I snagged this picture off Robin's blog but look how cute his kid looks in the batman shirt on stage at the Phoenix Zoo. The event was last weekend while I was at the ET finals. (Plus I think it was $300 a ticket, charity thing) He says the Blossoms are about go to Memphis to record which is fine news! I guess the stuff I heard last spring was just demos.
Today I had such a bad fuzzy headache, I cancelled class, I couldn't focus my eyes. I made an eye appointment. More than likely it's the weather as it's actually raining today in Tempe. I am worried it may be my late night hours on the laptop too. Tony showed me how to change my laptop display colors to ones that are easier on the eyes... I am better now but it was an all day ordeal rendering me useless.. tomorrow I have all day blocked off to get things done..let's hope!
I wrote last night, in fact I wrote Fri/sat/sun with results I am proud of. and the big moment happened in last nights writing....oh you know which big event...They are in Vancouver so I am enjoying writing about BC. I realized I am close to finishing which is actually a sad thing. I am kinda thinking about the next one, so I think this is going to ba a hard habit to break. If anything, I will use Bay Window as part of my application to grad school if I do it. I will probably go as far as having a professional reader to gauge if it's of interest. Will I be heart broke if nothing happens with it? Nope, I love it and I will share it with my friends..and know that I did it... I will spend time editing it after I finish and rewriting some older early chapters.
I priced tickets to NS and they are cheaper frm PHX than DTW. I can't fathom how it could only be $300 from Phx to Halifax but if I did the online thing correctly, I need to book a ticket now! Maybe I will look for publishing houses in NS, a love story about college radio kids going to Dalhousie may sell in NS....and maybe only in NS...hehehe
I have had three long talks with Cronkite village kids today which makes me feel good that I can be there for them as they adjust to college life. Somebody asked me again recently if I had kids...I have around 100 of them at The Blaze and 30 freshmen, not enough? ;)
I won some Sloan goodies on ebay, oh it's good I only check out ebay occasionally I am trouble on there. I found a guy who agreed to sell me all their vinyl that I didn't already have. I got this interview disc from the release of Navy Blues which has always been my fave Sloan record, I remember listening to that ne over and over while building my website ages ago. Anyway, it has some classic quotes on it and very insightful. It is hard being a fan of Canadian bands when you don't get to see or hear all the radio/tv interviews etc.. You miss the nuances of inter-band relationships (which I am apparently rather interested in-research of course!)
I am contemptating getting my journals out soon, it will be over 6 years since I have seen them. It will be my own emotional roller coaster if I do it.
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