Yesterday in talking to Nina we started talking about missing our college days and I told her we needed to pull out our old travel tapes. I think I mentioned in blogging before that we used to talk into a tape recorder when we would go on road trips, talking about all the events around us. Talk about being able to relive your college days! So I dug through the closet of doom, didn't find either of the Toronto trips but found two others, one of Karen and I in Vancouver, the other of Nina and I going to see Glass Tiger in Tucson.
What a blast!! The story goes, we were supposed to go putt-putt golfing one night with Paul (Sloan on CFOX NOW...) while Nina was visiting. I must have used my bad influence on her and we both got a second hole pierced in our left ear. She just mentioned I should use that in my novel as she was in trouble from her mom for doing it. So we got the ear piered and I hada bad reaction, I got sick both times I ever had my ears pierced. So we stayed in my room listening to the radio. I told her I could pick up Tucson stations so I left KLPX on for a while and they run an ad for Glass Tiger playing there the next night. Can you imagine the pre-teen screams, it was the next night...! I had only lived in AZ a year and we drove through a horrible dust storm in the nightmare area of duststorms area Casa Grande. You can tell in the road trip tape that I had never really experienced one, lucky we made it ok... So listening to the tape revealed some observations- I was annoyed with myself, kinda mouthy and bossy...hope I am still not too much like that-hahaha! You should hear the questions we came up with to ask Glass Tiger for an interview...ahhh youth.... some of the stuff was kinda suggestive prompting me to think, good thing we didn't dress or act like sluts because some of the questions could have led us sweet young girls down the wrong path...hahaha! Nina wanted us to ask what color boxers they wore... as I recall, we never saw Alan Frew after the show as he was in a back room with a girl the entire time until their tour manager blew a whistle to get them on the bus. One of the other band members told us Frew was rolling around with a girl who was up front with us during the show. All my years of of chasing bands, well I honestly never wanted more than to just talk to them...but it was scary to hear how innocent Nina and I sounded ...and refreshing...
So next point I found facinating was that she and I were going on about our current guys we had crushes on at the time..That's what 20 years old girls talk about..and I was struck by the fact that we are both still in touch with those two guys. Mine comes and speaks to my classes now-hilarious but a good feeling that we can still stay in touch with the people who were important to us in our lives. (And no, believe it or not it was not a band guy for me, I did go through my sports guys and football players phase. We know I ended up marrying the football player-wink!) I am a true believer in keeping in touch with people in our lifes as much as we can, it ties our past to our current lives.
Next surprise, I realized I think I remember a lot of things from my storied past yet I was talking about stuff on the tape I totally forgot.. I had a pool party which I did remember but I didn't remember said crush guy ever even being to my house yet apparently he came to this party, left and came back then I walked him to his car...again..ahhh youth.... Also even more surprising, I was singing along to songs by Alta Moda, I don't even remember that song yet I knew the words back then. Music isn't something I usually forget. Must have been in heavy rotation on the Mod Maid's mighty Maple minutes at the time.
I listened a little to the GT interview, so bad..How I ever ended up with a successful radio career is now in question in my mind... I think I got better...hehehe
I also listened a little to the Vancouver trip, it struck me completely different. I think Karen and I still sound exactly the same when we converse to each other, I think we use the same phrases, same amusements...I will have to make copies for my fellow pre-teens. I am mystified where the Toronto trip tapes are...
All this nostalgia kept me from writing last night but I had a self imposed night off. It was good for me, enjoyed remember what else I do in my spare time. I have been thinking lately, what did I do before I started writing. I guess I was working on my website a lot, emailing, IMing... for a moment I was interested in cooking.. hmmm...what did I do? guess just messed on computer.. when Mom was alive, we were always running around plus I watched TV with her. Dan watches movies I have no interest in, we have never shared the TV watching thing, I know he wished I would watch more with him but I was never a TV kid even before the computer came along. I was making tapes or out..or on the phone I suppose.
I was on the phone last night with Missy, I told her my new plan. I think I will write a second novel before I try to look further into editors, publishing etc... (things I know NOTHING about) I feel like I am too close to Bay Window and would be too emotional for someone tearing it apart. If I write soemthing else that is a little less close to the heart, I may be able to handle the process better. For as long as I have wanted to write, I did not start with the story I have had in my head the longest. Missy was kind to say she was floored I had two more in my head ready to go...I know I know she's probably biased but she is the only one who has read all of Bay Window.. (war and peace of a college radio girl) I hate talking confident, there is only one thing I was ever confident about in my life and it was my on air talent... but I feel soo good about my writing..I feel like I know when it's not good too... If it feels good do it..somebody wrote something like that...hmmm...have I mentioned how sexy I now find grey haired men.... how come women can't look so sexy grey....ugh..mine are coming in faster than ever...
OK so what did we learn...old crushes never die? WQBR Pre-teens grow up some, and still live in their pre-teen days, I am obsessed with my novel..yep...many lessons learned from the past.
I guess I should have used a Glass Tiger photo but it looks like those boys in the photo are going on a "trip" Ode to my pal Nina, they are on AIR NOVA! Hey, if it feels good do it is our motto today.
1 comment:
You got sick after getting ur ears pierced? oh geez, even I didn't! :)
Can't wait to hear the travel tapes again!
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