"So what now? That’s the big question. I do have to make a record next year, as I owe Universal one more. I find myself in a new and strangely exciting position, one that I am somewhat unfamiliar with. Sitting here I know that I cannot waste this opportunity, that I must take the sort of chances that I once did when sleeping on floors and playing coffee shops was routine. Hopefully I will do just that, and to the utmost of my ability. I owe both of us no less." Matthew Good (11/7/05)
Nov 27 - Sloan London, Ont The Drink
OH sure...I spend my morning doing work and while I am working, Matt sounds like he's quitting the music business and Sloan goes and schedules a show in my fave Canadian city Thanksgiving weekend. I should have known it was a Canadian music kind of day(umm..which days are not?) BOB this morning played Harlequin(which you know why that amuses me today) "Boy in a Box" and Plat's "Contact, each of which I have never heard on BOB. I do my daily switch to CFOX and as I flip "Underwhelmed" is on CFOX and then Neil is yakking about Chris Murphy's b-day yesterday (And he knows that because of...?) So I finish my work and decide to read the Sloan message board for lunch. I was on the Sloan official site yesterday and no dates mentioned yet today, after seeing a clue on the message board, I see a London date. Nina has been hinting for me to come to Mich for t-day since I was there Labor Day. I dismissed the idea figuring I would be a family outcast if I left AZ for t-day. This idea is more so true now since I have my own quad. Ok, there will be more Sloan dates to look forward to, I will have to let that idea go. BUT it doesn't sound so great for Matt dates, hmmm, what is he up to? I hope he is not thinking of going acoustic, the acoutic versions on "In a coma" drive me nuts, not so great-Andrew agrees...
Today on Apache Blvd, cops and immigration vans were at three of the old 'motels' as I drove by. I love the old style motel signs, have a book about the old days of like the 50's when people discovered motels. The signs for the ones on Apache are classic but of course they are run down houses of sin now-wink!
I have a student going after me because she is unhappy about her grade in my class. This is one of the reasons I dislike teaching, the kids these days don't own up to things, they just try to fight something they don't like instead of admiting they are not doing what they are supposed to. UGH!
Funny item from the weekend, I heard the neighbors behind us gossiping about our dogs. I suspect they are the ones who called the cops on my barking dogs. I think you call the cops for crime, not dogs who go out about 4 -5 times a day and occasionally bark at cats who come in their yard. I heard a kid say "Mom, they got a new one, it's black and evil" The mom says something like "the brown one is barking all the time again" I went inside before I got too angry and started mouthing off. Jasper(the brown one) has discovered 2 kittens living in our yard and it's been a pain in the behind to get him in the house. If you ever think about getting basset hounds, think twice, stubborn mules they are! I am now calling Della "the black one" our evil dog-hehehe. No gossip about Wicket, hehehe.
At target this weekend I bought a nice sweater that has fur around the neck. Total splurge as it was $30, Missy and I are hoping for some type of work Christmas party the boys have to go to so we have a chance to wear our new Christmas clothes. I call it my Mimi sweater! (Mimi being one of my favorite characters in Bay window, she dresses in fur, feathers and outragous stuff all the time)
Speaking of, didn't write last night. I am always too tired on Mondays but tonight looks promising. I am inspired today, kinda feel like working on it now but I need to pack up and head to The Blaze..see if they are burning down the place or anything. I did work on the website, I am working on getting the site revamped (with Jon's help) so it can have articles added like a blog, make it easier for others to contibute and save it before my home computer completly crokes, which it is about to.
I am pushing to race this weekend, missing racing..but Big Red needs fixing still. We'll see.
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