INXS soldiers on. J.D. Fortune and co. play back-to-back, sold-out concerts in St. John’s, N.L. Per capita, the province has purchased more copies of Switch than anywhere else in the world.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Kiss the Maritimes dirt?
This is precious- INXS - Huge in Newfoundland!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Laissez-Faire System is not quite working right

That is Novillero. Holy great stuff! I ordered a CD of theirs earlier this year but it was not the latest-Aim Right For The Holes In Their Lives. I knew I liked them the first time I heard them on The Verge last December but finally got the newer Mint release (which I could not find in NS or TO) Two nights ago I put it on while editing and it make a huge impression. Just really well done power pop, clever lyrics, different arrangements and good crunch! I am hooked~but I knew I was from the first listen.
I am exploring a few of the newer purchases I had yet to listen.
The first Meligrove Band CD "Let it Grow" is way too much of a copy of the Sloan led Halifax scene circa 1994. However, "Planets Conspire" has been a soundtrack of 2006 for me. I suspect a high entry in the LMC Tops of 2006.
This summer, thanks to "Skinny Boy" by Amy Millan I have been led into the world that is Stars. I have documented my love for Amy's "Honey from the Tombs" but have yet to mention how I fell in love with Torquil Cambell after hearing an interview with him on Jian Ghomeshi's "Sounds like Canada in the summer” His material with Memphis is a breath of fresh air even though I have yet to get my hands on the new CD. It was time to take the steps to get into Stars since I have individual admiration for them both. Last night, once again while editing, I popped in my newly purchased "Set yourself on fire" and was transformed. I certainly knew a few of the songs off the radio but...what a musical journey those two voices can take you on.
The next listen in the last few weeks has been local darlings The Format. I certainly liked their material but always classified them as more of one of Dan's bands than mine. I had picked up "Dog Problems" when it came out for Dan but he had yet to listen to it. I pulled it out the other night while we were both on our computers. I don’t think he paid attention but I did knowing that one of Redd Kross' MacDonald brothers produced and I think The Format had been studying Jellyfish's "Spilt Milk" The record is very gorgeous in it's orchestration. It is a departure for them as they are known for their catchy sing along style, not these dense numbers. It is one that needs to grow on me but it has all sorts of potential.
Finally in the changer is Sloan's "Never hear the end of it" Once you get it, the 30 tracks and the transition between the many personalities of that 4 songerwriter axis, there is no listening to it in pieces...It is a whole sitting, it becomes one song with many different changes. It is not really meant for singles because the songs seem lonely on their own, without their lead in and out. Originally I felt there were some weak inclusions but now, I can't imagine the sequencing without them. To me, the CD really needs to be played in order live but without a separate drummer; I can't see how they could. It will be my CD of the year but not just because it's my fave rave, etc...It is because it is that amazing. I have not had an entire CD grip me like this in years.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Angels Tonight
Reprint from LJ-
Once upon a time, I was a Tempe music scenster. I went out to shows 5-6 nights a week, knew everybody, was pretty much friendly to everyone, saw most every band in town at one point or another. The scene, like any other had it's share of drama. I stayed away from most of it because I didn't go to the after parties or sleep with any of them. I did have one thing a few of the musicians *may* have used me for. Airplay. I question now whether one boy I was very, very fond of actually hung out with me for that title of mine-Music Director at the only Alternative radio station in town. He was the only fell for full force in all my scenster days. Once he was in a signed band, he didn't need me anymore. The reason I speak of all this is because I started reading a book this week. It had slipped to the back of the book shelf, I forgot I had it. It is by the former bass player of The Refreshments. I didn't really know him but I KNEW other members in his band (read a few sentences back) This book is making me gasp outloud, often. It is a fiction story but you bet your bottom dollar everybit of it is the Tempe scene-1990-when I was a scenster. First thing that had me laughing was the local band that played Chuy's every Friday night to frat guys. Jejune July in the book, sounding a Hella lot like a certain August Red. I remember we had to kinda keep it a secret that we actually went to August Red shows, fans of orginal music did NOT go to August Red shows. We would wander down the street from the Blossoms at Wongs to Chuy's so I could get a fix of my crush. Next up in the book by Arthur Edwards is the obvious band that was the money maker in town, about to get signed, played packed gigs that made over a grand a night-of course his version of the Blossoms. Going along, the main character is at Wong's (called Richmond's in the book) and the server is described just like Sara then he starts talking to the only other guy in the bar, the guitarist for The Prior Angels (Blossoms) YUP, of course a Hopkins character! MY GOD, the author quoted things Doug said to me a zillion times. This book is like reading my journals only with some altered names. IT is flipping me out. Today, the main character is talking about a band who has a hit on KUKQ-YES, he uses KUKQ...My KUKQ, my first radio job. Not only is this book tripping me out for the obvious recount of the scene I lived in also but for another reason, Bay Window. Let's face it, while it maybe based in Halifax, everything I write about as far as a music scence goes and as far as a band developing goes is Tempe, not Halifax.. So what Arthur knows and wrote about are similar to my own expereinces. There were times when I thought my main male character had Hopkins quotes coming out of his mouth also. Surprisingly there doesn't appear to be a character in it similar to the boy I adored (yet) I think the Robin character is about to be introduced (singer of the Prior Angels(LOL)
One other thing of interest to me in this book is the use of names. As mentioned, he uses no real band names except signed, well know acts like The Replacements, Jane's Addiction, etc.. As for the Tempe scene, he uses real bar names but only of ones that are long since closed. If the bar is still open, he uses a fake name. I assume this is due to law suits? It has me perplexed. Even the Mesa Ampitheater, he doesn't call it that. I really need to know this as I use many real names in Bay Window. I wonder what is legal.
Chris and Jay were on the radio today, I caught the last hour assuming I could listen again later...but it wasn't on later and I am so lame because I am depressed, it appears they are done with it. I shouldn't be surprised, Murphy already said Ruhee and I were the only listeners anyway. He told me he didn't want to do it anymore but Jay did...guess Murph got his way. I don't understand why he didn't enjoy it, radio is a breeze for personalities like him. It is ridiculous but I am genuinely sad that it is over.
Once upon a time, I was a Tempe music scenster. I went out to shows 5-6 nights a week, knew everybody, was pretty much friendly to everyone, saw most every band in town at one point or another. The scene, like any other had it's share of drama. I stayed away from most of it because I didn't go to the after parties or sleep with any of them. I did have one thing a few of the musicians *may* have used me for. Airplay. I question now whether one boy I was very, very fond of actually hung out with me for that title of mine-Music Director at the only Alternative radio station in town. He was the only fell for full force in all my scenster days. Once he was in a signed band, he didn't need me anymore. The reason I speak of all this is because I started reading a book this week. It had slipped to the back of the book shelf, I forgot I had it. It is by the former bass player of The Refreshments. I didn't really know him but I KNEW other members in his band (read a few sentences back) This book is making me gasp outloud, often. It is a fiction story but you bet your bottom dollar everybit of it is the Tempe scene-1990-when I was a scenster. First thing that had me laughing was the local band that played Chuy's every Friday night to frat guys. Jejune July in the book, sounding a Hella lot like a certain August Red. I remember we had to kinda keep it a secret that we actually went to August Red shows, fans of orginal music did NOT go to August Red shows. We would wander down the street from the Blossoms at Wongs to Chuy's so I could get a fix of my crush. Next up in the book by Arthur Edwards is the obvious band that was the money maker in town, about to get signed, played packed gigs that made over a grand a night-of course his version of the Blossoms. Going along, the main character is at Wong's (called Richmond's in the book) and the server is described just like Sara then he starts talking to the only other guy in the bar, the guitarist for The Prior Angels (Blossoms) YUP, of course a Hopkins character! MY GOD, the author quoted things Doug said to me a zillion times. This book is like reading my journals only with some altered names. IT is flipping me out. Today, the main character is talking about a band who has a hit on KUKQ-YES, he uses KUKQ...My KUKQ, my first radio job. Not only is this book tripping me out for the obvious recount of the scene I lived in also but for another reason, Bay Window. Let's face it, while it maybe based in Halifax, everything I write about as far as a music scence goes and as far as a band developing goes is Tempe, not Halifax.. So what Arthur knows and wrote about are similar to my own expereinces. There were times when I thought my main male character had Hopkins quotes coming out of his mouth also. Surprisingly there doesn't appear to be a character in it similar to the boy I adored (yet) I think the Robin character is about to be introduced (singer of the Prior Angels(LOL)
One other thing of interest to me in this book is the use of names. As mentioned, he uses no real band names except signed, well know acts like The Replacements, Jane's Addiction, etc.. As for the Tempe scene, he uses real bar names but only of ones that are long since closed. If the bar is still open, he uses a fake name. I assume this is due to law suits? It has me perplexed. Even the Mesa Ampitheater, he doesn't call it that. I really need to know this as I use many real names in Bay Window. I wonder what is legal.
Chris and Jay were on the radio today, I caught the last hour assuming I could listen again later...but it wasn't on later and I am so lame because I am depressed, it appears they are done with it. I shouldn't be surprised, Murphy already said Ruhee and I were the only listeners anyway. He told me he didn't want to do it anymore but Jay did...guess Murph got his way. I don't understand why he didn't enjoy it, radio is a breeze for personalities like him. It is ridiculous but I am genuinely sad that it is over.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
I have found a female singer I dig!

Other female artists I own: Pat Benatar, Luba, Feist, Kay Hanley/Letters to Cleo, Veruca Salt....hmm...that's about it...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
"Avalanche" - Matthew Good drama on the internet

Some of the best drama is not on TV, not with the internet around, not with people so open with their lives on their blogs. I had gotten away from Matt Good's blog reading because he had taken it down for a I know why, he has divorced that cooky chick he was married to. She had a blog I used to read also. I said a zillion times to Andrew, "is she for real?" no one could be that full of themselves and stereotypical. Whether you agree with his politics or not, Matt is a smart guy. It was so curious that he would be married to a, for lack of a better term, ditzy blonde. I know, I know..she is hot, whatever, that gets old when it comes time for conversation. So when Andrew and I went to Sam Roberts, some guy told us that Jen Good cheated on Matt and that Matt was being very open about it at his acoutic shows. It really surprises me that someone in the public eye like that, with know freakish fans, would be so revealing. Does he really need the sympathy of strangers? Well he is getting a ton of it.. I have to say, I am pulled in because he is so obviously in pain and he is an eloquent writer, hence the pain is more pronounced. He had to give his dogs to his parents, he is seemingly moving away or travelling to get away from it all. It is a soap I am suckered into. The look on his face in the picture above says it all. Read the Open Window entry on his blog-damn...
I did experience Canadian music euphora on my recent trip to Toronto to see Sloan. Oh sure, their shows were fantastic but no...I speak of the very first night..I had been thinking of my previous trips to TO anyway..first being in 1986, my very favorite year of music releases. I went to TO on a train with Karen, Nina and a guy from the radio station. I bought loads of records, found elusive The Kids record, a poster of Mark was a magical trip! Anyway, on Much More Music, it might as well have been 1986..I mean I think I have seen more CanCon 80's videos in my last two trips to Canada then I did back then! I was in the ladies room and I came out and T says, "Hey, I was gonna ask you who is this?" I focus to see The Spoons on the TV, first EEEAAPPP! I had to kinda be cool, I think I would have scared her with one of my true pre-teen screams. I really had to hold back the spaz factor as two videos later, PLatinum Blonde comes on..ok, comes Glass Tiger...I am amused, giggling see the old video after just seeing them in NS, explaining that we were seeing two from the holy Five Golden Rings of CanCon bands back in the day (The Five: Plat, Haywire, GT, Eye Eye and maybe Corey? I have to consult with Nina on this) So as the GT is nearing end and I am rolling on the sleep comfort Sheraton bed, biting something to keep from exploding I say "Why don't they just give me Haywire next?" OMG, I nearly fainted (LOL) The beginning of "Dance Desire" came on! I was 18 again...It was unbelievable...and then INXS came on after for good measure
Speaking of INXS, Timmy turned 49 yesterday! I know I am getting old, but I don't think any of my rock heart throbs have turned 50 yet..yikes-;) A student that works at the Blaze told me today he went to INXS when they came here. He said they were stiff and that J.D. did some rapping. Oh dear god...When we saw them with that other singer from Noiseworks, they were hardly stiff. Dan has me sucked into watching Rockstar again. I guess it is nice to have something to watch together again. And Gilby was in Candy....
I did the majority of my blogging about the SLOOOOAN Toronto, London, Bala trip on my LJ. I think I have decided to make this blog my music blog and the LJ is more personal thoughts, etc.. I do have to mention that C & J were seemed very earnest in their gratefulness for my letters to the radio show. I gave Murph the chance to make total fun of me for all the letters but he said so kindly "No, your letters make the show." Aww, he must have asked me 5 times to keep writing and was telling me how dry the show is and how they struggle to fill all the time. I think they don't give themselves enough credit for the amount of knowledge they share in their breaks. I have learned a ton on their show about Canadian bands. I think that says something. Jay was kind to tell me thanks and asked me to keep writing also. They held to their word on the radio and played a song of my choice in Bala. That ranks as my Favorite part of the trip! Here's the set list from the show- My choice, "So beyond me" was first!!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Who taught you to live like that?

In the duldrums of summer and post NS depression a new Sloan single has got things a buzzing. I think the song is catchy as hell and very different. It is making me more excited for the trip to go see them in August. I just seem to not get so wound up before hand like I did when I was younger. Too many other pressures to dwell on I guess. Just like with Melissa prior to NS, getting details worked out with PPF is making me more excited also. I seem to feed off my friend's excitement. I think this trip just signals the end of summer as the kids arrive a week after I get back. Summer goes by too damn fast!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Just a spark

I hear the Church tour is acoustic which is kinda a bummer. I am sure they will be great anyway! It is this Saturday!
I am trying to hear the new Sloan single on the radio, I don't know why I am trying CFOX, they failed me on Matt last year. Now CFOX is talking about alexisfire new material. sigh..
My last dream before I got up today I was in some living room and MArk and Sergie form Platinum Blonde were there. I told Mark I could promote their upcoming show at The Church show. He was all happy and impressed then started kissing me and pushing me into the bedroom...then I woke up-LOLOLOLOL Now there is Maple Musings!
I finished my travel journal for the most part-Check out the LJ for rest.(Link in last couple of entries)
Monday, July 10, 2006
It's your hairclip, my heart rips... THE KATIES are back together!

I have to SHOUT! I found out last night while screwing around on the internet that The Katies are back together. I had them in my list of bands I only got two recordings out of but adore- NO More! They have a new record coming out this year plus I just found a ton of downloads of rarities. I went from post NS blues this weekend to overjoyed. The Katies are a band Dan and I discovered together while still engaged and we have shared their music so many times plus he sings them the best. I guess it is a heart warming thought that Dan and I have that to share together again. I was so excited I had dreams about it last night. Funny what music can do for you!
The releases coming out this year is unbelievable. Of course I have learned of some many new bands thanks to XM all Cancon channnel but then add my big boys in the mix- Already a fantastic Jon Auer record, The City and Colour disc I love the Mobile CD and then Blossoms in August and Sloan in Sept plus possible Matt Good, Loverboy and now the Katies- It is one heck of a great year in music. My favorite songs so far this year include "Save your sissors"- City and Colour and "Skinny Boy" - Amy Millan (Yes that would be a female singer)"out of my head" - Mobile. I haven't heard the Blossoms single enough yet but it sounded pretty darn good. Gee, then there is the Cinderpop and Quinzy records oh and MIR..I will definatly have a top 25 Cds this year!
OK i had to rant on The Katies for a minute. I will try to finish my NS trip blogging later. I came home to a corrupt driver in the home computer so I finally have it back tonight. Dan has to work at night so I will try to stop playing with slideshows on My Space long enough to finish my trip blog. :)
Friday, July 07, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
One Week - BNL (hate that song but it is appropriate)

Maybe because it is only one week away or maybe because the summer institutes are OVER but I am finally freaking out over going to Nova Scotia. This time next week we will be on the plane from NJ to Halifax. Next Friday will be a long day as we have to be at the airport at like 5am, then we don't get to Halifax until 8:30 pm. Long layover in NJ, thanks to a flight time change. I am half way packed. I need to do some laundry this weekend. It is finally feeling real. Missy is way more excited than I am, she is so eager, it is contagious. And she is re-reading Bay Window to get ready. Maybe I should be doing that...;)
The Institutes were a lot more work prior to the students arriving but I was still on call for a lot of things during the past two weeks. Taxes took so much out of the payment I near cried as I counted on that money for the trip. I just need to spend less money on junk-LOL..yeah me, the pack rat queen. I am more worried I will buy tons of cds. I have been doing the Maple Minutes weekly now so I will be looking for material for the show-haha... I plan to take an extra bag in case to lug stuff home.
Amazing this is that once I get back it will only be a month before I head back to Canada for Sloan shows. We have been plotting that trip a bunch too. It will be another trip with lots of driving but at least PPF and I will share that driving, in NS only I am driving. I am nervous because we will be flying stand-by. Nervous to get there, no worries about getting back-LOL
I went to speak at Intro to Mass Comm for Dr. Godfrey last week (who was one of my old fave profs) He had me explain rotations and clocks in radio. I always ask the students for examples of what they think it heavy rotation songs, etc.. They were sleepy dead class and I had no idea what was current. I finally came up with Shakira but Dr. Godfrey said I was getting old that I couldn't name current music-HORROR... My former prof called me OLD! Sniff! I could have told him the heavy rotation of rock radio in Vancouver and London, damn it...;) (Buck Cherry, Godsmack)
So cute, my karaoke singing hubby said he fancies himself as kinda a John Easdale, a scruffy, bigger guy as a lead singer. We keep seeing Dramarama videos on the Alternative. Dan did get some new Karaoke discs last week, thank god. I was so sick of the old ones-;) Now "Nearly Lost You" is his new fave sing. He loves Coheed but no one can sing like that guy except Geddy Lee.
Next week should blow by, we have lots of lunches, meetings and two orientations. This weekend we are taking Hunter to the pool then of course Father's Day. Leaving on that jet plane is gonna be here before I know it! Have I packed too much-Oh I am sure of that!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
For the first time since 1988

The Church is coming to Phoenix! I can not believe what kind of musical year this is shaping up to be! The Church would never come here because of some issues they had with promotors, I had to fly to see them back in the day..Now FINALLY! July 22. Nice treat between NS and Ontario trips! OK it is very late, off to bed.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Day Job - Gin Blossoms

Random quickies:
Yesterday was a rather monumental music day in my lil life. I heard the new Gin Blossoms single. Pretty catchy and sweet. I also heard the new (!?)Loverboy track...not bad, honestly! Also bought the new Cheap Trick which has to be the best CT record I have heard in years. Heavens, this is a big year for new releases for *my* bands. I need to keep better track for year end lists this year!
My truck has this nifty feature that allows you to see recent history. I was telling Dan that it is running so fast now that he placed the *magic* chip in it. He checked my history, giving me shite for going 75 one day until we got back to Sun of Memorial weekend when he came back from Flagstaff. Clocked 117! (He did, NOT me) Take it to the strip, not the street kiddies!
The summer Institutes are here now, kinda smooth, a few bumps. I need a vacation, that is evident in my easily annoyed attitude. I think it is 16 days until we leave for NS. I have been so busy chatting with pals regarding the Ontario trip, I have gotten behind on my NS planning. I did start packing last weekend (and wrote down all my outfits to take, I haven't done that since I was in college!)
Yesterday we tried to convert my ipod tunes to my new work computer. It erased all of my ipod so I plugged into itunes and it took and hour and a half to refill it...annoying!
Gotta tell about Sam Roberts concert last Friday but need to go give a tour of The Blaze. I will do that soon!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Waiting for Wednesday - Lisa Loeb

Random thoughts for a mid-week:
Today is the one and only Corey Hart's b-day. He is 44 today! A Gemini. Kind of funny that it was in the Arizona Republic today.
Also while reading the paper at lunch, I see they are doing Rockstar again only this time, it is a made up new band. The band consists of Tommy Lee(reality whore) Jason Newstead(Metallica fans are prolly up in arms) and Gilby Clarke(!) So they are going to look for their new singer. I will not be wasting my summer on that even though I do have a fondness for Gilby. Wonder what Kyle's take is on this one, especially with his former band mate.
I am listening to FM96 in London. I dropped a line to Andrea since I haven't been listening to them since last summer. I heard a hilarious commercial for Labatts about Canadian miracles. I will have to write down the funny lines from it, there are so few good radio spots anymore. As I was on the way to the airport to head to LA, PPF left me a message that Sloan was playing in London the day prior to the show at the Kee. I love London so much from years of going there for the boat races. I have so many memories from that track...Jim surprising me at White Oaks mall, Little Lemon guys following Bonnie and I around the hotel, shopping with my cancon lists, I even remember having memories with Adam Jones there.(My very first crush) Of course, Dan and I also went there a few years back and he got his SS tattoo. I can not WAIT to go to London again! I love hot air balloons too...(geek) So I was so caught up in the idea of going to London again, I went to gate B8 instead of D8. I swear it may have been one of my dizziest moves ever. I ended up walking most of terminal 4 to get to D8. I think I am more excited for London than Bala. Andi can come to Ontario now too! Two trips to Canada this summer..I am so LUCKY!
22 days until NS. I have not really done much in the way of preparing lately. I bought a new suitcase. Our large suitcase does not have wheels so Dan always carries it. I needed one to pull. I think I am taking 4 bags, maybe 5. Am I the only person on earth who dwells on what bags to take on vacations. I should be nicknamed bag lady. I dragged Dan into Marshalls to look at another one and realized I have a million bags. I actually walked away!
Dan made me dinner last night. I was warming some chicken and noodles and he took the chicken, breaded it and put all these yummy spices on the noodles to livin them up. I have no idea how to just randomly grab spices and breading and make food taste so good. He amazes me.
London keeps advertising this smoke free city new laws...I guess I won't get Dan back there. They also have a drag race coming there so I am amused by those advertisements. (although FM96 plays way too many commercials) Now they just advertised a record store called Grooves.
PPF and I went into a record store in Burbank and the band Lost Prophets were there. I should have snapped a pix. I keep telling her that I have liked California better the two times I have visited her. I always detested California in my many visits there. For some reason, the areas she has taken me are nicer or something. All the little neighborhoods near her place have all these lovely flowers in their yards. I even love Burbank airport, it is so easy and has a certain old charm to it. Maybe it is the departing via steps off a plane. Oddly, Hollywood seemed less icky to me while there too. We went to a store called Magic Eight Ball, totally my kind of kitschy products. I could have bought the whole store, such fun stuff.
Oh how funny, 13 Engines is on the radio...I was just telling PPF about them. They were on the bill with The Posies and Pere Ubu when I went to Chicago for the Material Issue baseball game radio trip. One of those other times I surprised a certain Mr. Auer by showing up at a show.
Dan and I went to see X-Men on Monday. I knew nothing about X-men before Dan. I certainly grew to enjoy the stories but I was highly disappointed in the flick. I liked their stories and more dialogue. This movie seemed like it was more about action then story. I haven't talked to Missy but I hope Hunter handled it ok. He loves Cyclops, even named his build a bear Scott. In the movie Cyclops dies. I think Hunter saw it, would guess that would bother him. I know he didn't really handle the demise of Anakin in Episode 3.
OK 'nuff rambling from me. I am trying to decide if I am going to blog NS on blogger or LJ. I am having problems figuring out LJ stuff but you can add more pictures I think. Such decisions, such a dork.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
I will be there

It is 1am, I should be in bed but I napped today. I just spent a half hour trying to figure out why I can't find the rich text feature on LJ. Computers drive me nuts sometimes. I think it maybe the same reason I can not see who is "online" on MySpace, something is disabled on this computer.
So here is quick lowdown on life in general. I had a really bad week last week. I tried to make some changes in life that didn't go over as well as I hoped. Last week ended after stroke of midnight last night, that is about the time I pushed buy on the "buy tickets" button for Sloan in Bala, Ontario.
Today is a better day, and soon to be a better week. Even with the knowledge that I am going to Canada twice this summer, I can still have an off week, right? Let's just say I am trying to see someone else's opinion from all angles..and their angle sucks! (No, not Dan)
OK on to less cryptic (believe me I wish I could share all this, hence why I was trying to use the private LJ version)
Here's the giddy silly stuff: Glass Tiger has one date on their Pollstar listings...Dartmouth, NS June 30. I am guessing I might be the most overjoyed dork flying all the way to Nova Scotia and will end up seeing Glass Tiger....I had to get an 80's band, right? Makes me laugh thinking how I had recently listened to the travel tape of Nova and I seeing GT in Tucson. I haven't told her yet, too bad she is not going...we could have truly relived our youth. Maybe we should never go back?
Indeed a month later I will fly to Toronto to drive 3 hours to see Sloan at some lake country resort area. The scenery alone (No, not the band) is making me swoony. Seriously, I adore Ontario and want to make it my setting for another novel so I really am thinking about all the notes I plan to take. It is about as far north as Mackinac Island, MI. And yes, of course I will be *pleased* to see the band again also. Not to mention I am beyond excited to be in Toronto... this is turning out to be one heck of a summer.
Before all that Canadian vacationing begins, I am heading off to La-La land again this weekend. Seems we need a part Deux for PPF and I's misadventures! Jon Auer is this Friday night. The solo record is just plain dreamy so this will be a treat to see him acoustic. Saturday is Glen Phillips which should be a great night also. The following week, back in AZ, we actually have a decent show here..SAM! Sam Roberts is playing June 2, although there are like 5 opening acts which is annoying as hell.
I had the last three Blaze station managers at one table on Thursday..that was the highlight of my otherwise shitty week! Nick M was visiting from SD, wish I could have spent more time...
I have other pointless babble in my head but better sleep...I want to start writing number two but Bay Wiondow looks like it needs another edit from what I have gone back and looked at..bleck to editing!~
Monday, May 15, 2006
Only the lucky ones get to see te show

Random ramblings from the Mod Maid herself on a Monday:
Listening to 91X online because Marty Willson Piper is supposed to be on. Sigh, I still love Marty so much! PPF got to see him over weekend. She said he was fantastic plus he is funny and smart! I need to make a list of artists I still wish I could see. Marty solo would definitely be one of them. I have never seen Stringfellow solo either. Of course the two big 80's I never saw: Cutting Crew and Haywire. Then there are The Katies :( Wow, I am quite fortunate I have seen most every artist I love but those are the ones who stick out in my mind.
New stupid girl’s habit - I keep seeing girls in their fuzzy slippers at the store. Today I saw a girl crossing the street, dressed in decent clothes, not shorts and her big green fuzzy slippers. The funniest part was you could tell she could feel the hot pavement. Here's the deal, in AZ you can not even wear thin flip flops or thin soled shoes in summer. I have seen this trend a few times lately-just looks stupid and will burn many girls’ tootsies.
So relaxed today, classes are over, no students for 3 months. I am sure I will get bored and lonely but for now...ahhhhhhhh...
This new Snow Patrol song isn't bad but I hate trendy bands...
Melissa is so easy going! I told her there was a concert with three bands she has never heard of in PEI. She's like cool, we can flip our plans around, let's look at hotel prices in Charlottetown! Oh and she said, make me a CD to check out all three bands! (Hip, Sam and Matt Mays) We are waiting on the plans until we hear who else is playing that weekend. I spotted that Pilate and Immaculate machine are both playing while I am there now too. Looks like there should be some good shows. Pilate is at the Marquee too! (I maybe able to see the inside!)
The writing conference I went to this past weekend was pretty interesting. A very nice gal asked me if I wanted to sit with her. Turns out she kinda started writing the same way I did in that she had a sil who read a lot and she kept chapters going to give her sil something to read! She told me she had an agent but didn’t trust the agent. She ended up self publishing. It doesn't really cost that much too just get the book printed yourself. You promote yourself, you build your own website and they print the books as they are ordered. It serves more as a memory or legacy. It is the idea that you are not trying to get "Signed" to some big money book deal, you just put it out there for your friends, etc... My guess all along is that no big publishing house is going to see me as some fresh faced writer they want to give a big signing bonus. Not too many people would see value in a novel about a girl in radio in the 80's in Canada. Sure, I could try to shop it to some Canadian agents but I am not kidding myself. I just liked doing it. It would be nice to have it in a book form. So I am thinking about just self publishing for the fun of it. I could design a webpage and sell it for like $10 bucks. I wouldn't have to change anything for some editor. I could have Dan draw the cover too! (Although I told him he could not make Patrick and Elise into cartoon super heroes)
I actually did a lot of work today! Even with no commitments whatsoever! :proud of self:
I found a cookbook I have been looking for today while cleaning up Stauffer office-Yeah!
I don't have a good reason to have both a blog and an LJ but seem to have no problem blabbing selfishly on both...
It looks like Ontario is a strong possibility if I can get flight passes. Even the idea of flying into Toronto makes me giddy! Toronto and NS in one summer-Holy spoiled brat! But I worked so frickin hard this past semester, isn't that why we deserve vacations? Fingers crossed~!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Sloooooan Aug 6, The Kee in Bala, Ont

Wasn't sure if it was going to happen but it appears to be...Ontario in Aug???
Many things to tell. Life has been hectic due to the end of school year. I have been to many end of semester dinners and parties. Tonight I am at work late because it is the Cronkite school graduation. Two of my Blaze directors are graduating, one of which is the student speaker for the event. It has been hard to say farewell to this group. We had a huge Blaze party last week, the kids gave me a huge Canadian flag they made me put on as a cape. The next night we had a nice dinner for just the Blaze directors. Tony told me they were bidding on a Jim Zorn jersey for me (sniff) They got outbid at last minute.
Last weekend we had the end of year banquet for my Cronkite Village kids..I just can't get over how well that all turned out. I let the kids put that together and it was at a fancy restaurant, we had to dress up. The menu was choice of salmon, steak, chicken or pasta. They put together a music slide show of their year together, and gave out mock awards. They were so kind to me too, they gave me roses, an engraved pen and engraved business card holder. I guess I am so blessed that this all worked out well for not knowing what the heck I was doing to start.
Last night was the new Blaze directors dinner. I think we have a great group again, just different in that they are a fun loving group, lots of joking around. I am excited for them to see them at work.
I did DJ shift this week, was a dork and nervous for some reason. I decided to do it for the summer to break up my monotony that is the basement of Stauffer. At least it will get me over to Blaze each week and fun to boot!
I am going to a Writing conference tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect but interested in learning. It will be a long day as I will drive straight to Casa Grande to see the Garcia girls who both graduate this week also!
OK, more soon...time for graduation....
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Take the Dartmouth Ferry to....

Last night May 1 at 11:53pm, I finished editing Bay Window. I suppose one is really never completely done with one's work but I don't think I will really want to change anything now. I need to spice up some exacts, like names of some specific items or places. As far as story content, I am done. Finally tally seems to be 7 months to write and 3 months to content edit.
Dan is watching a horrible movie (per usual) called The Faculty. I remember playing junk off the soundtrack on The Zone. I am often reminded why I don't watch TV and movies.
Can I rant about Tempe Arizona being the stupidiest town known to man. They have a university that already has near 60,000 students. They want 100,0000. YET, some developer bought the property across the street from The Blaze to build some huge high cost condos. Now they already built high cost condos on Mill that they had to sell to ASU because no one wanted to foot the 200,000 a year bill for a loft. SO instead of having food and service options for the zillions of students, they took an entire block away. The first sign this week was Hogi Yogi closing. There is a sign in the door with a snarky remark "closed due to University Progress.." Something to that effect. Now today one of the directors found out that an investor bought the whole block, which includes Dave's Dog house, Lorenzos, Subway, Restaurent Mexico, etc... I remember that plaza from the first time I came to Arizona in 1981, went to a skateboard shop. Sigh, progress in Arizona is usually always stupid.
My new neighbor in Stuaffer Hall offices told me today her favorite band is Our Lady Peace. What are the chances? I was so nervous my new neighbor wouldn't quite deal with, well me and my kids dropping by... I think I am safe, she has travelled to see them...gosh who does that? ;)
Now American Idol is on,(I'm at inlaws) I have never seen this show, honestly ever! This guy Taylor on right now has early grey...oh my...insert pix of fave guitar Canadian player here...I should just let mine go LOL! OK this is s lame, again, no wonder I don't watch TV. (Rock Star was just as bad, I know)
Andrew brought by my new Canadian CDs by today! Now I can listen to "Save your scissors" over and over! Yeah I finally have City and Colour, such sweet songs. I got the new Sam, Mobile and two Meligrove Band cds.
Funny, a commercial was just a spoof on Twister! OK, no more TV for another year or so..
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tell all your freinds - Project Orange

Weekend tidbits:
Spoiled brat here bought herself a pink razor phone...I have had same old phone for like 3 years.(horror) It was only $60 bucks, I thought they were like $300 or something. Must amazing feature, ringtone purchase-My phone now rings "I'll be you" - The Replacements. ZOMG! Dan says I can have a different ring for each person who calls me. I need to figure out how I can put my own music on it.
Had a nice long lovely talk with TNT Friday night. She is a great reminder of how fortunate one can be...and how not to sweat the little things. I need some red bull for the next convo though..sleepy all weekend!
Hunter and I just totally checked out the X-Men 3 website. We watched the trailer and read all the profiles of the characters powers! He corrected me on the word Adamination (or whatever Wolverine has) My 7 year old nephew is correcting my reading. He is almost up to Dan's shoulder, he seems like he will be taller than all three Collins men eventually! We were practicing multiplication, so smart!
Chris and Jay announced they will be on hiatus for a while so they can finish the Sloan record. I sure love listening to the show but..yeah a new record, tour..seems more important-hahaha. Have tour dates will travel, but where??? Rather embarassed but they called me their favorite letter writer last night. I feel like dork but I love writing letters...always have. They broke it into three parts -LOL.. I just told them about seeing Jon Brion and Jason Collett. What, oh what will I do on Saturday nights now?
Diane G's boyfriend Seth raced his boat this weekend at Firebird...He actually won again. He left a message on Friday and I ended up having drag boat dreams that night. I have them pretty often..I guess after 18 years of being around it, it never leaves the system.
I got some cleaning done. I lost Saturday to a killer headache that crippled my actions completly. I still haven't finished editing. It is funny, I stalled on editing in the same spot I stalled on writing..the tough climax scenes...I just need to be alert and in the right frame of mind. I will sit down this week and finish them. And I will miss the characters greatly, I know that for sure!
This week is the last week of school...pretty unbelievable. I am so sad to see this Blaze group go..I am suffering Tony withdrawl. I feel great about new group but always sad to see the kids leave. Also the end of my first Cronkite Village kids..crazy! They have their banquet next Sat night. Should be a nice night, such a pleasant surprise, the 30 kids I ended up with... 40 will be crazy next year!
OK that is the short of it, the juicier details are all in LJ - ;)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
The Year of our Demise

OH my, huge sighs...Jon Auer is playing acoustic on the radio as I type on KEXP in Seattle. His solo record finally comes out this week. Man, his voice just melts me into mush. I tried to get my pal Jon to listen with me but my gushing must have scared him off (and my lack of wireless in my basement office) "Six Feet Under" was first track, "The year of our demise" was second. Jon said it was the bookends of the LP. Now Jon is talking about the Posies being darker then most people think (What gave that away, maybe "Everybody is a Fucking Liar") Kevin Cole is doing the interview who used to be my old pal B's boss at Rev 105 in Mlps.
OH, Jon is doing it stripped down for the tour...Awesome!!!! I would rather see him that way for the solo tour. When I saw him in SF, I didn't like or accept the idea of him playing with another band.
The Posies will do another record he says and are BACK! “Treacherous waters to navigate” Jon says about being in a band. WOW, he says The Posies write in a group now instead of bringing individual songs to the table! That is probably why the last record was so different.
OK, he is playing again...Did I say he is one of the best singers known to man? My oh my, I am feeling a nostalgia to my old love of the 90's...;) This is making me very excited to go see him in LA! This song seems to be called “Josephine.” I haven’t decided if I am going to email him and tell him I am coming to the show or not. I seem to remember surprising him in Chicago many moons ago (blogged here recently) I should wear my Posies necklace. (God, will I ever not be such a dork?)
"Sundown" is on track he is doing now. Darius is with him in the studio.
DAMN it, a fricking student just came to ask me stupid stuff about not being able to get a hold of another student. I had my door shut too…GRR I missed the last part of the interview. I can’t even shut my door, oh and upstairs called and asked it I would do an impromptu tour. I am positive I do not do tours on demand or zero notice. I guess I should ask my boss but NO WAY!
Not that I wasn’t but now I am officially psyched to go to see JA in LA!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Too much time on my hands(NOT)

Some people eat when they are depressed, some are self destructive...I am wallet destructive...Witness above photo...actually I really wanted it and almost bought it for myself for my b-day...I didn't have as much self restraint when a second one came up for auction. It will look very nice in my office, especially when the school moves downtown and I get the fancy atrium office with the advisors (no more posters and bulletin boards full of junk LOL) I haven't gotten it yet, just won it. Unfortunately it doesn't come with a frame so I probably need to get it framed too.
Work has been out of control again this week. I am scared I am forgetting things because I have so much to keep track of right now. This is a true test of my organization and memory. I missed a meeting yesterday because it wasn't on my outlook. I fear sometimes I am in over my head. Hope not! Today my shitty job is to tell some students they didn't get the Blaze director job they applied for. I think I avoided it all week, now I know I have to do it.
The new version INXS is finally coming to PHX..when I am in NS! Oh well, not that jazzed about their album. Still love my Timmy of course but...I would rather be in NS of course! It is funny I will be in JD's hometown that night. Blossoms never ended up getting that tour.
Speaking on NS, Missy and I were watching Whale watching website virtual tours last night! WOW, we are going whale watching tour said money back guarantee if you don't see whales! We redid our itinerary, looks like we will be going more places now. We are going to drive more of NS and will pretty much circle the entire province. I hope we aren't trying to fit too much in or that I don't get sick of driving. Nothing seems more than 3 hours a day of driving. Dan, being the sweetie he is, pledged our tax return to me for the trip! Eases financial worries! Of course he got a dirt bike out of it but hey...compromise right?
I have been getting home so late from work, I haven't been focused enough or awake enough to edit...that always depresses me too...Proof that my writing is my way of relaxing and taking me away from it all....Of course I have said I have lived in a fantasy world all my life! LOL! Well I am still 6 chapters away from finishing the content editing. I think next I need to do what I call product placement, make sure names of places, stores, food items, etc...are all what I want. Then I need to do some research on songs used to make sure they are the right years for the time the chapter takes place. (Like for example, I make reference to Replacements "Pleased to meet me" but need to make sure it was out in the month/year I connected it to) I need a research assistant; I don't relish doing that portion actually. Oh I need to replace some songs I used also. Then I go to NS, decide the whole things sucks and throw it out! JK! I told JH this week I am past my insecurities about the novel, honestly, I love it and could care less if no one else does. One can hope others like it but that is not what I did it for in the least!
I got my plane tix to go to LA for Memorial Day weekend. Yet another angel move on my hubby..he is giving up opening weekend at the Cinders riding so I can go see Jon Auer and Glen Phillips (and get in lots more trouble with PPF) I need these getaways to sooth my restless weeks at work. Most weekends I barily leave the house anymore, so treats...I guess I live off treats. Things will change when I go back to racing too, which I am sure I will. I won't have the opportunity to run off to concerts. I figured out, all these years of racing had my life so planned out for me. Being without a team race schedule has allowed for freedom I obviously missed some. I need to equal out things some, not be such a slave to the race schedule and race when I want.
When you google search photos of Eight Seconds, you do not get the Ottawa band, you get Luke Perry.
Sigh, I am too depressed to blog today, don't worry..I am just suffering overwhelmed at work, guilt sets in!
Save for later
Lifeline, I wonder how you last so long,
You must be strong,
When I see the flowers in your hair,
And the pretty mouth with the red you adorn,
When you get close,
Ah danger senses please beware, it's so unfair
That I'm paying such a heavy price,
By looking at the garments, that you wear so well
I won't kiss you if you want me to,
It's much too easy with someone like you,
In the rain or a winters night,
Just wouldn't do, it's got to be so right,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
Fineline, that's what I'm walking when I look at you,
You know it's true
Of all things the thing that I want most,
To catch you at the point where you don't have a clue.
I won't kiss you if you want me to,
It's much too easy with someone like you,
In the rain or a winters night,
Just wouldn't do, it's got to be so right,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you once, but never again...
I won't kiss you if you want me to,
It's much too easy with someone like you,
In the rain or a winters night,
Just wouldn't do, it's got to be so right,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
Senses beware (Back vocals)
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
Senses beware (Back vocals)
Lead Vocal by Jim
Don't tell me I'm wrong,
'Cause I've been watching every move that you make.
Hearts you steal, in your make up and heels
Trouble for the man that you date.
Every time you walk in the room
I couldn't ever be sure of a smile
You were never the same way twice,
I'm falling in love
Oh, night after night - oh it's crazy...ooh
So many people who said, ooh
Girl you've got nothing but time
Oh you are a shining star
Don't you worry 'bout what you're leaving behind.
Every time you walk in the room
I couldn't ever be sure of a smile
You were never the same way twice,
I'm falling in love
Oh, night after night - oh it's crazy...
Oh you got to try, try, try.
Ah don't you know you've got to try,
Try, try. Oooh
Oh baby you try, oh.
Every time you walk in the room
I couldn't ever be sure of a smile
You were never the same way twice,
I'm falling in love
Oh, night after night - oh it's crazy...
Oh you got to try, try, try.
Ah don't you know you've got to try,
Try, try. Oooh oh baby you try, oh woah woah try, oh woah woah
You must be strong,
When I see the flowers in your hair,
And the pretty mouth with the red you adorn,
When you get close,
Ah danger senses please beware, it's so unfair
That I'm paying such a heavy price,
By looking at the garments, that you wear so well
I won't kiss you if you want me to,
It's much too easy with someone like you,
In the rain or a winters night,
Just wouldn't do, it's got to be so right,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
Fineline, that's what I'm walking when I look at you,
You know it's true
Of all things the thing that I want most,
To catch you at the point where you don't have a clue.
I won't kiss you if you want me to,
It's much too easy with someone like you,
In the rain or a winters night,
Just wouldn't do, it's got to be so right,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you once, but never again...
I won't kiss you if you want me to,
It's much too easy with someone like you,
In the rain or a winters night,
Just wouldn't do, it's got to be so right,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
Senses beware (Back vocals)
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
I'll kiss you then and only then,
I'll kiss you when it's dangerous,
Senses beware (Back vocals)
Lead Vocal by Jim
Don't tell me I'm wrong,
'Cause I've been watching every move that you make.
Hearts you steal, in your make up and heels
Trouble for the man that you date.
Every time you walk in the room
I couldn't ever be sure of a smile
You were never the same way twice,
I'm falling in love
Oh, night after night - oh it's crazy...ooh
So many people who said, ooh
Girl you've got nothing but time
Oh you are a shining star
Don't you worry 'bout what you're leaving behind.
Every time you walk in the room
I couldn't ever be sure of a smile
You were never the same way twice,
I'm falling in love
Oh, night after night - oh it's crazy...
Oh you got to try, try, try.
Ah don't you know you've got to try,
Try, try. Oooh
Oh baby you try, oh.
Every time you walk in the room
I couldn't ever be sure of a smile
You were never the same way twice,
I'm falling in love
Oh, night after night - oh it's crazy...
Oh you got to try, try, try.
Ah don't you know you've got to try,
Try, try. Oooh oh baby you try, oh woah woah try, oh woah woah
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter

A girl can never have too many bags! I am a bag lady, have been for years. Closet full of them! But I have not bought a toiletries bag clearly since the 80's! Hence the need for a stylish new one for all the travel plans this year! Went to Target depressed or something yesterday. Target looked like Walmart, a tornado had gone through the Easter section! I spent too much and frivolously bought just about every travel convenience bag they had. I don't even leave for NS until end of June..and probably don't need all the bags for LA trip on Memorial Day. Overzealous to go apparently! But the new toiletries bag has such great compartments. Oh dear god, my blog has turned into Jennifer Good. Stop me if I start talking about shoes!
Not much new to mention. I still want to blog my old SXSW experience but not in mood to do that right now.
Photos of the new computer case..pretty cool eh? Too bad it sits in a cabinet for no one to see. My pops in law built is all for me! Holds 100% more items than my old filled up computer. Flat screen too-woah! I have separate drives for music, photos etc.. So spoiled I am!
When I am in computer room, Della loves to sleep in the closet for some reason.
No letter on the C & J show, maybe next week. Or maybe I am psycho for writing letters! Jay said he loved the Hudson Brothers this week...I wonder if they have those on DVD!? Fun and great music! Just like the Sha Na Na show- man I loved that and Chico!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Be a Pepper too!

Most of my mod maid life I did not drink carbonated soda because it made me hiccup too painfully. Then circa 1993 I dated this guy who got Taco Bell everyday (and he was Hispanic, because TB is real Mexican food right?) Anyway, I didn't like anything at TB but always ended up sipping his Dr. Pepper. He was an asshole and I ended up addicted to DP because of him. (That sentence is supposed to make you laugh) In Michigan, they make a POP called Faygo. I grew up on Faygo, mainly redpop. Although like anything it was a treat if my mom bought me redpop. After I moved to AZ, Nova would smuggle redpops on the plane for me when she would visit. This all leads to the fact that I think Dr. Pepper stole Faygo's recipe for something Faygo calls Rock N Rye. This new Berries n Cream tastes exactly like rock n rye. I am going to buy a rock n rye (they sell um at AJ's fine foods here) and do a taste test! As for DP, I am now a true Cherry Vanilla lover. Makes plain old DP pale in comparison. And don't even get me started about Mr. Pibb!
All this gibberish is to help calm me from one of the worst weeks of work, definitely worst since I went full time. (And worst non-Blaze related crap)
First off, it was way too jam packed. I am bad about piling too many things in a row. (Like 8 interviews for Blaze Directors in a row today) I had some tense moments, I stayed late most nights to catch up on work and I even broke into tears at the potluck today (embarrassing, I am a crier but I have held myself pretty well in the Cronk school) By the end of the day, I almost felt like the week was breaking. Apologies were made, awesome people stood up for me and the interviews went really well. Reward was YC's for dinner tonight! YUM!
Dan is at the Dunes for holiday weekend. My bargain is another trip to California Memorial Weekend. This time I am going to see...Jon Auer and Glen Phillips!!!! PPF told me about Glen playing there today! Very exciting, I need some perks (how funny Jason Collett is on radio as I type) The whole saving for Nova Scotia hasn't gone well yet but I need to do some ebaying now that I have this new computer! I am not too worried because I get paid for the extra summer cash from the HS camp stuff but now Nova is not going so it will be pricier to split two ways instead. I still have some hotel bookings to change now plus Missy and I are now thinking we may explore more of NS. I am sure we can nail down some adjusted plans when we get together for Easter.
My friend TNT talked me into signing up for a Live Journal now. I doubt I will use it as I prefer this blogger format. One needs to be signed up for LJ to view others I guess. I may just do all the dorky surveys on there for fun. My students crack up every time they heard I have a MySpace. Yesterday Ash and Justin went into fits when they heard I have an LJ this a indicator they are laughing at me for "living like a kid?" I draw the line at facebook LOL!
(Iceberg just went from All used up to The Gate (the new Sam Roberts))
This week I receive something in the mail I never thought I would own. As mentioned in a prior blog I found the first Haywire tracks on a Q104 comp. Now a few weeks later I received a search find on ebay for Eight Second's EP Ottava Rima. I didn't believe it was truly it..Opened the add and almost fell over...Literally looking for that for abotu 20 years. Of course I put some outrageously high bid on it..of course no one else even bid or even looked at it! LOL. I am going to treat myself to it tomorrow! UNBELIEVABLE! I still have a few 80's cancon treasures to find but in the past month I managed to cross of two HUGE always looked fors. (Both from ebay searches I just kept renewing)
Wouldn't be a blog without a Bay Window update. I was trekking along on editing this week until the shitty days started happening (Pure is on now, killer night on Iceberg!) I found if I am pissy mood, I don't want to edit. Fair enough...So I have gone three days without but undoubtly will get some done this weekend. Again, nothing but pleased with how it is going. The last chapters are going to be tough, just as tough to edit as they were to write I suspect but I don't think I will go into some month long sabbatical from the last edits. Funny, the last time Dan went to dunes I was starting to edit now I am almost finished. ( Rush is on, it should have been the song after Sloan LOL!)
And this time I will anticipate it and it won't happen but I wrote a letter to the old C & J radio show again detailing the Jason Collett and Jon Brion shows I went to in LA. Tune into Sirius 94, usually they read letters in the first hour...embarassing but I am too addicted, I can't stop writing now...GOD I need a life! (Or my race car FUCKING fixed!)
Monday, April 10, 2006
So tired, tired of waiting for you...

I want to blog as I have done some much in the last week in a half but alas, it is near midnight and I am ready to collapse. (My radio show addiction on Sunday nights is KILLING me! Even with the time change)
Speaking of..I was staring at PPF's computer at 2am last Sat when the time changed and her computer went 2:00am then 3:00am immediately. It was trippy to see it! And depressing. I am glad we do not lose hours in AZ! Crazy girls up at 2am on her computer after seeing Jason Collett. We were SMBing it to find out about the Sloaners show that happened the same night for the Junosfest in Halifax. (Damn why didn't I plan my trip for March like I originally wanted!) Anyway, I had a great time in LA LA land, one of my least favorite places. I may hate Cali but it is fun when you have an agenda that includes ice cream, pizza, pretzels and videos of Canadian band boys trying to act. Holy.... Hence the picture of the coffee table after two days of viewing. AND I think I am going back for a Jon Auer solo show.
JA was part of last week too as was Robin making it my old crush week apparently. I got a email on My space from JA!!! He was asking for the Blaze addy and suggesting I come to LA to see him...He made reference to our putt putt outing..sigh! (Let's see, that was Nov 1990, 16 yrs ago...) Robin was on guest DJ week at The Blaze last week (photo to come) He was sweet as pie, naturally. He was showing me pix of his son on his lappy. I handled myself a little tongue tied. Something kinda struck me about a reference I make in Bay Window that was definitely something he did. It threw me as I realized how much of Bay Window revolves around my experiences at Blossom club shows .It just hit me while we were talking about this guy who used to film all their shows. Memories make me smile most of time! Jim Adkins of JEW was in the station for guest DJ week also. Pix below. I don't know him but he is a very nice fella, the Blaze girls were swooning! I did a guest DJ shift too on Friday. It was a blast.
Here is my playlist:
Cmon, Cmon (Let get it started) - Sloan
I'll bring the sun - Jason Collett
The night is soft - The Church
Please - The Bolshoi
I don't know why I love you - House of Love
What Now - Something Happens
Cartoon- Soul Asylum
The Ledge - The Replacements
Chamber of hellos- Wire Train
Girls Talk - Dave Edmunds
Bastian Cooper - Cinderpop
Beating heart baby - Head Automatica
One day in your life - MIR
Outerspace- the Katies
Games of Magic - Jon Auer
Spite and Malice - The Posies
Obsurity knocks- Trash Can sinatras
King is half undressed - Jellyfish
Back of a car - Gin Blossoms
Burger Christ - Dead Hot Workshop
Dirty Ballerina - Sugar High
Sugar High - Coyote Shivers
You and me song - The Wannadies
Cope - Giglo Aunts
Sugartune - Sloan
Deep Six - MGB
Blue - The Jayhawks
Much more soon, must sleep! I am on Chapters 54-55 of editing..almost done! sorta sad again. But need to start a new one!
AND FINALLY: See the pix of the guy above! I swear he was at Burbank airport and on my return plane. (the plane did go on to NYC which is where he lives) I kept looking at him..why oh why would I not ask him if he was Frickin David Usher!
Friday, March 31, 2006
A few of my favorite..people...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Roger Clyne for President?

I drove by a car today that had a bumper sticker that said Roger Clyne for President. Those crazy Peacemaker fans, I am surprised it didn't say Roger Clyne is god or at least start him in local government first! LOL.
Next week is guest DJ week at The Blaze. Robin is bringing his partner in the new side project (see photo) The stuff I have heard online sounds fantastic! The guy is Steve French who Robin met ages ago from the band Star Club. I seemed to recall August Red opening for them here at The Roxy. That was the night everyone thought I took out an add for redboy in the back of the New Times. (I certainly did NOT!) Anyway, this year is going to be crazy for great new CDS, this Long Shadows, a new Blossoms, a new Matt, Jon Auer's solo, and a new one from those other NOME?
I am heading to LA tomorrow! So excited to get a short vacation. A chance to get out of town and see some music! PPF and I plan plenty of wine and chocolate for our viewing fest! Hopefully I will have plenty of tales to tell when I return. Maybe I will make it to Ameoba to!
Everything is cool biz around the homestead. Dan and I have been having a ton of fun lately. I finally got him to the doctor about his allergies too-Dan to the doctor-amazing! Next amzing feat will be him putting that new motor in that red car...
Artic Monkeys are the new Carter the unstoppable sex machine.
Bay Window is going fantastic. I have edited through Chapter 48. There are 71 chapters but I eliminated one and combined two others so...I guess that means I am more than half way through the edits (Although some of the last chapters seem longer. Maybe?) Again I can just say I didn't think I would enjoy editing but I really have. (Content editing, not english type stuff-bleck!) I suspect based on my sessions with the writing coach, I could still use more weeding out.
Trip to NS plans are moving along. We ran into a snag with one of the hotels. We found one on the internet that has 3 beds and two bathrooms-I have never seen a hotel room that large for the price we got quoted! Waiting to hear if Nova approves of it. Missy and I are now trying to come up with clever ways to make more dough. I plan to teach her ebay so she can put some of my junk up.
The Blaze has a ton of Hot Tamales! So today's catch phrase- try using it-is "Hot Tamales!"
Friday, March 24, 2006
Just between you and me...

Observations on a Friday:
I just drove by a smart car while I was driving the golf cart. It was smaller that the golf cart. If you got hit in one of those, you would die..period.. that is smart?? I will stick to my gas guzzling big ole truck thank you!
Tony and I were meeting to dine at the new Long Wongs in Tempe..but you is NOT Long Wongs as the once great venue for bands to play. It is a chain Long Wongs with T-shirts that say, Long Wong's is back. Far from it, not the same owners, small menu and no music. Tony was so turned off by the fact that they are trying to pawn it off as the original, we left. I call that dedication to an establishment.
Yesterday was proof I should NOT work on Bay Window at work. I needed to return a call to a girl named Millie. It rang for a while and I get distracted as to who I was calling. When she answered, I asked for MIMI! She giggled because she said her nieces call her Mimi but you know I said it because I was looking at my computer screen! LOL! THEN, my appointment comes, the gal looks at all my photos of our dogs and says she has a lab named Murph...I near choke.
I am busting through editing now, at about chapter 29 now. Enjoying it immensely, keeping me from doing chores as usual ;) I can add or delete one sentence that can manipulate it the way I need it to go. I read a chapter this week that I don’t think I have seen since I wrote it, like last June! I had forgotten what I wrote!
I had to attend this "Future of local Television" this week that kept me at work until like 9:30pm. I certainly listened but also wrote three "treatments" for new novel options. Jim and Andy was one of them, the girl racer one which didn't seem to have an obvious conflict to it and a third idea which seems the most intriguing. It combines an old short story I wrote back in college and a newer idea I had talking to my pal E-Ruh! We'll see, I told Missy, I think I will start on number two after we return from Nova Scotia. I hope to be done with my content edits of Bay Window by the time we go. Then upon return, add anything I was struck by while visiting. Then I think it will be time to begin again. It will pretty much be one year from the time I started Bay Window. PPF has volunteered to grammar, format and spell edit (oh, but she knows I owe and will pay her back big time! I know her weekness!) Then I figure out IF I pursue it?? I am still inclined to wait until I am done with number 2.
Up until Christmas time, I had never heard of fan fiction. Now I learn there are stories about Qui Gon and Obi Wan in love.... or Jon and Ken...or Matt Good and Raine from OLP... I keep forgetting to tell Dan, he is going to laugh his ass off.
One more week until I go to LA! Yeah! Concerts and loads of video watching. Can't wait to actually have something to do for a weekend. Was supposed to race this weekend but alas that team I race for cancelled a opportunity to race in nice weather. What a shock! I swear, Team Speedworld looks better every year! I'm off to edit, I mean get work done! :)
Saturday, March 18, 2006
39 things that happened on my 39th birthday

Somewhat in order of occurence...
1. My SMB buddy MIR started a b-day thread for me at midnight EST, lots of photos of my fave rock musicians ensued. Made me glow, thanks guys!
2. Woke up to Jasper having his worst seizure yet, full body. Dan eased him out of it.
3. Unlike last year at work, there were no signs on my office door or flowers in my office. I did have nice emails and ecards.
4. Just like last year, I had to do Freshman Orientation, needy kids this time too.
5. I got b-day text messages from KBM, M, and Wake!
6. The academic advising crew took me to Ruby Tuesday for lunch.
7. I was late for my own lunch due to needy kids at orientation
8. Matt and I bitched about Sirius while waiting for Orientation kids
9. First song I listened to on ipod in morning- "The Good in Everyone"
10. My co-worker who was out for surgery came back for my lunch. Great to see her!
11. Had RT salad bar, second to Marie Calender in Salad bars IMO.
12. Drove golf cart-love that thing!
13. Co-workers sang to me at RT.
14. My pal, PPF called, told her she didn't have to sing
15. Tony left message, he was supposed to go to 4 Peaks at 6am, based on VM, he may have!!
16. Had mini-work crisis, had to go see Dean, all worked out fine.
17. Had call from idiot incoming frosh mom, "My Johnny this.." "MY Johnny that.."
18. Spent last hour at work final editing Bay Window Chpter 3-5.
19. Took out on of my very favorite lines becuase it was all knowing and nothing else follows that point of view. Still sad to remove it
20. Dan finally called, he had fell asleep and panicked to run to grocery store to get cake and flowers about 10 min before I got home.
21. Had to go straight to dinner at Fogo E Brasa, a Brazilian Steak place
22. Collins clan didn't seem to like Fogo like Dan and I do.
23. Bill was $375! Yikes, I will never hear end of that!
24. It was YUM, meats were tasty and rare plus They had shrimp!
25. Dan got me dozen roses, pack of gum,and a snoopy card. He already got me a new race jacket at the CSK's 2 wks ago.
26. J & S have new foster child at dinner, they maybe able to adopt him, maybe soon we will have 3 nephews.
27. Hunter ran straight past his mom to give me a hug first at dinner.
28. MY ipod played a nice selection of Harlequin, GT, Sloan, GB's and Posies for my day.
29. Watched dvd of Collins clan trip to dunes last week, proof that Dan was jumping my quad.
30. Blew out number 39 candles on my Chocolate cake (Crowded House) Made same wish I always do..someday it will come true!
31. Opened gifts, money from Mom & Dad Collins for NS trip.
32. Gifts From Missy, Travis and Hunter- Lil fridge for my office plus Dessert perfume and powder (Missy knows so well what I look at in stores!)
33. Gifts from Jody, Sue and Matthew - Posie flower jewelery, purple and black shirts that I opened up to find Sloan decal ON! LMC stunned! PLUS Maple Music gift certificate!
34. Showed Missy and Sue my SMB b-day thread
35. Hunter served me my birthday cake and ice cream.
36. Went to restroom, came out to M & S pulling me into kids bedroom
37. World War 5 erupted between Collins boys and their parents. I left, Dan didn't come home until midnight.
38. Opened gifts from Nina at home, cried how much I miss my family, called PPF to keep me occupied and not as depressed as I was getting. (Thanks ;))
39. Della and Jasper got in fight over bone, Dan got bit by Della. Went to bed. The End.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Election Day - Arcadia
Observations Day:
Spring break around these parts making it very quiet-love it! I have orientations three days this week but fortunately they now end by noon. Last year we were lucky if we got back to office by 6pm. Ash and Wasef leave for SXSW today! Oh the memories there! I will have to blog that this week. They are so lucky; nearly every newer Canadian band is playing this year plus Sam Robert and Jon Auer! I told them if The Blaze was sending them, it was advisor orders that they must see at least one Canadian band. I know Wasef will, we'll see if Ash does-JK!
I booked our hotel in New Glasgow, NS yesterday. I have my eye on a lodge style place for our night in Cape Breton. I need to check with Missy, she and Hunter went to Sea World. I should have all reservations done by this weekend. Once that is done, I just need to save like crazy!
While Dan went dune riding this past weekend, I spend hours editing. I did do a few household chores as I always get sort of guilty if I don't do something else. It was so weird how I avoided editing at first because NOW I love it. I am so happy finding the little things that needed tweaking. I still need a grammar master to be sure. I am enjoying content cleaning, not comma usage! Oddly I still think I like the very first chapter the least. I need to find just one or two little sparks to make me satisfied with it. I struggle with introductions to characters I notice, like um...the main ones..
On Friday I got something I won on ebay that is rather unbelievable. I won a radio station compilation from Q104 (where Elise get's her first job of course) It has TWO Haywire songs on it I have NEVER heard before. 20 years later (ugh that sounds so horrible) 1986, my favorite year of Canadian music! I always remember being at the mall in London,ONT at Sam the record man searching for a list of bands that included Eye Eye, Glass Tiger and Haywire. Then my boyfriend at the time surprised me by showing up at that mall, while I was in that store. He had just gotten to London from Iowa. (We were there for a drag boat race. I'll have to think hard to remember how he figured out I was at the mall)
Tempe is the dumbest town known to man. They now have construction on Apache and University. Last week it took me an hour to get to work! I have rethought my approach. I have to get up earlier now, damn them and I actually take the freeway to work! This is for like the next two years. I have never, ever wanted to be one of those people who sit in traffic everyday. I have avoided it for all of my working years until now. GRRRRR
Oh yeah, I am turning 39 this week. I haven't really thought too much about my birthday. I am not upset about age or anything. Like I said last year, it was my mom who make sure to make my birthday special every year so it just becomes a day where I miss her, not like I don't suffer from that every day anyway. Dan tries, I know he does. Anyway, I'd like to go out to dinner but it will be tough this year with it being on a Friday. I need to think of a place that no one would think of to go to on St. Patrick's day (like Chinese or something) LMC, successful at 39 years of avoiding green beer ;)
I was thinking that I have been listening to XM 52 every day since Wake discovered they were playing all Canadian music. Everyday! I can not believe the amount o new bands I have discovered thanks to that and C & J's show. Oh and I am STILL having problems with my Sirius receiver. It rained Saturday (first time since Oct 18, like 145 days or something) anyway; the satellite wouldn't work, because it rained??? If it were not for C & J's show, I would tell Sirius where they can stick their satellite radio.
Dan suggested he and I go to Washington DC to see all the museums. I have to go to a convention in Nov at Syracuse. We started talking about it as he asked me if I wanted him to go with me. I told him he would be bored in NY but maybe we could go somewhere after. Then he suggested we meet in DC. (Soul City-Partland Bros is on) I think this would be a great idea for us to finally have a vacation. Don't think I didn't try for Toronto though LOL! No, I hope we do it, it would be a great vacation. (Me, vacationing in a US city nowhere near the Canadian border-unbelievable! :))
Spring break around these parts making it very quiet-love it! I have orientations three days this week but fortunately they now end by noon. Last year we were lucky if we got back to office by 6pm. Ash and Wasef leave for SXSW today! Oh the memories there! I will have to blog that this week. They are so lucky; nearly every newer Canadian band is playing this year plus Sam Robert and Jon Auer! I told them if The Blaze was sending them, it was advisor orders that they must see at least one Canadian band. I know Wasef will, we'll see if Ash does-JK!
I booked our hotel in New Glasgow, NS yesterday. I have my eye on a lodge style place for our night in Cape Breton. I need to check with Missy, she and Hunter went to Sea World. I should have all reservations done by this weekend. Once that is done, I just need to save like crazy!
While Dan went dune riding this past weekend, I spend hours editing. I did do a few household chores as I always get sort of guilty if I don't do something else. It was so weird how I avoided editing at first because NOW I love it. I am so happy finding the little things that needed tweaking. I still need a grammar master to be sure. I am enjoying content cleaning, not comma usage! Oddly I still think I like the very first chapter the least. I need to find just one or two little sparks to make me satisfied with it. I struggle with introductions to characters I notice, like um...the main ones..
On Friday I got something I won on ebay that is rather unbelievable. I won a radio station compilation from Q104 (where Elise get's her first job of course) It has TWO Haywire songs on it I have NEVER heard before. 20 years later (ugh that sounds so horrible) 1986, my favorite year of Canadian music! I always remember being at the mall in London,ONT at Sam the record man searching for a list of bands that included Eye Eye, Glass Tiger and Haywire. Then my boyfriend at the time surprised me by showing up at that mall, while I was in that store. He had just gotten to London from Iowa. (We were there for a drag boat race. I'll have to think hard to remember how he figured out I was at the mall)
Tempe is the dumbest town known to man. They now have construction on Apache and University. Last week it took me an hour to get to work! I have rethought my approach. I have to get up earlier now, damn them and I actually take the freeway to work! This is for like the next two years. I have never, ever wanted to be one of those people who sit in traffic everyday. I have avoided it for all of my working years until now. GRRRRR
Oh yeah, I am turning 39 this week. I haven't really thought too much about my birthday. I am not upset about age or anything. Like I said last year, it was my mom who make sure to make my birthday special every year so it just becomes a day where I miss her, not like I don't suffer from that every day anyway. Dan tries, I know he does. Anyway, I'd like to go out to dinner but it will be tough this year with it being on a Friday. I need to think of a place that no one would think of to go to on St. Patrick's day (like Chinese or something) LMC, successful at 39 years of avoiding green beer ;)
I was thinking that I have been listening to XM 52 every day since Wake discovered they were playing all Canadian music. Everyday! I can not believe the amount o new bands I have discovered thanks to that and C & J's show. Oh and I am STILL having problems with my Sirius receiver. It rained Saturday (first time since Oct 18, like 145 days or something) anyway; the satellite wouldn't work, because it rained??? If it were not for C & J's show, I would tell Sirius where they can stick their satellite radio.
Dan suggested he and I go to Washington DC to see all the museums. I have to go to a convention in Nov at Syracuse. We started talking about it as he asked me if I wanted him to go with me. I told him he would be bored in NY but maybe we could go somewhere after. Then he suggested we meet in DC. (Soul City-Partland Bros is on) I think this would be a great idea for us to finally have a vacation. Don't think I didn't try for Toronto though LOL! No, I hope we do it, it would be a great vacation. (Me, vacationing in a US city nowhere near the Canadian border-unbelievable! :))
Thursday, March 09, 2006
"Music is my aeroplane"

Yesterday, with a tiny tear in my eye, I clicked accept on the reservations for a flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia via Continental airlines. 10 days, 9 nights to a destination that will be the farthest I will have ever traveled from home. Melissa is super excited; we spent last Sat plotting out where we will be each night so we can book hotels. Nova herself, who I met 20 years ago, calling herself Nova Scotia on the air is already booked on a flight and will join us for the last 4 days. This weekend I will finish booking the hotels as Missy and I will be hanging the first half of the trip in New Glasgow with my pal Jay who is helping us plan some day tripping to PEI and Cape Breton. I couldn't help but marvel at what a journey this novel has led me on in some many ways. On the Tuesday of the trip, we have deemed it "Bay Window" day, we are going to hit many of the locations I placed my characters in. (Except Peggy's Cove which we will save for when Nina gets there)
The iceberg DJ just said he went to see Jeff Martin of Tea Party at the Mod Club in TO last week and that Loverboy played after him. He said they did new material and said "they still have it, goods new stuff." When they were on the "Hit me baby one more time" show last summer, Reno seemed to be having a tough time singing.
Until the trip, not only do I need to keep saving dough (I haven't bought a CD in a few months!) I have been so swamped at work, ebb and flow...many times in this blog I joked about not having much work to do; now I am getting killed with three big projects all at once while still maintaining things like the radio station, the CV kids activities and teaching. The big three stomach churners are orientation; the summer broadcast high school deal (that is officially mine now, last year I was assisting) and finding 40 freshman to live in Cronkite Village next year in a month. They changed the deadline from May 1 to April 1 so I am pulling my hair out to find the right 40 incoming frosh in a short time. I have been getting a mailer ready for the last two days and personally calling leads all over the place to lure them in.. After school gets out, I have 40 kids and the summer deal is over, I will be able to breathe! And then I will leave for NS (think I will need it??)
Editing is going a little better with Bay Window. I have been kinda sick this week, missed work Tuesday and just laying low trying to kick it out of me. It has been a good chance to read and do a casual edit. I am enjoying it now and not afraid to pull poor sentences and stuff that was frivolous. I plan to rewrite a couple early scenes this weekend as Dan is heading to the Dunes. I will certainly do some chores but my main plan for the weekend is to edit (oh and those 8 hours I spend listening to those guys on the radio.
Dan wants me to go watch a show called I love Toys on VH1 so I am going to go check it out.
Jason Collett is on the radio! Maybe I will be seeing him in a few weeks. I love this song- "I'll bring the sun" (last CD I bought come to think of it!)
I have no idea how to get rid of the double post prior! Now the same DJ is talking about his My Space page. I will have to check it out later, I have been collecting bands on "jasper's" My Space. It is kinda fun, I thought Jon was crazy when he told me to set one up last year-that Jon he is always a head of the curve! I still think Jasper is the only dog on my space with his own email address! ;) You can write Jasper or Wicket, Jasper (at) or Wicket (at) Della doesn't have her own yet -LOL! We're talking about a dog that ate a razor this week and we had to rush her to emergency to have her x-rayed for it in her belly. She was fine, no razor...dumb Bassett hound...;)
Sunday, March 05, 2006
YHZ, here we come!

Darn old work has been keeping me from blogging-hee but this week I am grateful for work as I finally found out the fate of CV. All is well and CV will continue-Yeah! I have a ton more work to do before April to get it filled. Anyway, work is good plus dumb old orientations started again this week, I am scheduled for all of them except when the high school institutes are and when I go to Nova Scotia.
Speaking of said trip, Plans are really taking shape and within a day or two..I will have plane tickets! I certainly have been focusing my energies on research and plans. I always said I should have been a travel agent (although they are useless now thanks to the internet) Looks like we are flying with a layover in Newark and leaving a day sooner so as to not lose a day in travel there. Nina has her flight and hotel booked already. I need to make a few different reservations in the different towns we will be in before she arrives. It is becoming more a reality, which is making me sooo excited!
Letter number four on the C & J show last night, I am such a DORK! I just like to write and they just read um...I say they don't need to read them on the air. I always wrote letters to Ken Posie too, just fun..oh well, I need to lay off...but it was fun. Jay Sloan has so much of the same music taste as myself, I enjoy commenting on it. Today he was talking about how he can't get into a band if the singer isn't good/sweet sounding, which anyone who knows me has been true forever!
I have been doing some reading of Bay Window since some of it I haven't read in a few months. Not much editing still, Missy says I am overanalyzing it and worrying about it too much. I think it is not very fun. Although, I think I am going to take my very favorite scene and rewrite entire thing for fun and to clean it up. Some rewrites need to wait until I can make some NS impressions.
Not much more than work and passing out early lately. Oh, I did become an SMB legend last week which is yet another piece of evidence that I have lost all my social skills and entered dorkdom. Nah, I love it, I always had friends all over the country, this is another chance to meet other music people which has always been fun, I wonder about my old Posies pals but I fear getting started on their message board.. I thought I had fun observations for this blog but forgot them all now. Will work on that, after I nap ;)!

Darn old work has been keeping me from blogging-hee but this week I am grateful for work as I finally found out the fate of CV. All is well and CV will continue-Yeah! I have a ton more work to do before April to get it filled. Anyway, work is good plus dumb old orientations started again this week, I am scheduled for all of them except when the high school institutes are and when I go to Nova Scotia.
Speaking of said trip, Plans are really taking shape and within a day or two..I will have plane tickets! I certainly have been focusing my energies on research and plans. I always said I should have been a travel agent (although they are useless now thanks to the internet) Looks like we are flying with a layover in Newark and leaving a day sooner so as to not lose a day in travel there. Nina has her flight and hotel booked already. I need to make a few different reservations in the different towns we will be in before she arrives. It is becoming more a reality, which is making me sooo excited!
Letter number four on the C & J show last night, I am such a DORK! I just like to write and they just read um...I say they don't need to read them on the air. I always wrote letters to Ken Posie too, just fun..oh well, I need to lay off...but it was fun. Jay Sloan has so much of the same music taste as myself, I enjoy commenting on it. Today he was talking about how he can't get into a band if the singer isn't good/sweet sounding, which anyone who knows me has been true forever!
I have been doing some reading of Bay Window since some of it I haven't read in a few months. Not much editing still, Missy says I am overanalyzing it and worrying about it too much. I think it is not very fun. Although, I think I am going to take my very favorite scene and rewrite entire thing for fun and to clean it up. Some rewrites need to wait until I can make some NS impressions.
Not much more than work and passing out early lately. Oh, I did become an SMB legend last week which is yet another piece of evidence that I have lost all my social skills and entered dorkdom. Nah, I love it, I always had friends all over the country, this is another chance to meet other music people which has always been fun, I wonder about my old Posies pals but I fear getting started on their message board.. I thought I had fun observations for this blog but forgot them all now. Will work on that, after I nap ;)!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Careless Memories

First off today, you may note above magazine inclusions I have published here, wanna hear the wildest part to both of these. Until this week, I swear I have never seen either of these before. I have a pretty good memory (debatable this week also) but both these name in prints did not look the least bit familiar. Let's explain how these came up. After last week's C & J show, I started thinking I was at 1992 SXSW so I looked up my concert list and it said I went to a "Canadian band showcase" while there. Oh no...It did not say what bands and I start thinking, I could NOT have been at a Sloan show and not remember it , could I? I decide to find the program for that SXSW. I have my SXSW, CMJ, NMS etc programs together, but guess which one isn't there... So I am driven and obsessed as usual. I go to the race room and dig under the bed. (bin full of my Drive through playlists!) Under the bed bins full of old school reports, playlists from various radio gigs, etc.. Then the second bin was full of old magazines, even that old mag "Song hits" that just had lyrics to popular songs. I found a treasure trove of Canadian magazine as one can imagine. Hence where I found this letter above. That was from 1995. My bugged eyed obsession that night colminated with me scanning Sloan pictures until 1 in the morning. Do I worry myself- YES. But why can't I remember who I saw at this showcase at all? I know I went with an ex-jerk that year which may be why..I am wishing for rewind so bad in my memory files.
Friday we went to a lunch at work, came out of it to leave and the golf cart was panic for about an hour as to whether it got stolen. I would die if that had been true. Fortunately, security dorks moved it instead of leaving a note or ticket that I was parked in the wrong place. Yikes! A Cronk school secretary (who I think would kind of look like Elise would) found it for me because I had to give ten bizillion tours that afternoon.
Yesterday we went to Firebird for CSKs. I was fine until the Super Stockers started coming to the lanes, just the sight of the lanes and the sound of an open header Chevy motor got me very upset. It may have helped. Dan seems more determined to do it soon but we'll see...will my motor get placed in the car before Chinese Democracy is released? Dan bought me my b-day gift early, a new, much too $$ new race jacket. I needed it as my old one is stiff (I think it wasn't supposed to go to the dry cleaner as many times as I sent it with mom) I better still be racing for the money spent on new jacket (and I didn't get red!!) It was great to see my pals, I haven't seen Ryan or Lonnie since Oct! I also got to see Mark Oswald, my old favorite NHRA driver, he is crewing for a new driver. That made me happy!
Missy is going with me to NS! We spent Friday night finding hotel and researching airfares. We booked hotel, we already have rental car. We now just need hotel in New Glasgow and enough money to purchase plane tix. We found a decent flight on Continental that has lay over in Newark. The only other good option is Air Canada through Toronto but lay over is longer and it says terminal change, not sure if that means another wait in customs, etc.. Much as I would love to got to TO airport, guessing the Continental one will make more sense for us. I know it seems vain sounding but she is excited to see the places I wrote about and help me do the rest of my research. I need all the help I can get! Plus, bless her heart; she said she has never been on a trip where it has no family visiting involved. I am pleased to be the one to take her, even though technically I am family.
And speaking of the old novel, I also started editing this week-finally! By the end of the week, I realized I prefer skipping around on this task as opposed to going chapter by chapter...I need to go where the mood strikes me, not force things in areas I have not thought out yet. So I am more excited to do it now, plus I enjoy reviewing the research. All a fantastic experience, just as usual, things get in the way like trying to plan a garage sale, house cleaning..damn domestics ;)
I had two Cronkite Village dreams, a good indicator that my worries appear in my dreams.. I am worried, no decisions yet...more gray hair appears on my head.
C & J are playing a band called the mountain goats, that wins for worst band name of the week. And so goes the life of this red headed nutty gal in AZ....
Sunday, February 19, 2006
MOEV rhymes with Stove

Sunday morning, TF race #2 day and here I sit in the office listening to Chris and Jay. Rough weekend to say the least. Oddly at peace with not racing this morning. Maybe due to the Cinderpop on the radio, the cool breeze coming in the window or just my lack of sleep. Not to over dramatize but I do wonder when and if I will race again. Next weekend is the Nationals here in Phx, I am sure I will go Friday afternoon at least. Going to a national event has never been the same without mom. We'll see what kind of mood I am in next weekend. Will probably go Fri and Sat.
I have been pulling out all sorts of goodies to garage sale. Next weekend I will probably price the stuff while watching the race on TV Sunday night. Someday I will actually run Super Street and actually be racing it-right? Maybe I am suffering more than I let on.
Jay Sloan just mentioned Phil Seymour and Dwight Twilley on the show while talking about Cinderpop- Oh my!! Sigh, Jay knows his power pop! I think I followed that Cinderpop has a former member of Moev. Now that is cool, "Head Down" is still one of my favorite Canadian songs!
Ran into Scotty and Robin last week. They agreed to do The Blaze guest DJ week which is cool because I thought Robin had basically moved to NY but turns out he says he won't really be moving for a couple years yet. He was telling Missy and I about the recording of the new record and that Al Cafaro didn't like the mixes so they are going to have a different mixing team take it on. He said it may just end up being Jesse. He seemed bewildered why they didn't like the mixes at the label because John Hampton did they and John has done all their stuff. He said they had a great vibe recording the record. What a music year this potentially is, a new Blossoms record after 10 years, Jon Auer will finally put out a real solo record and then a new Sloan record?!?! I also talked to Scotty about finishing up some of my questions for my research. He says he will come by The Blaze so we can.
Dan watched the Sloan DVD with me yesterday (He put it on to get me to hang out with him LOL) He has never seen what they look like before I can not even repeat what he said to me after watching 500 Up.
I am very excited I am going to LA in April- I so need little mini vacations to get me through life. Work has had it's share of moments as of late so I welcome diversions and welcome a chance to get me out of the house lately. My hermit status has been returning lately. I want to be out this year, travel, see bands, experience more! I am going to see Jason Collett and Jon Brion which should be amazing. Andrew tells me David Usher is playing in LA but it is a Tuesday night, I can't with CV class on Wednesday. I need all my wits about me for class day with the villagers. I had to yell "Shut Up" in class this past week- that is ridiculous. I have to yell shut up to college students to get them to listen. Hence I need travel this year! Moving along with my NS plans also, I have the vacation days officailly off now, planning to purchase plane ticket soon. It looks like Missy is going too, she is excited to travel somewhere without having any obligations. She said she has never travelled anywhere just to see it. I am glad to be the one to take her, there is always that part of me who wanted to be a travel guide.
I have continued to get all my research for Bay Window in one place. It seems like it will be the best way for me to find what I need as I edit. I have yet to edit, I fear this maybe because I don't like change. I am worried I will lose the orginal which I will always value. So I am divising ways to edit without losing the original version. That maybe my hold up, I think about the changes I want to make everyday but feel like I need a huge shove to get to it. I am close, I think.. Hopefully once I start I will emerse myself in it the same way the original writing took me over. It is so silly because I have a ton of discs with the original on it and Missy has the entire thing in hard copy. My mind confuses me sometimes. One builds up crazy odd defenses.
Oh, Robin said they still don't know if they got the INXS tour or not. INXS is like a teeneybop band now because of JD which is just too weird. I guess it would be good for the Blossoms to be in front of big crowds. I am sure the my age women still go see INXS too, they should like the Blossoms theoretically also. Although in my life I went from hardcore INXS to the Blossoms, I am not so sure it is a good match. He did say they may do some stuff with Blues Traveller too which kinda makes more sense but less visible for them. This photo on this blog is one I found on ebay and I have NEVER seen it before.
OK now I am Pissed, my satellite just went out, it did last night also...I am so calling Sirius this week. I have a stupid antenna on my roof and it is still doing this. My XM antenna it sitting on top of the boombox with never a problem. Grr!
One more thing- In Get Out magazine this week, my pals over there have lists of power pop bands of the decades listed next to an article about Nada Surf and Supergrass coming to town this week. Under the 90's, the last two nicely typeset together were The Posies and Sloan- I felt a nod from the Get Out gang!
I must disagree with Jellyfish being in the 80's however, and the 80's were lacking some big boys!
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