So funny...my station manager at The Blaze thinks the version The Blaze is playing of "Enjoy the silence" is yet another cover. BUT it is really Depeche...so many covers that these youngsters don't recognize the orignal.
The salute to the Crew is because I saw one of those I love the 80's shows on VH1 this weekend and they used "Died" for their De ja Video feature. They did their usual ridicule of the song but found little to make fun of. My heart fluttered hearing it. The late Kevin MacMichael was a Scotian. One of my favorite stories in my music discovery is this: I used to listen to a show on CKLW called On the edge. Everyday I would write down everything they played. One of my very favorite songs I ever heard on the show was called "Tears on your anorak" by The Drivers. For some reason they only played it for a short amount of time, a couple weeks maybe. Never knew anything else about them until I was in college reading an article about Cutting Crew in Music Express. The author revealed that Nick Van Eede was formerly in the The Drivers who were on tour with Kevin's band Fast Forward in Canada when the label dumped them and left the Drivers stranded in Canada. Then of course, magic struck, Nick and Kevin formed the band who would go on to craft my favorite song of all time. I think CC was considered Can Con...I played on the maple minutes but a few of my friendly detractors gave me heck for that. I don't have them in my Canadian section in the closet. Does anyone else in the US have their music library divided by Canadian then everything else?
I am not gonna lie, I had a rough weekend. I should have not gotten the journals out, it was too difficult to read, too difficult to relive. As the Crew says, I should have walked away... from so many things... I guess I will leave it at that.
What always perks me up, writing these days. Jon emailed me the link for the National Novel writing month, I read a book about how they do that, you write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I was very interested in doing that before I started Bay Window, in fact some people have asked my why I don't just use it for the contest but the rules say you should start from scratch. I thought about starting another for it but I am so close to finishing Bay window, I can't start something else right now. I have had my mind buried in college radio, bands being signed and places kids hang out in Halifax..I don't feel like shifting gears yet and researching another topic. I did get over 5000 words written over the weekend. Finishing 50,000 in a month for this contest would not be a challenge. As we see from these blogs, shutting me up is the problem. Last night it lead me again, I did something I absolutely wasn't planning in all my notes. I feel like I am not being disipline to my notes by letting these things write themselves.
The radio kids are in rare form today. And Tony wonders why I can't get work done here. The CV halloween party was a big success, they had very creative costumes to say the least. My freshmen..crazy kids. Afeter dressing up in various forms of narcotics they got up early Monday morning and got their picture taken with their namessake Walter Cronkite. My pride and joy, my frosh-hahaha! Yesterday was the Cronkite Luncheon. I can never go to the AZ Biltmore without thinking of meeting INXS there. The award recipient was Dave Barry, who was hilarious. I have never had a subscription to a newspaper with his column but am intersted in checking out his books after hearing how humourous he was.
A photo or two from the Cronkite luncheon to follow. I am going to attempt to work...I know that is as funny as Dave Barry.
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