OR- I can see my laptop clearly now or 54-40's I (no longer) go blind
Can going to the eye Doctor be a revelation?- (Dr. Gerald Ford for your amusement)
I am a nit wit, apparently he already did my vision test, I just never had one before so didn't know that was what he was doing last time when he told me to not go 150 mph.. So I go yesterday and they tell me it's much too soon to have another. I tell the nurse my issues, she tests me with the little magnifying glasses they sell at Walgreens. It's a miracle I bought some stylish $17.99 reading glasses and I am a NEW woman, I wrote for over three hours last night, fearing they would give me a headache but NO, they helped me write ten times better-hahahaha- riveting drama unfolds thanks to walgreens and a peanut butter crunch blizzard for dinner. I have 20/25 vision by the way.
Getting ready to drive the Cronkite Village kids downtown for a tour of the Sun's arena. Driving the 15 passenger van-yeah...ugh...
Karen's product review- I tried mint Kit Kat's from the grocery store for a limited time- WOW - can you say yum yum! Try them before they are gone.
Did I ever write that my racer nemesis and I mended fences at the ET finals. Turns out I was conked out in front of him in line and he helped push, I thanked him and suddenly we were back speaking. I hope he figures out his issues, I know his life is difficult. His best bud was our track champ who committed suicide. I understand he feels he has a standard to uphold, a legacy to follow. I feel better that is appears to be resolved. It is unhealthy to have ill will brewing in a dangerous sport.
How much do I love this photo above, snagged it today, ah the 500 up video..inspiration to work on Bay window tonite again- almost 5000 words last night, I was definately on a roll...haven't read it back yet to see if it was any good. That is the weirdest part, I write and keep going and really don't know what I wrote fully until I look back and read it again...it's that case of the writing leading me, not me leading the writing. ok..nuff rambling...
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