Photo**Ashley and Scotty J on The Blaze last week!
Random rants today!
*Camping + Mod Maid = BAD ,
*Prescription Dramamine + Mod Maid = Passed out for 14 hours camping
*Free food for strangers + Thanksgiving = No mashed potatoes for Mod Maid and family,
*3 dogs + 3 days in RV = unhappy camping Mod Maid.
*Quad + sheer drop straight down = panic attack Mod Maid
*Sloan on ipod + first time in sand car = kick ass ride for Mod Maid!
*Sand car + acceleration to 11 second monster = similar ride to Mod Maid's beloved Big Red=Happy camper!
** "Christmas is coming, it's been a long year, I wish you were here." Yet again, neither Dan nor I are in the spirit at all. Mom just made it special, neither of us have it in us to do it up the way we used to. Once again, the only house in the cul de sac without lights, the house that used to be Chevy Chase's.
**I hate itunes with a passion today. I can not get it to load songs and each time I try it freezes my computer so bad, I can't even re-boot. Just plain lame and frustrating.
**Sweet JEW version of "Last Christmas" is on The Blaze right now..I soo loved this song growing up, absolutely Top 5 Christmas song along with "Do they know it's Christmas?", "Another Christmas time without you" - Michael Damien, "Christmas, Baby please come home" - U2, and "Rudolph" - Corey Hart
**I found a journal from my freshman English class, as much as I look back on my years at Eastern with such fondness, if you read this journal I sounded like a tortured soul. Freshman boy problems of course. I think my sophomore year was better based on the calendars and being mainly with the Pre-teens for the year!
**The president of ASU, Mr Crow, is starting a blog and office hours. It just struck me as LOL funny. He is just the typical business guy trying too hard to connect with the kids.
**Today is last day of class for the Village kids. They have a Christmas karaoke party next week. Guess who is hosting, he's already practicing and getting nervous.
**I have been kinda sucked in to the SMB lately. I talked to my pal from there the night before I left for the Dunes. It is nice to have some others to talk about your fave bands with. I was on the Posies list for years, met lots of great people on there.
**I started a flickr photo account, stole the idea from the Matt Good site again just like using this blogger. I need my computer pals wise assistance to add the account to the side of this blog. Sometime, after I get this dumb itunes problem solved. For now
**I didn't get to write while on camping duty. I managed to write 4000 words Monday night but on Monday's I am so tired, it turned out rather disjointed. I will fix it tonight. I know I need to wrap it up, but I am now experiencing the difficulty of finishing. Pulling everything back together is tough. Writing about bad things is hard. I know that is such a simple sentence but I am having the worst time getting to the life altering moment. I guess I have enjoyed writing the sweet, nice stuff as a release to reality. Writing about painful events is just a reminder of my own. It becomes less of a release and more of a heart wrenching experience. Don't get me wrong, I need to do this, and I love it but I am struggling right now, I am quite aware of it.
**OK now The Blaze is playing a cover of "Christmas, Baby please come home" Funny since I just mentioned it. It is Death Cab for Cutie doing it, very sleepy version but I like it, first time I have heard it.
**I heard a great song on my ipod today, Happenstance by Gladhands. Happenstance is a good word, the song was adorable. I got the riot act again Monday night from Dan about not knowing every song on every CD I own. Actually it was my weekly Sloan riot act reading. I told Dan I could switch and become a Tea Party freak if he preferred (NOT!) On our drive home from the Dunes, we listened to my Top 25 most played on my ipod (What a great feature, especially from a girl who used to rate my Top 10 favorite guys in 8th grade) Anyway, you can imagine who was on that list. Dan admitted to liking a few more songs from CPAJ....
**Tony is bugging me to get some work done..hehehe..he loves to give me shite too..