Quick blips today!
I found this photo yesterday on flickr, what a find! Something sexy about winter clothing with me- don't ask me why? I miss it? I always loved jackets. I wear one about twice a year now. I had weird dreams about searching Flickr after. Oh the subconscious!
Driving van to The Edge in a little bit-ugh! Dreading it so much today for some reason. Not even driving very far today. Just building my dread up for some reason.
Jay Sloan said he loved the Bay City Rollers on a recent show. I heard "You made me believe in magic" on my ipod (yes I have BCR on my ipod) and decided it would be a great tune for the "Bay Window" soundtrack. Maybe Sloan would cover it for the soundtrack- LOL
Speaking of- Missy finished reading! She was making me cry just telling me how she felt about the ending. She said "Now that was some powerful writing" She said she didn't want to sound like she didn't enjoy it before but she said my style changed in the end. (Not sure how to correct that) I think it is because I moved things along quicker in the end. She said I dealt with the conflict in the perfet way and that she cried twice! Sorry I am just excited, she was moved which meant I moved one person- success in that alone! KBM says I can not celebrate being "done" until I finish editing. Going to the critique session this Saturday.
Time Trials are this weekend- very exciting. Would be better if I was racing it but you know how that goes... Plan to go hang out on Sunday. Research for next novel right???
KBM and her sis have a blog topic for us to discuss next time, consider this? Do you have photos of your family in your wallet, on your walls at home etc? Will discuss this topic along with women who only have photos of their wedding day on their walls at home.
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