My last entry was titled with a Posies lyric. I'll tell ya, my mind is too far north of the border lately. I never even remotely thought about the possiblity for said band touring for their first new full record in like 8 years. I can not believe it never crossed my mind. I look at Matt Good, Sloan, even GB tour dates weekly...yet my favorite band of all time comes out with a new record and I don't remotely think they may tour for it. I haven't found an up to date Posies site in a while and have long been off their e-list. You had to pull my jaw off the floor when my favorite ZONE jock Albert emailed me with the Pollstar link. I was on the computer, checking out Jon's awesome Cronkite Village logo when Albert sent the email. My computer freezes just as I try to open Albert's link. I call Jon to confirm as I couldn't wait for the long bootup this computer takes. Jon got the brunt of my pre-teen screams although I think I woke Dan up in the process. Even in their acoustic tours a few years back they didn't come here....NOW Not only are they coming here, they are playing Tucson too, on a weekend for my convience. It doesn't even conflict with a Team Firebird race! So in one week I will see Sloan on Sunday then The Posies the following Saturday and Sunday. I am not sure how much more blessed I can get....well there's always Matt but hey, he was last summer's trip! What a surprise for my day off today...The Posies return to AZ. That could be months of blogs if we tried to recount all my Posies experiences. I'll have to go back and re-count how many times I have seen them, somewhere around 16 which isn't bad for someone who doesn't live in their hometown! More soon..for now a fine photo from a long time ago...oddly my old music director Jon L is in the picture and I heard today he is back on the air this weekend in Phoenix. I hope he doesn't think the whole town remembers KQ...although I certainly know there are some...
The picture is from November of 1990, The Posies first show in Phoenix was at Chuy's that night....and then my putt putt girl nickname was born the next day!
You took a trip last summer to see Matt Good? When and where?
when we gunna see another entry huh huh
huh? You were so involved in your man you don't remember me going to Vancouver last August to see Matt Good? One glorious day in BC, Aug 5, 2004. My favorite part of the day was seeing Matt walking towards us and I recognized him before Andrew did..because he looked like Robin-hahaha- There is a picture of me and Matt on this blog- where did you think it came from? There is no way you didn't know I went to Vancouver last summer?!?!?
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