I have been scouring my books I bought at Changing Hands as to how to edit. I liked some of the ideas I have seen so far. I have been carrying said "How to" book with me under my arm as if it is the bible. I have yet to do anything more since I finished but had some additional thoughts in the shower this morning to add to the ending. Like I should add anything, I did a word count this morning. 200,789. Holy too many words! I am still savoring the accomplishment of saying I am done. And I am still suffering like I had to say goodbye to some close, wonderful, colorful friends. Such a journey! And the journey isn't over as I have every intent of continuing my research for accuracy plus my trip to Nova Scotia will come up quickly. I so want to spend that trip slowly exploring and taking in everything. I refuse to have the trip be fast paced or it will not serve its purpose. If I want to sit at a picnic table and pull out the laptop, that is what I will do.
I feel like I am having a bit of a life shift again. Not an epiphany, just a mind opening feeling lately like I have been more open to new ideas, new style of music and exploration. I resolved to not miss a concert if I want to see it. I feel like I am getting some grief for meeting new people but that has been so refreshing for me. I have even taken to spending more time listening to some of my student’s music they suggest. I don't know, seems like 2006 is a new discovery year for me.
I witnessed something creepy first day of class. I was walking to my car and a fella approached this girl walking in front of me in the parking lot. Handed her a card and asked if she was new to Arizona because he did student tours of places like the Grand Canyon, etc... It just felt and looked very messed up to me. She stopped and listened which worried me more. I have been wrestling with the concept in my mind of meeting strangers. I have done it all my life and really never ran into anyone with ended up being a freak. I met so many listeners, heck two of my best buds were listeners-Steve and Andrew. I also met many a Posies fan. So strangers aren't always scary but you just need to be wise and smart.
The Village kids were crazy yesterday as per expected. I decided to not teach both classes on Wed. It is too hard with needing to get the vans, bbqs with the dean, etc... I need Wednesdays free for the village kids. OK just a life programming note there. It is certainly different already with the students return. I am glad to have students dropping by, chatting asking for what classes to take.. I definitely spent too much time alone over break, need to be needed I guess.
My eyes keep puffing up, driving me nuts. I forget what my sis in law suggest it could be. Maybe lack of sleep? No, she had a name for it.
Dan is supposed to be taking me out to Montes for dinner tonight to celebrate finishing (totally his idea!) but I can not find him and it is 4 pm.
Guess things are sorta quiet right now.. so I will not babble any further. A bunny sitting on cds seems to reflect my week- (wink)
omg, is that your bunny? Cute!
A new year for exploration? How about exploring our touching state Nevada? Las Vegas!
No I don't have a bunny, just have a friend who thinks he is a bunny. Maybe we ould get one, because we need more pets around the house.
No KBM, I am not going to see JD, if it were Mig, then we could talk!
btw, that bunny q was from me. I forgot to add: ~TNT
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