Monday, August 22, 2005

Big Red Blog entry for 8/20/05

This is for my other blog-Big Red Blog- I have access to the internet so I am publishing on here for now, will transfer later.
Another 3 months went by with out going down the track for me. I have been a million times more patient than I was when the car was being tubbed. Dan has been working 7 days a week, Team Firebird races never end early so there has been no chance of getting done early enough for him to get up at 4 am. Even this weekend Dan had to work Sunday morning, only not til 6 am. So after a case of the jitters Saturday morning, we finally get loaded up and to the track with "Big Red" in her new enclosed trailer. So I feel fine in the car once I drive it up to tech. I don't know why I get nervous, it's like riding a bike or what ever the cliche is. I am the most comfortable I can be when I am sitting in that car, no matter how many changes it has had since I bought her. So time for a time run, I do a good burnout, my fellow racer takes ten hours to stage for some reason. I surprise myself and red light. I guessed it was from the long staging and didn't worry about it until I made pass number two and red light again. This is the last thing I need, I never want to go back to red lighting. I know I have not have seat time but I was not red lighting up until now with the new set up. I was looking forward to the Run the Money to get the red out of my system. No one ever announced we were not having one so once the 2nd runs were over and they called Pro I was a tad bit off guard that they were calling the class. I threw a guessing dial on the car, headed up and ended up at the end of the line. I need to figure out a way to not be in the back all the time. I need to be completely ready for the call sooner for now on. I was surrounded in the rear by the usual suspects-Marconi, Downing, Kerbel and Kadar. The rear of the line is where the bad boys hang out, I certainly don't belong back there, I need to get towards the middle next race! I was directly behind an orange Camaro. He comes back to me to tell me he is broke and for me to go around him. I wait for Marconi to move up and finally back up a little, turn my wheel and head around the Camaro. Just as I am moving forward, the car stops dead in 1st gear. I had no idea what happened. I mess with the shifter, fearing I did something to tranny. I get he car to move in 2nd gear. I move up in line and realize again the car won't move in 1st gear. I realize my tranny brake line is hanging off the steering column, I had accidentally pulled it out when I made the turn to pull around the car. I have had issues with it wrapping around the steering column since we added it. I thought about foot braking but don't want to hurt anything by leaving in 2nd. I turn around and head back to the pits dejected. Dan said the cord was grounding out making it seem like the tranbrake was working in 1st gear. Ugh...2 passes and my night is over, no first round, no time to fix it in time for the open class. Now I have to wait, wait for another chance...but my wait will be a bit less patient. It only takes two passes after 3 months, I need to be in my car, I thrive on it. I just need that release, I don't know how else to describe it.