Had the Tragically Hip on the mind for various reasons. I picked up a live DVD at Hoodlums before Christmas- those guys at Hoodlums are big fans. They think they can order the new Hip box set for me but I am still trying to ascertain what it consists of as it is quite pricey. Then some folks on SMB have been talking about them. I mentioned I had only really been around pot with them (and Jellyfish but that is a tale for later) One of the many times The Hip played Tucson, KV and I ended up back at their motel hanging out with them for a while. We had agreed to drive their drummer Johnny Fay back up to Phoenix as he had a flight out that night to get home for family matters. We already knew the Hip from the first time they came through Tempe. I was still doing the Maple Minutes at the time so I had an interview with them on their bus prior to their Sun Club show (July 19, 1989) plus we hung out with them at CMJ in '89. Johnny was also friends with Phillip Rhodes. (who we also drove back fro Tucson from a gig one time, but I digress) We went back to the hotel for Johnny to get his bags. While waiting we went in a room and literally I recall the entire band being in the one room plus Dave their manager. They were passing the joint to everyone in the room. KV and I both passed it but didn't partake. I specifically remember Gord D bringing up something called the Meech Lake accord and when I asked what it was, he gave an in depth, through explanation better than any politician or journalist could. Johnny was great company on the drive back, kinda shy if I recall. Real cute I thought although KV liked Paul the guitar player. She got nowhere-haha. I just found the date of the Tucson show, June 2, 1990. I think I counted that I have seen the Hip 14 times, I have to count again. Just saw them again in late 2004 with Sam Roberts; it was a blast seeing them again.
Life has been a struggle as of lately I have to admit. I don't know if I am still in a holiday funk or what. I need to snap out of it because the students will be back in a little more than a week. I have just not been getting enough sleep. Today a co-worker said I look like I have a hangover. Sadly no. Now if I could say, oh I am lacking sleep from working feverishly on my novel, I think I would be less depressed. I have not worked on Bay Window in nearly two weeks now. I just can't believe I have halted like this after 6 months of non-stop exhilaration. Andrea brought me back that book pictured yesterday. It has some great localisms I will be able to work in easily. I guess again, once I got to the difficult part of the tale I have shut down not wanting to face my own issues that go with the characters issues. Did that make sense? I think I will just continue having a difficult time during the holidays for a while to come. I tried to explain this to someone recently. I saw a movie on Monday called The Family Stone. I didn't know what the entire plot was. (Stop reading now if you intend to see this film) Wrong choice! It is about a family coping with their mother's cancer at the holidays. At the end it shows them the following Christmas all smiling and fondly remembering her around the Christmas tree. Yeah, only in the movies folks. What they didn't show was the next few years Christmas' when you continue to deal with that loss with a few more tears than smiles. Well, I just need to get to bed earlier, get back on a regular schedule and start writing again, even if it means putting "Bay Window" to the side and start a new one. Hunter is coming to stay this weekend which will be a big boost then next weekend is Team Firebird race #1. Can you believe it, a new race season already? Will she make it, always my question when it comes to Big Red.
That's about it around here. Maybe I will be less depressed next post-sorry!
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