Robin’s brother Lance sent me this pix of Blossoms playing on New Years on Freemont. They didn't end up playing with Cheap Trick, they played with Spin Doctors(Glad we didn't try to go to that, what a let down from Trick!) I suspect I will be in Vegas sometime this year anyway. Also Vegas related, I just looked at the final results from the Chart year end poll. INXS ran away with the votes, I guess the Canadian teenagers are loving JD, he won sexiest male. (Sorry us old women still love Mig) In terms of my musical history, it is ironic that INXS are now sooo Canadian. They didn't have the option to vote for Tim Farriss for sexiest male though..WTF? Roll eyes now.
Just ate lunch outside at Einstein's Bagels, much as I love the dungeon office, I felt like I needed sunshine and fresh air. I am wearing a sweatshirt and shorts, dorky but the dryer was dead until last night. Dan found a hair scrunchie blocking the fan. Good thing I didn't blow up the house, yikes. Anyway, it is gorgeous outside, a slight breeze, maybe 75 degrees. I have to take in the times when it really rocks to live in this god forsaken desert. I think I am coming out of my two month funk anyway so the air and sun made me hopeful for cheerier days. Then the ipod knew I needed the music boost to go with my awakening so it played "The good in everyone" - Sloan then "Hard Road"- Sam Roberts to further my warming vibes.
I bought this box set called "Children of Nuggets" It's full of the bands I was into in the 80s/90s, power pop stuff. Didn't start listening to it yet but plan to tonight. It had a photo of The Posies in it from a photo session I have never seen circa 90 I would say. I took a double look when I thought I could see the necklace I gave Jon Auer around his neck. Upon examination with my handy magnify glasses, it was clearly it. I gave him that posie flower necklace the night in Tucson when they played with Jellyfish and Redd Kross (my favorite concert of all time as mentioned prior) Later that year I got to fly to Chicago to see them. Let's recall some of this trip to Chicago shall we?
My KQ boss asked Julia and I if we wanted to fly to see Material Issue in their hometown of Chicago for an industry event that included a Cubs game with MI, an acoustic MI show then a show with MI and Simple Minds. We were in, loving the Issue of course. A few days later Julia called me over to her office and said she got a fax of the itinerary for trip and that "I better come see it" The entire building heard my shrieks as I saw the opening night of the trip included a concert with Pere Ubu, 13 Engines and ...The Posies! The trip started out having nothing to do with them! Now here is where once again, I went wrong in the music industry. We all went to dinner (this is when Jules and I got to sit with Matt Pinfield, pompous ass who later became well known MTV VJ) At said dinner, it got time to see 13 Engines and I told which ever rep, I was going to go watch the show. I can not tell you how many industry functions I left early to go see the band we were flown in to SEE. I never fit in with their partying. Jules stayed (hence why she is still in industry, I am not?) I was walking around Cabaret Metro waiting for 13 Engines to come on and there's Rick Posie. I tugged at his sleeve and what a surprise! He and I talked for a good long time, hanging while 13 Engines played. I was kinda looking around (For who I wonder?) and I spot Tom Petersson of Cheap Trick walk in. I turned around to Rick to show him. (BTW, Tom looked so much like a rock star compared to the Posies or most any one I've met) Rick nodded, said he met him earlier and got his bass signed. As we are standing there, Rick spots JA before I did, pulls him around by the arm to face him towards me and says "Look who's here!" Jon and I were both wearing our matching Posies necklaces so we both pulled them towards each other like "wonder twins activate" It is probably in my top 20 most memorable moments of my life. Between his glee to see me and the necklace toast. Later that night, while Pere Ubu played, Jon came and literally plucked me off a staircase to go for a walk around Wrigley field. We walked the entire time with our arms around each other. Had a fantastic talk as I recall, (of course, we usually always did) I remember I was wearing black and white pants with posie flowers on them with a shirt to match-hehehe-I'll have to scan a pix of that wild outfit. The rest of the trip was certainly fun. For the Cubs game we were on the rooftop of a complex across the street from the field. MI sat with us at the game (they knew us well from all the Qfests so they sat with Jules and I) So proof of the necklace was nice to see again via a box set.
I am really starting to miss a certain young Miss Elise, which is good, maybe I am ready. I hope so, I have come so far, I feel so empty by not being able to come to a conclusion. I did not spend 6 months, writing 150,000 words to not finish. I signed up to meet with that writing teacher again who critiques. I am hoping to speak with her more about ending a novel properly, how to wrap everything back up. She certainly helped me before, got me to really delve into it being Elise's story. I think I could use some expert advice again. It is not until the end of the month so I hopefully can get somewhere with the ending before I meet with her. I got a good amount of sleep last night; I think I may give it a shot tonight-fingers crossed!
HELLO, if you read, please feel free to comment, I don't mind, wish you would!! (I will accept if is this stuff is so fricking boring, there is nothing to say. I basically blog to help jog my own fading memory)
I'm commenting, I'm commenting! So need to shout!
Yeah, the Chart poll results are pretty depressing. Has everybody gone crazy? I will turn Simple Plan's own words against them!
Geez, that was Ross, by the way. "And it's "no need to shout". Me fail English? That's unpossible!
Must be from hanging out here. I swear I try to spell check when I remember. Hey Ross, the Sirius DJ just called The Hip "Canada's Rolling Stones" I have never heard that reference before.
Are you going to blogroll me? I need to learn how to put one on my blog!
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