on AOL but it is distorted. Nothing could help Raine Maida's distored vocals, man they have sound problems a lot. Since this is Maple musings, may I say there is a fellow who should not try a beard! Sam Roberts, yes, Raine Maida-NO! Despite OLP's less than great Live8 performance, I would predict thet new single as a possible top tune of the year for me....but alas some one larger in my music world has a new single at the end of this month so I will hold judgement.
On Robin Wilson's blog, he has a list of cool things he can say he has done that no one else has, something like that. I will have to post it here, anyway, I was watching the Live8 videos and realized that I could say I actually know someone who performed on a Live8 stage. Someone who would know me by name at first sight, pretty cool eh? I am very excited and proud that one of my favorite musicians was actually on London's stage! I speak of the one and only Ken Stringfellow! As a long standing Posies girl, how could I not be proud of my favorite band's member being a part of such an amazing event! I swear the camera man hated him but obviously he is not the focal point of REM. Actually REM sounded great, I like "Imitation of Life" and kinda think I should explore the last three albums a little more. It is a pretty sweet gig he got, playing with them! I watched some REM at AOL sessions and Ken was much more prominant.
OK better get to sleep.....
Here's Robin's list:
Ten things I've done that you probably haven't.
posted at 02/25/2005 12:21 PM EST 2 Thumbs
Joe Rybicki and John Scalzi of OPM have encouraged us all to make such a list. I invite you to post yours here.

1. Smoked a joint with Phil Hartman backstage at SNL. When I met him he shook my hand and said "Hi Robin, I'm Troy Maclure. You may remember me from such educational films as Locker Room Towel Fight: the blinding of Larry Driscol!"

2. Wrote a top ten single.

3. While in the studio with KISS, I was the first person to show Gene Simmons a "Spawn" comic book.

4. Awarded a gold record backstage at the LA Forum.

5. Bought a Sega Genesis in London. Gave it away at the end of the tour.

6. Married by my wife's old boss Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show and Minister in the Church of Universal Light.

7. Taught a dog to Jet Ski.

8. Collaborated with one of my favorite comic book artists on an album cover. Artist Geof Darrow of Hard Boiled and The Matrix.

9. Performed National Anthem at a Major sports event. Suns, D-Backs, Monday Night Football.

10. Got a part time job writing for one of my favorite magazines. Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is Robin's fave magazine? "Get Out"?