I had to blog as I had an incredible experience just happen to me. I certainly am a believer in signs..
I have been having a tough time of getting back in the groove of writing, going through my usual self doubt as to why I am wasting so much time on this. I seriously have been beating myself up this week..check my emails to Nina for proof..
I wrote a scene yesterday that was the first one I felt I wasn't going to use, that I wasted my time writing.. Today I resisted writing the entire day despite my laptop being out and beckoning me...I even mopped floors! By 9pm I had no more resistance left and decided to give it a shot. Mind you, I am at that point I keep mentioning where I need to move things along, find a way to explain what happens over a few months briefly (I am not good at brief...as you can tell) I found the perfect way as I sat down and started..I have been fretting over this for at least a month...I love the idea I came up with...Elise is keeping a journal of all the things happening to his band so she can give it to him for Christmas the following year (there's more to it, but that is the short of it) So I found a way to chronicle the band's signing, recording, making video, etc... relief..so I am enjoying this chapter, feeling good to be back at it.
The Replacements have played a major part of this story from the start, one day when I first started writing it, I heard "The Ledge" on XM and decided I could use it for a key part of the story. I kept using them for differnt parts of the story and decided that the band would get the chance to open for The Replacement for their first ever tour. I swear to you as I typed the words of Patrick telling Elise they got the opening slot for The Replacements. "Swinging Party" came on my ipod. Now I know that doesn't seem that fateful but I have 4000 songs on that thing, maybe 20-25 are Replacements..let alone it being from "Tim" which I used for a scene just a couple days ago. I personally started crying...I know I am emotional but I felt like a lightning bolt hit me in the head to keep writing again.... the same bolt that hit me the night I saw Sloan in Michigan... man, how many times can one girl be struck by lightning?
1 comment:
Podcasting 101
Owners of iPods with video soon will be able to watch such TV shows as "Desperate Housewives" on ... Simply put, a podcast is an audio broadcast that can be downloaded and put onto a computer or (more often) an MP3 player such as an iPod.
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