Hunter was just over visiting for a few hours, loves me that kid. I always wanted to be that cool aunt, I hope I am for him. He got a stereo for Christmas, I keep telling him he'll get to an age where he'll be asking Aunt Leah if he can come borrow some CDS. (or my race car) He's already trying to steal Missy's Ipod.
Survey time for the 2005 in review posts. Borrowed this one from a SMB gal, thought it should yield some interesting answers.
01. Is there any song you listened to back-to-back-to-back-to-back this year?
The top tunes of the year is coming soon, promise!02. What was the single most beautiful physical, geographic place you found yourself in?
Honestly, seeing mom's grave stone was the most beautiful place I went this year.03. Who is a delightful person you met this year?
Quite a few- Miranda for sure, Andrea, SMBer's like Anne, Kate, Trigger and more. Most of my CV kids! Darth Benya, EDIT- I forgot Matt my office neighbor (and coolest dude at the Cronkite school) and Vikki(my LLC guru)04. What was the biggest point of upheaval or change in your life since last December?
Life has been an upheaval consistantly since 2003 but the biggest changes would have to be working full time now at ASU and writing the novel.05. What was a really, really good time in which you had a lot of fun with people?
Two in particular would be: Dressed in long braids and hillbilly teeth shouting cheers to a stand full of my Team Firebird teammates then watching Ryan win the ROC.
Second would be my entire weekend in Michigan on Labor Day weekend. From hanging with Nova, then the Miller's having a picnic in my honor, visiting Glen Eden then on to the Sloan show. That whole weekend was beyond expectation and spooky how inspiring it also became. 06. Who do you think you talked with the most over the last year?
I want to think and say Dan but I would guess Missy is right behind in word count ;)07. What is your favorite material belonging you acquired over the past year?
Wow, that is tough. Maybe the XM receiver. I think I cut back on my material purchases this year (?) The Pie rack is mighty cool.08. Did you fall in love this year? Say something about it? If not, what sorts of crushes or relationships or hobbies did you prefer?
um... hobbies, well I think if you read this blog you know I have finally uncovered my life long desire to write. It has consumed me. The good thing is that it has made me less obsessive about the other hobby. I particularly remember a night in July when Dan got home too late to get me to the Team Firebird race and I didn't even fuss because it meant I got to work on Bay Window that night! For me, that is unbelievable!09. What food item / beverage / illicit drug was your most characteristic this year?
Gotta be Lorenzos white pizza nearly everyday for lunch.10. What was your best blooper-reel moment?
Pretty sure I was "Forgot to fill her Miller" once this year, most all of the first passes on Big Red when I returned to the track after being off 2004. I would guess the accident in the Denali would fall under this catagory too 11. Describe a conversation you had this year that you will never forget.
There is no question it is the conversation Nova and I had with Sloan's Patrick. It was the strongest confirmation I should continue working on Bay Window. If you believe in this stuff, the Lord works through people to make one realize they are on the right track. It was nothing he said spefically, it was a coincidence. And then telling Missy about it after at JB's.
BUT I will also never forget Jon Auer asking Dan if he could hug me!12. What was the funniest 'inside joke' of the year?
Jon H and I had quite a few while sharing the office at the Blaze! 13. What was your most expensive purchase of the year?
The GMC Denali, at least we got it used ;)14. What was your favorite live performance (a play, a band, an orchestra, the ice capades) that you attended this year?
I saw three concerts this year (in 1992, I saw about 3 a week) All three were incredible. Dan getting to see The Posies meant so much, I honestly never thought I would see them again myself. In the same week I saw Sloan again, that was such a blast with Nova. She swung into action, between her investigative snooping backstage then she started screaming as soon as she saw them, having never heard a song of theirs in her life. Because she was so into it, I found myself holding up signs and screaming my lungs out too. And then, when I almost chickened out of talking to Sloan, text messages from Missy and KBM made me gain enought courage to do so. Kyle was the third show I saw, he is just an incredible voice. 15. What song will always remind you of this year?
Try To Make It - Sloan (the person I borrowed this survey from had this answer too)16. What is a 'big lesson' you learned this year?
Using a transbrake is fun and easy. Dan's biggest "I told you so" this year!17. What was the phone number you called most frequently this year?
Danny's cell I'm sure.18. Describe one instant this year in which you were giddily, grinningly happy.
Had to be during and after those two concerts but also the success of the Cronkite Village opening reception.19. What place, thing, person, creative outlet, etc. did you turn to when you needed cheering?
In this grocery bag of new feelings I am going through while writing, Missy wins hands down but Dan has been very supportive too.20. What did you do this year you'd like to do more of in the future?
We all know the answer to this one but I have say that in addition to the new joy of writing that I really enjoyed doing Freshman orientations at work, helping kids new to ASU feel a little more comfortable. AND Go to Four Peaks more! AND go to more Sloan shows AND Race more!