Was watching The Alternative last night and Dan pulled out the Blossoms DVD Outside looking in. Apparently I own it but have never watched it..such a shock. How many CDs do I own I have never listened to?? Don't answer. Dan used to pull out 6 CDs out of my closet and put them on to quiz me if I knew who they were. He nailed me a few times with obsure KUKQ bands I saved the CD for one song I liked. So we watched a GB show from Chicago, looked like circa 93-94. I need to ask Scott this week when he comes to The Blaze why they never recorded "What" or "Everywhere". The Blaze directors had to announce at their meeting today that they met Blossoms, it was a big event last week. BTW, Robin asked me where The Blaze was, I answered, same place you always used to skateboard to see me. That is how we got into the conversation as to why the station was no longer KASR but KASC.
I think it is the right week to pull out the Robin tour reports. Should make for some good memories. I am bachloretting it for 3 days so I can spend it reminising again, only this should be much less painful.
I had a pretty quiet weekend, which was needed. I even baked cookies! I spent the weekend getting Dan ready to leave for the Dune Sea. He is on the road as we speak. He is going to come get me and the dogs on Wednesday. Oh boy, three days camping...I am not a camper...even with a fully stocked RV.
I wrote Saturday night until around 2am I think, I was on a roll. I laughed, I cried, and I woke up Sunday not sure what I wrote. I am so unconscious when I do write, I surprise myself the next day when I read it back. No I swear I am not drinking. I liked a sweet little scene I wrote about Elise buying her wedding dress. I jotted down some notes for the next few scenes, there is just not that much left. I didn't write last night despite having plenty of time. I think I am sad to finish so I am trying to extend my time with it a little longer. I will probably work n it the next two nights since I will be home alone. It is really weird how some nights things just come out better than others. Some nights, I just don't have a good flow, ones writing is sorta like our bio-rhythms. I guess I need to work on the sequel but I swore to myself I would try one of the other stories first. Will it be the story of Jim and Andi or the yet named bracket racer girl who meets her top fuel driver of her dreams?
OR will it be the tale of the campus radio station advisor who finally cleans her house after 6 months of ignoring it to write a novel?
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