I had a dream about Charlie Sexton a few nights ago. Now I certainly like the guy but seriously, how does someone like that end up so vivid in one's dream? My best guess was that recently, while researching how to contact Peter Elkas for a Maple Minutes interview, I saw Charlie's picture for his myspace on Peter's myspace. (Because Sexton produced Elkas latest release.)
In the dream, I was watching a movie Sexton starred in. He was the hunky romantic lead who the main female gets to kiss in the end. I remember I was thinking to myself, "Wow, I didn't remember Charlie Sexton was in a movie." (He was not, this is the dream.) Dreams are such weird things; my mind tries to rationalize even in my dreams. It is just like every time a guy gets near me in a dream, my mind says no, I can't I'm married. Jeez, let me dream without guilt!
I do have a few Charlie Sexton stories though. I remember in high school my old pal Michele and I waited up on New Years Eve to see him on their special. Sexton was our age, so cute and pouty. He was the last artist on the show, like at 2am or something. We were so cool for staying up so late to see this hot new artist!
His second LP has a song written by Marty Willson-Piper. Now there is a dream duo of high cheeks. Put John Taylor along for the ride and I will explode in teen screams for sure.
When I was station manager at KASR, my team of gal directors all traveled to SXSW in Austin, TX. Debauchery was abounding for that weekend. As we arrived at Sky Harbor to leave, we walked by Charlie Sexton. Girl squee ensued. We kept watchful eye as he meandered into the bar. We followed. (5 girls all approaching? -look out!) I recall trying my brainy about music approach that got me nowhere all of the time. My music director Christine managed a few more words out of him with her earthy approach. We finally left him to his drink after discovering he was on our plane to Austin. We all hoped our ticket would be next to him but alas, Charlie didn't take any of the KASR girls home to Austin with him.
That weekend in Austin was all about the schmoozing. Label reps bought us Shiner Bock at the all Arizona bands showcase starring the Sandrubies. Blossoms were involved, naturally. We drove to Houston to see them play with Dash Rip Rock. It was a long drive but come on, did I ever not follow Robin where ever he went? Doug was in rare form at that show. The Blossoms played downstairs, Dash Rip Rock upstairs. Robin jumped on stage with them and wore the singer's ten gallon hat. Pictures exist somewhere. Oddly I remember having a long conversation with Phil Blossom outside that club. We stayed with Jules's family then drove back. The party was in our room the next night. Mercury reps took us to the hotel hot tub to listen to the "next big thing", Mother Love Bone. They were half right.
As I recall, I had a puppy following me the entire weekend, yes I mean a guy...I never got the guy as I always had gorgeous, slim friends but for once, this one was after me. I had spoke to him a bunch by phone prior as he was a college radio PD from Florida. He was Jewish, he must have thought he found his girl when he saw my nose-hahaha! He was smart too. Yeah, if his name wasn't Robin, I never took a second glance. Too bad as this fella even came to visit me in AZ later for my graduation! Years later I saw him on TV, he was a doctor on some late night paid programming. I kid you not!
I spoke to a writing coach today about writing non-fiction. It was interesting but just as I write blogs, I can really only remember bits and pieces of events. I would guess if I could remember what we tried to talk to Charlie Sexton about at the airport would make a more interesting story but I can't. I feel like I have interesting tidbits from my past but not a memoir. I have to think on it. I enjoyed writing fiction so much, I think non-fiction would annoy me. I think not remembering as well as I would like would just tick me off.
Two bands on Maple this week- The Superfantastics and The Blood Lines. I am excited!