Monday, January 30, 2006

Photograph- Verve Pipe (not that god awful Nickelrazorbacks)

There is my example of a photo wall; I have room for more too. I like to be surrounded by visual stimulation and displaying the ones I love. I like wall photos better as I have enough to dust then to add a whole shelf of stand up frames.

Saturday I was floating after my critique session with the writing professional. I certainly didn't go to it looking for justification but she was so positive with me I left with renewed energy. She gave me some great editing tips to bring down the word count without worrying about pulling full scenes. She also said to stop worrying about word count! She said I got everything needed in an ending, and said it was well written. Actually we had an interesting convo about ending to early without tying up ever end but I like the last scene too much. She indicated she was for hire for grammar editing which is excellent, I will need that desperately. Missy has started re-reading from the beginning and assisting me in checking that all the story meshes, things I may have missed and what the reader my question. We wrote down some little things not needed and a few things I need to add. I am ready to start editing and excited to do it!

I did not go to the time trials which bummed me out a bit on Sunday. Racing is really calling out to me which is making me impatient and cranky. Somehow I need to motivate Dan; he admits he has no interest in cars anymore which leaves me some what in a rough spot.

Tony has a German radio station on in our office; they are playing OLP and played several other Canadian artists earlier. Cancon loved the world over! I heard One to One earlier on BOB but remembered that they are from Ottawa. Andrew is back from Germany but I haven't talked to him yet to hear if he saw The Posies in Regensburg.

Nina and I are getting closer to booking our flights and hotels in Nova Scotia. It doesn't look like she will be there with me the entire time but I am fine with that- I need a lot of time to take notes. It will come up quickly; I am immersed in Nova Scotia books and maps. I did the same when I went to Montreal.

Not much else on my mind today. I taught well today which is always something I stress about. Kinda sleepy, I love talking to my SMB pals late night but my old woman need for sleep is kicking in.

Friday, January 27, 2006

It's all too much - Blossoms

OK I am starting to hate that Much has her as a VJ, I have never even seen her but I don't want her sharing my name! I Love didn't I register that domain name? Dan says I'm way hotter but he clearly needs glasses to the Hotness that is Leah Miller Canadian style. I am sad! My KUKQ fans never built me a site. It just occured to me I am glad Sloan boys did not read my name as Leah Miller on their radio show or I would be connected to her cheese factor! I stole the website from Ross, thanks for making me laugh so hard out loud! Here's fun quote from said website-
Welcome fellow Leah Lovers, to the first ever Leah Miller fan site! Here you will find many people, boys and girls, from all over the country (Canada obviously) who...just can't seem to hide their love for Leah.

Now on to life as we know it for AZ's Leah Miller. Usual work junk but huge news at like 4:45pm! They banned the vans! No more driving the 15 passenger vans as they are no longer legal for ASU to use- there was a motion to get rid of them due to some roll over deaths. So two days after I had to drive one! YEAH!

I spent most of afternoon reading a thread on a messsage board called locals that seems to be about things people do in their local area. I think that is called The Peacemakers board in these parts, anyway...It was about growing up in the 80's in Halifax indie scene and did I hit pay dirt on research! Correct record store names, streets where kids hung out, club names, shows my characters could have gone to-it was something I was missing. I wrote all my clubs as Tempe style because that is what I know but I can add some names that fit now. I realize I will not have the complete real feel to them but I am not writing a documentary on the Haifax music scene, The story is just set there. I wrote two pages of names and notes-it was something I was missing in my research! Andrea went to Dalhousie but she didn't frequent the alternative scene. I had lunch with her today, she had some more tidbits for me too. I guess beyond editing, I am still completing research. I have my critique session tomorrow,I need to jot some questions for her tonight when I finish this.

I want to say that Something Happens is my most underrated band in my favorites. Everytime they come on the ipod, I melt at Tom's voice. I have to find my interview of them because I had them play "Daisyhead" acoustic. That is probably in the airchecks tub under the bed- that is a full day task in itself to sort through. I wonder whatever became of them. I wonder if they have a message board- just funning!

KBM and I just had dinner, we had another topic to have me blog but I forget what it was. I will address the one she suggested: Do you have photos in your wallet?
I do not, I used to until I went out so much I feared losing them. I often think I should keep a photo of Big Red in my purse as I always seem to answer what I do as in drag racing. Especially because I wear the SS necklace, I have to always explain what an SS is. Dan does not have any photos in his wallet either, when we were dating he had a picture of me in front of my car in the visor of his truck. Now he has a photo of Wicket in the visor. The dog replaced me... When I was in High School, the photos in my wallet were of Loverboy and Jim Zorn's football cards. Somethings never change for me. Fangirl for life?

On the wall as you enter our house are photos, a whole wall of them. I will have to take a pix later. Anyway, our discussion about photos in wallets led to whether you have family photos on the walls of your home. I even have a photo of mom holding me as a baby that my dad(Sam) carried in his wallet. Karen told me she doesn't have photos of her family up in her house, nor does her parents have many if any. My grandma had a wall as did my mom. So is it something of a habit handed down? Missy has one. My other sis in law only had pix of her family until Dan's bro complained. I made sure I had lots of Dan's family too although not as many photos exist on his side. One further thought on my part was that many brides only seem to have wedding photos on their walls, maybe because they are professionally taken but I believe there are many other special photos outside of that day! I think I came from a huge line of phototakers!

So add a comment- Do you have wallet photos or family photos on your wall?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Snowsuit Sound

Quick blips today!

I found this photo yesterday on flickr, what a find! Something sexy about winter clothing with me- don't ask me why? I miss it? I always loved jackets. I wear one about twice a year now. I had weird dreams about searching Flickr after. Oh the subconscious!

Driving van to The Edge in a little bit-ugh! Dreading it so much today for some reason. Not even driving very far today. Just building my dread up for some reason.

Jay Sloan said he loved the Bay City Rollers on a recent show. I heard "You made me believe in magic" on my ipod (yes I have BCR on my ipod) and decided it would be a great tune for the "Bay Window" soundtrack. Maybe Sloan would cover it for the soundtrack- LOL

Speaking of- Missy finished reading! She was making me cry just telling me how she felt about the ending. She said "Now that was some powerful writing" She said she didn't want to sound like she didn't enjoy it before but she said my style changed in the end. (Not sure how to correct that) I think it is because I moved things along quicker in the end. She said I dealt with the conflict in the perfet way and that she cried twice! Sorry I am just excited, she was moved which meant I moved one person- success in that alone! KBM says I can not celebrate being "done" until I finish editing. Going to the critique session this Saturday.

Time Trials are this weekend- very exciting. Would be better if I was racing it but you know how that goes... Plan to go hang out on Sunday. Research for next novel right???

KBM and her sis have a blog topic for us to discuss next time, consider this? Do you have photos of your family in your wallet, on your walls at home etc? Will discuss this topic along with women who only have photos of their wedding day on their walls at home.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Seahawks are going to the Superbowl!

One of my favorite people in the world-Jim Zorn! The 'hawks just won! They were showing old Zorn to Largent footage too! Yee Haw~!!!!

A little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me"

I am not a Fall Out Boy fan by any means but Dan pointed out that song as a good one for the Bay Window soundtrack. The lyrics match some scenes, especially reference to your parents porch. I went to Changing hands and bought 6 more "How to" writing/editing/selling a novel books. (used of course!) Certainly that implies I am going to try but not really..just looking for editing tips more so right now. I turned the ending over to Missy, so I eagerly await her response. Dan took me to Red Lobster to celebrate finishing, which was awesome.(combo of king and snow crab legs!) Maybe he took me to dinner to celebrate my no longer being attached to my laptop. No really, he has been incredibly supportive!

Took Hunny Hunter to golfland last night. I practiced stuff with my new camera while they played. I was fascinated by the amount of kids who go to the arcade there to play Dance Dance Revolution. I am terribly uncoordinated so I can't even imagine what it takes to do what they were doing. One girl showed up in knee pads. They had ones you do with your arms too but that one looks sillier.

Missy and I wore ourselves out going garage saling Saturday. We hadn't gone in a few months but we didn't have very good luck yesterday. Had fun anyway. Bless her for listening to all my babble!

I made Dan and Hunter hurry up at Golfland's arcade (I did play centipede and get on the high scores) Had to get home to listen to Chris and Jay Sloan's radio show at 10 pm. Made it home five minutes late-hahaha! I was just hanging on SMB, downloading the putt-putt pix and they start reading my second letter! I was stunned as I wrote it the day after they read the first one to remind them they didn't actually tell their favorite cds of 2005. I am most excited that when(if) I get to see Sloan again, I can introduce myself to Jay and maybe he will remember my letters. I really would love to talk a little power pop music with him as he knows his stuff. I think he and Sugar High Sean talked a lot at the Tempe show. I haven't seen Sean much to ever get a chance to ask him. I need to ask Sean if he has Sloan pix of when he and Adrian went to Tucson to see Sloan. anyway...I got my letter read again - kinda blushing but mainly very excited.

Pix is of Peggy's Cove in the winter. Nina and I have been looking closer at plane flights, looks like last week of June is set, although we almost switched our plans to May. The sooner I get to NS the better in trying to finish Bay Window.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

How to write and sell your first novel

I have been scouring my books I bought at Changing Hands as to how to edit. I liked some of the ideas I have seen so far. I have been carrying said "How to" book with me under my arm as if it is the bible. I have yet to do anything more since I finished but had some additional thoughts in the shower this morning to add to the ending. Like I should add anything, I did a word count this morning. 200,789. Holy too many words! I am still savoring the accomplishment of saying I am done. And I am still suffering like I had to say goodbye to some close, wonderful, colorful friends. Such a journey! And the journey isn't over as I have every intent of continuing my research for accuracy plus my trip to Nova Scotia will come up quickly. I so want to spend that trip slowly exploring and taking in everything. I refuse to have the trip be fast paced or it will not serve its purpose. If I want to sit at a picnic table and pull out the laptop, that is what I will do.

I feel like I am having a bit of a life shift again. Not an epiphany, just a mind opening feeling lately like I have been more open to new ideas, new style of music and exploration. I resolved to not miss a concert if I want to see it. I feel like I am getting some grief for meeting new people but that has been so refreshing for me. I have even taken to spending more time listening to some of my student’s music they suggest. I don't know, seems like 2006 is a new discovery year for me.

I witnessed something creepy first day of class. I was walking to my car and a fella approached this girl walking in front of me in the parking lot. Handed her a card and asked if she was new to Arizona because he did student tours of places like the Grand Canyon, etc... It just felt and looked very messed up to me. She stopped and listened which worried me more. I have been wrestling with the concept in my mind of meeting strangers. I have done it all my life and really never ran into anyone with ended up being a freak. I met so many listeners, heck two of my best buds were listeners-Steve and Andrew. I also met many a Posies fan. So strangers aren't always scary but you just need to be wise and smart.

The Village kids were crazy yesterday as per expected. I decided to not teach both classes on Wed. It is too hard with needing to get the vans, bbqs with the dean, etc... I need Wednesdays free for the village kids. OK just a life programming note there. It is certainly different already with the students return. I am glad to have students dropping by, chatting asking for what classes to take.. I definitely spent too much time alone over break, need to be needed I guess.

My eyes keep puffing up, driving me nuts. I forget what my sis in law suggest it could be. Maybe lack of sleep? No, she had a name for it.

Dan is supposed to be taking me out to Montes for dinner tonight to celebrate finishing (totally his idea!) but I can not find him and it is 4 pm.

Guess things are sorta quiet right now.. so I will not babble any further. A bunny sitting on cds seems to reflect my week- (wink)

Monday, January 16, 2006

Super Drop

At 12:07am on January 17, 2006 I finished Bay Window. I'm balling my eyes out like usual and not sure how to feel but I did it. 7 months and probably around 200,000 words. I think I am just numb. I think I will just relax a little before I decide what to do next. I just did something I have been attempting to do since I was 14. I can't believe it, I really can't.......

Friday, January 13, 2006

Piece of the puzzle found

Today was bizarre in some ways but it is Friday the 13th with a full moon. First thing this morning I had to welcome the new Spring semester students to the Cronkite school. While waiting for them to show up I hear what sounds like tap dancing outside the Union. I look out the window and there is a circle of about 20 High School students all dressed in black. Turns out there were high school debate teams on campus today. They had these incredible rituals they did in this circle, from hand slapping, tap dancing to shouting style warm ups (Aluminum Titanium over and over was one of them) Then each person in the circle led them in some style of chant or arm movement exercise. Their advisor was the only one not dressed in black and you could see the command she had over their attention. I had slight jealousy over her ability to motivate them. I started thinking I should start doing a circle of the Blaze directors warming up at the retreat. They could chant "That is new Death cab for Cutie on The Blaze"
I am hearing Sloan for the first time on Sirius, as in their music (Obviously I hear the Chris and Jay radio show but I have yet to hear them played) It is on their Iceberg channel, sort of adult alternative Canadian stuff. Weird part is they are playing "The Other Man" and it's a different mix of it. They are opening for The Rolling Stones tonight. Oh and I heard them on XM today too, yeah!
So next on my agenda after greeting the new students was to race back in the nitro powered golf cart to get to the Faculty meeting. I usually don't have to go to those but because I was asked to be on that action team, I had to go. They are a odd group to say the least. I then fired up the cart and Tony, Matt and I went over applications for the specialty shows on the Blaze. That always has some amusement, somebody wanting to do a Billboard Top 40 show was probably the most ridiculous one this semester. MD Matt nearly fainted when they auditioned it starting the show with Carrie Underwood. Think of it this way. "That was Wolf Parade, next on the Top 40 show, see how "My Humps" is doing on the charts" We departed for lunch, had a fine time talking radio (terrestrial and satellite) with Tony and Albert. We were at four peaks and as I went to leave, I saw they had tables set up for a wedding in the back, around the brewing tanks! Now that is a beer lovers wedding. They had all their napkins and matchbooks printed with beer mugs! It is not a nice area back there, the floors are not done and it is always damp, sorta cold-crazy place for a reception!
Back to school, MD Matt and I start talking about SXSW as we usually send a couple of Blaze directors each year (who started that I wonder?) I ask Matt who is playing and about fall over when I see the list. First name I see in the alphabetical order is Jon Auer- of course!! By the time I am to the letter N, I tell Matt that I am taking his spot on the trip if the word Sloan appears in the S. Such randomness like The Plimsouls, Glen Phillips, World Party then all these newer to me bands I have been hearing on XM like Novellero, Jason Collett, and tons of other Canadians (trying to remember off top of my head) No Sloan but I got a bit of a hair to go when I saw Sam Roberts on the bill. Must see what Andrew is doing. I think I tried to talk Andrew into going two years ago when Posies and Big Star were on bill. Andrew is in Germany as I type. How funny is this, the only band playing in the town he is staying while he is there is....The Posies. He has never seen them, I told him he had to go. I also gave him instructions to tell him Dear 23 girl and/or Putt Putt Girl says HI! I think it is this weekend. He is gonna flip when he hears Sam Roberts is playing in the states again.
Now on to why the puzzle piece. Everything came together last night, it fell into place. I had a feeling the way yesterday went, that I would break my slump and find the way to return to writing. I know I always sound crazy but I think divine intervention played a part. I needed to get out of my slump and I think I did. I figured out a piece I needed for a major scene. I was a tad rusty at writing but I got my mind back on the story, found a way to tie it all back together. The way I see it after what I wrote last night is that I may finish this weekend! In fact, I am going to attempt it after I finish this blog. That should be right now-Right? Write!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

"Radio, Radio" - Elvis Costello

I certainly knew yesterday was the end of my easier days. Today I was in meetings all morning, which may be common for some folks but odd around the Cronkite School. The meetings got kinda saucy near the end, I love when heads start butting, as long as I am not involved. I deal with that enough with the Blaze kids (who have a meeting this afternoon) Anyway, I obviously have time to blog so work must not be too demanding yet. I am doing this during lunch though (Like I have to defend or something?) So during the staff meeting the new Dean of the school singled me out as someone he specifically wanted on a committee to study what basics of radio we are teaching our students. Raise arms for a touchdown- I am beaming! All my Blaze kids complain about the lack of radio instruction in their courses and it was my largest complaint back in my days as an undergrad here. I have barily even spoken to the Dean in regards to this which makes me think someone else recommended me to assist. So yes, I am grinning today between that and the meeting kudos Matt and I got for calling all the students on academic probation.
Did I work on Bay Window last night, you ask? Well no, but remember I said barring any unforseen circumstances. I swear I should never use that phrase. Dan and I went to help Tony jump his batteries on his chair that had drained while he was gone for winter break. Funny thing in Dan and I's crazy life, we couldn't get at the battery charger without pulling out the trailer so we just went and bought another one. No wonder I stress on bills-hahaha! Actually it is so much smaller than my old charger, it will be way cool at the track (that place I would like to return to soon, hopefully in two weeks, maybe, please!) So anyway, I could have wrote when we got back but it just felt too late to start.
Now I know it is a great day, I just got an email from Nina saying that she went to Mom and Dad's grave today! She said she put some Hydrangas and bird of paradise on for Mom and found a heart shaped rock for my dad. She said it's 55 in Mich and a beautiful day. She said exactly what I felt when I was there, it has an incredible calming affect. Here's what she said:
I always feel good there. Like I know that everything will be ok--I feel a bit more strenght to endure the rough times. I know that Pam is always around but sometimes it feels good to go see her and do something cheery for her and your Dad and grandparents. I found a heart-ish shaped rock and put it on Dad's grave for you. They are with you! They will help you!

You know, my mom just knows, she always knew when I needed it. I wasn't expecting this to become an emotional entry, but Nina's email made me realize things happen with incredible timing in my life.
Nina also agreed to the last week of June for our Nova Scotia trip!
Woo hoo-2006 is going to be a great year, I can feel it ;)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sucker sticks? I didn't know who Otis Haynes was either, Mod Maid is an idiot this week!

Thrush Hermit

I got a wild hair about an hour ago to see if I could stay a hermit in my office the entire day, never go upstairs to the office, and never really leave except restroom. I already conned Matt to get my lunch. I haven't called anyone. I have answered the phone because I am not completely avoiding work. Not sure why I am in unsocial mode but I think I am just dreading the large amounts of work and stress the spring semester promises. Today is my last day without any appointments, orientations, students, tasks due, etc... But alas, my plan is foiled by the smart doors man who needs to teach me how to change the keypad code at The Blaze. Damn it! I could almost do it! (And I seem to think I am coming out of my holiday funk??)
Here's something goofy from SMB- try it with your favorite bands
Today I explored My Space for the first time fully. It is like following a linking chain of your past. I found Sugar High's page from Cartwheels from Albert from Jon, it's like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing. You can find people you know through all these other people you know. I am still unsure of the point of it. I understand for musicians but for just friends, you can talk easier via an AIM style than posting tiny messages. I just couldn't believe the musicians I found that I would never think even touched a computer, like Steve Larson. Found a spot for Jon Auer, Scotty J, all sorts of people including Blush. I screwed around with it for a while but I'm still just uncertain why to waste time on it. I guess blogging could be considered an equal time suck (as Kate called it) I have always had a journal of some sort so I don't see that as a time waste. (Although we know how well my re-reading of my journals after 6 years went)
The smart door guy just called-see obligations, I hate 'um! Gotta go! xo Lazy Maid

OK, I'm back, maybe a half hour later with a new theory. Maybe the dungeon office is the reason for my dim view lately. Just sitting over at The Blaze while he worked on the door perked me up. The sun felt so good walking over there too. I just wonder if part of my psyche can be blamed on my dim lighting and lack of windows.

I am not racing this weekend; I am trying to be ok with it. I told Dan I did not want a short term fix, but it means missing the first team race for the third year in a row. I am trying to stay optimistic that I will be racing soon. I have yet to work on Bay Window still. I had a huge headache last night, hoped it would go away after we went to dinner but it didn't. I think tonight is the night, barring an unforeseen circumstances. .

One more funny thing, remember my blog about guitar players with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths? Definitely a Doug and Robin thing! I was looking closer at a picture of Sloan that I have on my office hours and have decided they are sucker sticks, not cigarettes- hahahahaha!

Warning: The surgeon general warns that sucking on any type of sweetened candy on a stick is hazardous to your blood sugar level.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A few photos to go with today's blog

Dirty or Pretty Vegas?

Robin’s brother Lance sent me this pix of Blossoms playing on New Years on Freemont. They didn't end up playing with Cheap Trick, they played with Spin Doctors(Glad we didn't try to go to that, what a let down from Trick!) I suspect I will be in Vegas sometime this year anyway. Also Vegas related, I just looked at the final results from the Chart year end poll. INXS ran away with the votes, I guess the Canadian teenagers are loving JD, he won sexiest male. (Sorry us old women still love Mig) In terms of my musical history, it is ironic that INXS are now sooo Canadian. They didn't have the option to vote for Tim Farriss for sexiest male though..WTF? Roll eyes now.

Just ate lunch outside at Einstein's Bagels, much as I love the dungeon office, I felt like I needed sunshine and fresh air. I am wearing a sweatshirt and shorts, dorky but the dryer was dead until last night. Dan found a hair scrunchie blocking the fan. Good thing I didn't blow up the house, yikes. Anyway, it is gorgeous outside, a slight breeze, maybe 75 degrees. I have to take in the times when it really rocks to live in this god forsaken desert. I think I am coming out of my two month funk anyway so the air and sun made me hopeful for cheerier days. Then the ipod knew I needed the music boost to go with my awakening so it played "The good in everyone" - Sloan then "Hard Road"- Sam Roberts to further my warming vibes.

I bought this box set called "Children of Nuggets" It's full of the bands I was into in the 80s/90s, power pop stuff. Didn't start listening to it yet but plan to tonight. It had a photo of The Posies in it from a photo session I have never seen circa 90 I would say. I took a double look when I thought I could see the necklace I gave Jon Auer around his neck. Upon examination with my handy magnify glasses, it was clearly it. I gave him that posie flower necklace the night in Tucson when they played with Jellyfish and Redd Kross (my favorite concert of all time as mentioned prior) Later that year I got to fly to Chicago to see them. Let's recall some of this trip to Chicago shall we?

My KQ boss asked Julia and I if we wanted to fly to see Material Issue in their hometown of Chicago for an industry event that included a Cubs game with MI, an acoustic MI show then a show with MI and Simple Minds. We were in, loving the Issue of course. A few days later Julia called me over to her office and said she got a fax of the itinerary for trip and that "I better come see it" The entire building heard my shrieks as I saw the opening night of the trip included a concert with Pere Ubu, 13 Engines and ...The Posies! The trip started out having nothing to do with them! Now here is where once again, I went wrong in the music industry. We all went to dinner (this is when Jules and I got to sit with Matt Pinfield, pompous ass who later became well known MTV VJ) At said dinner, it got time to see 13 Engines and I told which ever rep, I was going to go watch the show. I can not tell you how many industry functions I left early to go see the band we were flown in to SEE. I never fit in with their partying. Jules stayed (hence why she is still in industry, I am not?) I was walking around Cabaret Metro waiting for 13 Engines to come on and there's Rick Posie. I tugged at his sleeve and what a surprise! He and I talked for a good long time, hanging while 13 Engines played. I was kinda looking around (For who I wonder?) and I spot Tom Petersson of Cheap Trick walk in. I turned around to Rick to show him. (BTW, Tom looked so much like a rock star compared to the Posies or most any one I've met) Rick nodded, said he met him earlier and got his bass signed. As we are standing there, Rick spots JA before I did, pulls him around by the arm to face him towards me and says "Look who's here!" Jon and I were both wearing our matching Posies necklaces so we both pulled them towards each other like "wonder twins activate" It is probably in my top 20 most memorable moments of my life. Between his glee to see me and the necklace toast. Later that night, while Pere Ubu played, Jon came and literally plucked me off a staircase to go for a walk around Wrigley field. We walked the entire time with our arms around each other. Had a fantastic talk as I recall, (of course, we usually always did) I remember I was wearing black and white pants with posie flowers on them with a shirt to match-hehehe-I'll have to scan a pix of that wild outfit. The rest of the trip was certainly fun. For the Cubs game we were on the rooftop of a complex across the street from the field. MI sat with us at the game (they knew us well from all the Qfests so they sat with Jules and I) So proof of the necklace was nice to see again via a box set.

I am really starting to miss a certain young Miss Elise, which is good, maybe I am ready. I hope so, I have come so far, I feel so empty by not being able to come to a conclusion. I did not spend 6 months, writing 150,000 words to not finish. I signed up to meet with that writing teacher again who critiques. I am hoping to speak with her more about ending a novel properly, how to wrap everything back up. She certainly helped me before, got me to really delve into it being Elise's story. I think I could use some expert advice again. It is not until the end of the month so I hopefully can get somewhere with the ending before I meet with her. I got a good amount of sleep last night; I think I may give it a shot tonight-fingers crossed!
HELLO, if you read, please feel free to comment, I don't mind, wish you would!! (I will accept if is this stuff is so fricking boring, there is nothing to say. I basically blog to help jog my own fading memory)

Monday, January 09, 2006

"My baby wrote me a letter"

For my delight this weekend, Chris and Jay Sloan read my letter on the air on the Sirius radio show on CBC3. Was a nice surprise and made an otherwise lousy weekend better. I felt a tad embarrassed but I honestly wanted to hear their Top records of 2005. I have always made those kinds of lists so why not want to hear your favorite bands records that they enjoyed. I learned about a ton of bands from Robin and I am sure I got turned on to lots of artists via The Posies too. It is a nice train of learning, learn more music by checking into music your favorite bands either like or cover or are influenced by. I bought my first Big Star record thanks to asking Jon Auer about "I am the Cosmos" I like the way that works. Unfortunately, all this music I keep hearing on my new satellite Canadian channels is not available here. That has never stopped me before but I lose my trading in stuff option. Like right now, I have a bunch of DVDs Dan bought to trade into Rockaway yet they can't order any of my current list. Maple Music needs to take trade! So yep, Jay read my letter, Chris made comments (LMC letter-"You guys really know your indie scene", CM- "Yeah 10 years ago") and I was giddy late Saturday night

Friday, January 06, 2006

"38 years old, never kissed a girl"

Had the Tragically Hip on the mind for various reasons. I picked up a live DVD at Hoodlums before Christmas- those guys at Hoodlums are big fans. They think they can order the new Hip box set for me but I am still trying to ascertain what it consists of as it is quite pricey. Then some folks on SMB have been talking about them. I mentioned I had only really been around pot with them (and Jellyfish but that is a tale for later) One of the many times The Hip played Tucson, KV and I ended up back at their motel hanging out with them for a while. We had agreed to drive their drummer Johnny Fay back up to Phoenix as he had a flight out that night to get home for family matters. We already knew the Hip from the first time they came through Tempe. I was still doing the Maple Minutes at the time so I had an interview with them on their bus prior to their Sun Club show (July 19, 1989) plus we hung out with them at CMJ in '89. Johnny was also friends with Phillip Rhodes. (who we also drove back fro Tucson from a gig one time, but I digress) We went back to the hotel for Johnny to get his bags. While waiting we went in a room and literally I recall the entire band being in the one room plus Dave their manager. They were passing the joint to everyone in the room. KV and I both passed it but didn't partake. I specifically remember Gord D bringing up something called the Meech Lake accord and when I asked what it was, he gave an in depth, through explanation better than any politician or journalist could. Johnny was great company on the drive back, kinda shy if I recall. Real cute I thought although KV liked Paul the guitar player. She got nowhere-haha. I just found the date of the Tucson show, June 2, 1990. I think I counted that I have seen the Hip 14 times, I have to count again. Just saw them again in late 2004 with Sam Roberts; it was a blast seeing them again.
Life has been a struggle as of lately I have to admit. I don't know if I am still in a holiday funk or what. I need to snap out of it because the students will be back in a little more than a week. I have just not been getting enough sleep. Today a co-worker said I look like I have a hangover. Sadly no. Now if I could say, oh I am lacking sleep from working feverishly on my novel, I think I would be less depressed. I have not worked on Bay Window in nearly two weeks now. I just can't believe I have halted like this after 6 months of non-stop exhilaration. Andrea brought me back that book pictured yesterday. It has some great localisms I will be able to work in easily. I guess again, once I got to the difficult part of the tale I have shut down not wanting to face my own issues that go with the characters issues. Did that make sense? I think I will just continue having a difficult time during the holidays for a while to come. I tried to explain this to someone recently. I saw a movie on Monday called The Family Stone. I didn't know what the entire plot was. (Stop reading now if you intend to see this film) Wrong choice! It is about a family coping with their mother's cancer at the holidays. At the end it shows them the following Christmas all smiling and fondly remembering her around the Christmas tree. Yeah, only in the movies folks. What they didn't show was the next few years Christmas' when you continue to deal with that loss with a few more tears than smiles. Well, I just need to get to bed earlier, get back on a regular schedule and start writing again, even if it means putting "Bay Window" to the side and start a new one. Hunter is coming to stay this weekend which will be a big boost then next weekend is Team Firebird race #1. Can you believe it, a new race season already? Will she make it, always my question when it comes to Big Red.
That's about it around here. Maybe I will be less depressed next post-sorry!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Long Wongs is gone!

JH just told me today that they actually raized Long Wongs. I was on Mill Ave Christmas shopping and it was still there. OH dear, this is a very sad day. I could do a whole separate blog based on the nights spent at shows at Long Wongs. Entertainment Tonight even came and did a feature on it back in the day, Robin gave the tour. Sad, sad rain tearing up on my face again.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Who doesn't think their nephew is the coolest kid on the planet?

Hunter was just over visiting for a few hours, loves me that kid. I always wanted to be that cool aunt, I hope I am for him. He got a stereo for Christmas, I keep telling him he'll get to an age where he'll be asking Aunt Leah if he can come borrow some CDS. (or my race car) He's already trying to steal Missy's Ipod.
Survey time for the 2005 in review posts. Borrowed this one from a SMB gal, thought it should yield some interesting answers.

01. Is there any song you listened to back-to-back-to-back-to-back this year?
The top tunes of the year is coming soon, promise!

02. What was the single most beautiful physical, geographic place you found yourself in?
Honestly, seeing mom's grave stone was the most beautiful place I went this year.

03. Who is a delightful person you met this year?
Quite a few- Miranda for sure, Andrea, SMBer's like Anne, Kate, Trigger and more. Most of my CV kids! Darth Benya, EDIT- I forgot Matt my office neighbor (and coolest dude at the Cronkite school) and Vikki(my LLC guru)

04. What was the biggest point of upheaval or change in your life since last December?
Life has been an upheaval consistantly since 2003 but the biggest changes would have to be working full time now at ASU and writing the novel.

05. What was a really, really good time in which you had a lot of fun with people?
Two in particular would be: Dressed in long braids and hillbilly teeth shouting cheers to a stand full of my Team Firebird teammates then watching Ryan win the ROC.

Second would be my entire weekend in Michigan on Labor Day weekend. From hanging with Nova, then the Miller's having a picnic in my honor, visiting Glen Eden then on to the Sloan show. That whole weekend was beyond expectation and spooky how inspiring it also became.

06. Who do you think you talked with the most over the last year?
I want to think and say Dan but I would guess Missy is right behind in word count ;)

07. What is your favorite material belonging you acquired over the past year?
Wow, that is tough. Maybe the XM receiver. I think I cut back on my material purchases this year (?) The Pie rack is mighty cool.

08. Did you fall in love this year? Say something about it? If not, what sorts of crushes or relationships or hobbies did you prefer?
um... hobbies, well I think if you read this blog you know I have finally uncovered my life long desire to write. It has consumed me. The good thing is that it has made me less obsessive about the other hobby. I particularly remember a night in July when Dan got home too late to get me to the Team Firebird race and I didn't even fuss because it meant I got to work on Bay Window that night! For me, that is unbelievable!

09. What food item / beverage / illicit drug was your most characteristic this year?
Gotta be Lorenzos white pizza nearly everyday for lunch.

10. What was your best blooper-reel moment?
Pretty sure I was "Forgot to fill her Miller" once this year, most all of the first passes on Big Red when I returned to the track after being off 2004. I would guess the accident in the Denali would fall under this catagory too

11. Describe a conversation you had this year that you will never forget.
There is no question it is the conversation Nova and I had with Sloan's Patrick. It was the strongest confirmation I should continue working on Bay Window. If you believe in this stuff, the Lord works through people to make one realize they are on the right track. It was nothing he said spefically, it was a coincidence. And then telling Missy about it after at JB's.
BUT I will also never forget Jon Auer asking Dan if he could hug me!

12. What was the funniest 'inside joke' of the year?
Jon H and I had quite a few while sharing the office at the Blaze!

13. What was your most expensive purchase of the year?
The GMC Denali, at least we got it used ;)

14. What was your favorite live performance (a play, a band, an orchestra, the ice capades) that you attended this year?
I saw three concerts this year (in 1992, I saw about 3 a week) All three were incredible. Dan getting to see The Posies meant so much, I honestly never thought I would see them again myself. In the same week I saw Sloan again, that was such a blast with Nova. She swung into action, between her investigative snooping backstage then she started screaming as soon as she saw them, having never heard a song of theirs in her life. Because she was so into it, I found myself holding up signs and screaming my lungs out too. And then, when I almost chickened out of talking to Sloan, text messages from Missy and KBM made me gain enought courage to do so. Kyle was the third show I saw, he is just an incredible voice.

15. What song will always remind you of this year?
Try To Make It - Sloan (the person I borrowed this survey from had this answer too)

16. What is a 'big lesson' you learned this year?
Using a transbrake is fun and easy. Dan's biggest "I told you so" this year!

17. What was the phone number you called most frequently this year?
Danny's cell I'm sure.

18. Describe one instant this year in which you were giddily, grinningly happy.
Had to be during and after those two concerts but also the success of the Cronkite Village opening reception.
19. What place, thing, person, creative outlet, etc. did you turn to when you needed cheering?
In this grocery bag of new feelings I am going through while writing, Missy wins hands down but Dan has been very supportive too.

20. What did you do this year you'd like to do more of in the future?
We all know the answer to this one but I have say that in addition to the new joy of writing that I really enjoyed doing Freshman orientations at work, helping kids new to ASU feel a little more comfortable. AND Go to Four Peaks more! AND go to more Sloan shows AND Race more!