Lots to note in the last couple of days, let's see if I know how to make it brief- that was a joke-hahaha!
Photo is of the garage sale find of the century a few weeks ago. Dan brought it in the house and it doesn't fit where I had envisioned it. Ugh..it means I need to make decisions about rearranging the kitchen, and/or getting rid of something to make room for it. I will be asking my pals for advice, I can never think these things out before I actually see them in place, can't visualize before. It's pretty awesome though don't ya think? I know- I am sooooo spoiled!
Kyle Vincent returned to town for the weekend. The minute I heard him start singing on the air at The Blaze, I got teary and melty. He has one of the most incredible voices I have ever heard. He and the Blaze jock had a great interview then I persuaded Karen to go with me to the Living room concert at some fine folks named Tony and Mary who lived an hour away from my 'hood. They had a grand piano which made it different than when he played my house with an electric keyboard. Either way, he is fantastic as a story teller in both song and verbal. It was a lovely night of music. Oddly, we were asked at the last minute if we would drive Kyle back to his hotel which was fine but by the time he was ready, I was ready to crash, so tired! Karen and I got Kyle talking about his opinions on the INXS show, which of course were not very positive. I know for a musician, what they did is the ultimate in sell out which is what Kyle was conveying. He told us that he had a chance to be on Star Search back in the day but refused it. He believes in the pure idea of writing some songs, getting signed and people liking the songs..without the use of these TV shows to expose your stuff. We enjoyed picking his brain. Then being the way I have been lately...I ask him if he writes anything else besides songs...he flips, he can't believe I asked because he had just written 10 pages of something on his flight to PHX. Apparently my new goal is to encourage my favorite musicians to write novels, TV Shows, screenplays, autobiagraphies..whatever... hehehe... Kyle tells us he wrote something autobiographical that day, read it to someone on the phone that afternoon and it caused a lump in the person's throat. nice! Kyle got a little nervous as I got turned around trying to find his hotel but I found it, if you know me, I don't get lost so it is still bugging me what went wrong in my drive there. Anyway, I feel bad as I was so tired from Friday night, I went to bed at 9pm Sat and didn't go see his club show..I need to email him and apologize. I did get the honor of being the first to buy his new CD he had gotten delivered to the hotel that day. One of my other favorite momemts was in the beginning when he asked me what requests for songs he won't play I had...He was making his set list. And nope, he didn't play any of my requests..hehe..why do artists always want to renounce their older catalog? Here's to Kyle...!!
I have been listening to the trip to Vancouver travel tape on my drives to work. Yet again, laughing out loud while driving...I still contend that Karen and I still talk to each other pretty much the same. This tape was Sept 1991, I sense a maturity in myself over the GT tape from 1988. Glad to hear I grew up some-hahaha! I was working doing the morning show by 91 so I had a different confidence, you can tell in my talk of the industry, etc.... There is a good part of the tape that talks of our adventures at Bumpershoot, it is amusing, especially my comments about Mr. Auer. Apparently Ken was tickling me, didn't remember this which is why these tapes are GOLD! There were quite a few things I forgot, including Jon giving me his phone number (Which we kept repeating on the tape) We even left the tape on when we crossed the border to BC, funny hearing the border lady asking us questions. More amusement on the tape was when Karen and I ran out of money and trying to figure out what to do without any more cash. We sat in the lobby of the Grouse Inn watching Much Music for our evening entertainment. Hilarious! One other thing funny was I made us stop for ice cream because we were losing the radio station The End in Seattle as we drove to BC, I made us stop because the DJ said The Posies were coming up and I had to hear them on the radio near their birthplace of Bellingham...My geekiness has never really stopped when it comes to stuff like this....
I have not worked on Bay Window since Thurs night, the weekend was just too messed up in my sleeping. Sunday night I watched drag racing and The Alternative with Dan.. Actually I was formulating one of the next stories, you know, the one about the girl drag racer who meets the Top Fuel driver of her dreams... Last night, I was wiped out from a way too busy day at work...read a little of Bay Window, jotted down some notes and crashed at 9pm. I hate getting older and not being able to stay up late like I used to-ugh again!
Let's see, Blaze - all great there, Cronkite Village- those kids are not getting kicked out which is good. Found out yesterday I will probably have double next year-60 kids..how that will work out? I have no idea right now. Itching to get Big Red fixed, nagging Dan gently. He is going riding this weekend and actually fixing the RV finally. I have no idea what this weekend may hold for me. Still plotting my trip to Nova Scotia for next spring. Going to eye doctor today to make sure my eyes are ok since I have had these headache issues. I worry about all my time on this laptop and my eyes.
Heard a song I liked by Arcade Fire on CFOX, also heard Matt Good's "Enjoy the Silence" on there. BOB played One to One last week, "Hold me now" had kinda forgot that song but will work good for the Bay window soundtrack-hehehe. Got a little crazy with Sloan items on ebay last week- I won some vinyl and the guy wrote me and asked if I wanted to buy his entire Sloan collection of vinyl and collectables...I had some but .....boy did that guy find the right sucker.... then says he has Matt Good stuff too... (I haven't bought that yet..I have some control?) I need to stay away from ebay...honestly I usually do but....well we go back to last week's theme "If if feels good do it" There should be a follow up track "Guilt suffered afterwards"
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