I just heard myself on the radio, didn't recognize my own voice. Weird, I know. I called Milky on BOB to play One to One for me. I have had "Angel in my pocket" in my head for the past week, it's such a sweet perfect little pop song which makes me smile, makes me think of hearing it on my bedroom clock radio. It is funny because all my friends know that I pretty much hate female vocalists but Louise Remy is an exception I guess... I do have a few exceptions, Luba, Pat Benatar...hmmm...have to think on this more...The singer of K's Choice, can't think of her name....hmmm..Have to get back to you on this one.. Anyway my phone call sounded decent, like I had a voice for radio or something-hahahahaha...not trying to sound conceited, radio is about the only thing I have ever done right in my life. We all have our insecurities but it's the only thing I think I knew truly how to do...are we allowed to have more than one talent in our lives? I certainly wish I could be a better bracket racer, a better teacher, a better wife, a better house keeper, and yes...I wish I could have as much success with my writing as I did with my radio career. I guess I wonder if we are meant for just one success in our lives or if we could be so blessed to do well at something else. I have already been blessed with a second career, but a third? Could I be so fortunate? Just something I think about.
Sunday night I was writing, enjoying the chapter I was working on. I made a reference to The Church and not five minutes later "Tantilized" came on The Alternative that I was listening to on the TV. I actually got off my A$$ and ran into the TV room to watch the lord guitar god Marty Willson Piper..oh man...I would have to say The Church are one of my favorite overlooked bands. I mean I love um, always have but forget about them sometimes...then I hear and see um...Love them! When I was PD at KASR I had a poster of Marty up in my office, we wrote love post it notes to Marty on it-hence the title "Lord god Marty" It's well known that I have travelled to see bands like The Posies, GBs back in the day but I also travelled once to go see The Church! Around the time I was in full Church mode, it was well known they had a bad experience in Arizona when a show they were supposed to play was cancelled. I wanted to see them so bad, I flew with a few pals to LA to see them, I wanna say in Ventura. I remember they were incredible live, that we stood in front on Marty's side. I didn't get to meet them but we spotted Marty looking out a window above the club and we shouted to him to come out. He never did. I think I was about 21 or 22 at the time, went with Carrie with a C and a guy named Rob who was a listener friend we had met. We drove back to the airport and slept in LAX until the flight back the next morning. They have never come back to AZ, even these many years later. So yet again, ironic I make reference to them in Bay Window and there they are-am I the only one who thinks this is too weird for words, they don't exactly show The Church on The Alternative every week.
So I did some productive writing over the weekend, I am realizing I have very few upcoming notes left which means...I am almost done. I am getting sad, never thought finishing would be depressing. I guess I will welcome the chance to go back and fix stuff once I am done. That one lady who did the critique with me said 90% of writing is editing anyway. I am quite sure I could write another set of adventures for Elise, so a sequel is quite certain but for now...I need to close this one and try something different for a while. I plan to write up two treatments for the other two stories I have in my head to help me decide which one I want to tackle next. I am too addicted to writing now to just stop after Bay Window is done. I know I will appreciate these blogs to remind me where my head was during the writing of it. I told Dan I have a harder time writing about bad times, I am in the midst of the big conflict and I struggle more with being fluid about bad things. It's all tharapy for me obviously....
One more big thing to mention, Friday I got confirmation that I will be going Super Street racing! I have made that my goal with the car for many years, it means I will be able to race at NHRA national events like the CSK's here at Firebird! My dad is smiling upstairs big time over this development. Travis agreed to trade me my motor and open trailer for his motor. Dan is going to put it in the car before the Dec race and I will be runnning 10's!!! Yikes! Probably around 125 mph... I am ready!!! I will not make the total switch until the 2007 season as I want to race one more year in Pro before switching to Super Pro. It is unbeleivable when I think about my old days running 14 seconds and wishing I could run 12's. All in good time right? Ryan was sweet and said he predicts he will be sitting in the stands watching me go rounds in Super Street...I hope so, I don't want to be a duck anymore!
BOB played Eight Seconds today and The Spoons along with my One to One request...a good day reliving my youth here in my basement office of Stauffer...Is that one does in their 30's, relive their youth?? Or just me?
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